The Beningning Of The Famous EmoSquad

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Ngl, this group is 100% my fav by far, enjoy this mess of a chatfic...

(Btw, seriously couldn't find an image that had just the members of the group so OoF)

- J -


2:36 am

Todoroki has created 'TheEmoSquad' and added Kaminari, Jirou and 3 others...

Todoroki has changed their name to 'TodoDaddy'and 5 others...

TodoDaddy: eLo

TodoDaddy: AnYoNe?

TodoDaddy: Father was right, i am a lonely bitch-

TodoDaddy: ItS sO cOLd OuTsIdE, iM aLoNe Im AlRiGhT!

MCC is online

MCC: TodoDaddy, u are not okay my friend

TodoDaddy: oH mY gOd! yOu MaDe iT

MCC: u out of all idiots should know that i never sleep

TodoDaddy: Fair enough, u got a point there-

KamiBae is online

TodoDaddy: KaMiS OnLiNe!

KamiBae: i cant sleep-

Spootify is online

Spootify: Lol, me neither dont worry

Shinsoup is online

Shinsoup: i never sleep, no sleep no worries

TodoDaddy: gotta agree with u there 'Shinsoup'


KamiBae: u mean 'Daddy'? lemme guess, u got auto correct on?

Shinsoup: how did you know-

KamiBae: im just built different

TodoDaddy: Hes not lying, he really is built different

EraserDaddy is online

EraserDaddy: Todoroki

TodoDaddy: yes...?

EraserDaddy: Good job, keep it up

EraserDaddy is offline

MCC: im definetly having some crazy hallucinations right about now, and boy is some crazy shit happening...

PidgeonMan: Im your Daddy


Spootify: Uhh, whatever you say Tokoyami...Also TodoDaddy what does MCC even stand for?

TodoDaddy: oH, MCC stands for My Chemical Crow-mance

Spootify: rcfvgbhnj hfrcg hjkh hj

Shinsoup: Daddy, i think you killed Jirou...

TodoDaddy: Welp, thats another wish ive helped someone achieve

KamiBae: Wait, wdym?

TodoDaddy: nUh, too precious u no need to kNoW

KamiBae: Damn, that hurt

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