B-Squad plays Minecraft - K -

74 2 0

DislexicPikachu added TodorokiS to 'WetDog'
DislexicPikachu changed TodorokiS to 'My Husbando'

DislexicPikachu: guys
DislexicPikachu: guys
DislexicPikachu: guys

DuckettyTape: What do want

DislexicPikachu: guys
DislexicPikachu: oh hey hanta

DuckettyTape: What do want
^ DuckettyTape: Once again, what do you want

DislexicPikachu: i want to play minecraft wit everyon
DislexicPikachu: help me get them online

DuckettyTape: @JustDance @Shakirashima @Pimp @My Husbando
DuckettyTape: Mr pikachu here wants us all to play minecraft.

Shakirashima: Im up for playing some minecraft

JustDance: Hey everyone
JustDance: Hanta❤️
Shakirashima: Im up for playing some minecraft
^ JustDance: Same here
JustDance: Im a pro finding axolotls

My Husbando: Wait hold up
My Husbando: Im joining

DislexicPikachu: MY HUSBAND 😩
DislexicPikachu: ok ill my da world
- seen -


World Name : sports cars grow Brrr
- Generating world    -

Cellophane joined the game
Area91Alien Joined the game
ColdSoba Joined the game
SharkBaite Joined the game

After joining the world, everyone went off in small visible directions to collect wood, make crafting tables and get stone tools. Sero started making a fence for an animal farm while Mina pushed sheep and cows in the direction of his fences. Kirishima started to mine a staircase down into the ground while Todoroki followed after with his stone pickaxe and torches. Denki dumbly ran around the area and fell into a hole, then realising there was a spawner.


kamicchu: GUYYYYYS
kamicchu: HELLPPPP MEEEEE!!!

Cellophane: nice!

ColdSoba: im coming to help

kamicchu: thank chu :D

ColdSoba: denki what are your coords?

kamicchu: 843, 45, 258

ColdSoba: thanks

Todoroki climbed the blocky stairs to the surface, fighting a zombie and a spider along the way. Todoroki ran past Mina and continued on, stopping every now and then to eat. Slowly coming up to the hole Denki was in, he looked down at his boyfriend. Denki un-crouched and looked up, punching a fist as if to say hi. Todoroki dug his way down, leaving a staircase for Denki to use to get out. Using the torches Todoroki made earlier, he lit the spawner up then followed Denki up the stairs to the surface, not forgetting to write down the coordinates to the spawner.

LordExplodo joined the game

kamicchu: oh ****

SharkBaite: oh heyyy

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