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Mckenna hovers her mouse over the checkout button on her laptop contemplating whether or not she should actually buy the tickets that are sitting in her cart. The expensive tickets weren't the reason for her hesitation, it's what will happen if she actually does go. 

She takes a deep breath and clicks the 'pay' button and a second later the confirmation code of her payment showed up on the screen. Mckenna sighed knowing exactly what she had just done, slight regret started to make its way to the surface.  

She slams her laptop closed and jumps out from the top bed from the bunkbed and quickly heads downstairs looking for Alexa. 

"Lex?" Mckenna says out loud walking in the kitchen. 

"Hmm?" Lex answers while focusing on the sandwich that she was currently putting together. 

"You're going to love me so much," Mckenna informs her with a smirk playing on her face. 

Lex took a second to look at the brunette beside her, "I highly doubt that." 

The brunette slaps Lex's arm playfully, "rude." The blonde then rolled her eyes in response and dust her hands off the bread crumbs, "seriously what did you do?" she asks her friend who's smirk only grew.

"Your beloved Avengers cast is in town," Mckenna starts knowing how much Lex is obsessed with the Avengers. "Oh yeah I know, they have comic con on Wednesday," the blonde responds after swallowing the first bite of her sandwich. 

"So are you free Wednesday to go then?" Mckenna smiles asking Lex nonchalantly. 

"Yeah I thi-" the blonde quickly interrupts herself realizing what the brunette was implying, "Oh my goodness! You can't be serious?!" 

Mckenna only smirks at her as a response, enjoying herself too much. 

"Mckenna Thorn James, you better not be joking right now!" Lex half-shouted at the brunette who only shrugged her shoulders in response. "So are you coming with me or not?" 

"Is that even a question? Also, how the heck did you even pay for that? General admission alone cost so much already." Lex exclaimed completely forgetting about her sandwich on the kitchen counter. 

"I have my sources. Anyway, we have general admission to their conference, we get to go up to the panel for poster signatures, and then I got us some meet & greet pictures." Mckenna list off the itinerary, completely oblivious to her friend who's freaking out beside her. 

"In two days I get to meet the Infinity Wars cast. Oh my gosh!" The blonde yells jumping around making the brunette chuckle before leaving her friend alone. 

Mckenna heads back upstairs and as soon as she closes her bedroom door she exhales heavily. 

 "What did I just do?" she quietly asks herself and then shakes her thoughts away, "it shouldn't be too bad, right?"


The last two days have both gone by fast and excruciatingly slow at the same time for the teenager. 

Mckenna and Alexa had just found their seats at the conference at comic con for The Avengers' cast. The two were seated 4 rows from the front row and Mckenna started feeling her hands get clammy. 

Alexa is too busy freaking out and rambling about how this has always been her dream, completely not paying attention to the brunette who's clearly in distress. After a few minutes, the main lights were turned off leaving the headlights pointed to the panel to be the only ones left on. The host of the panel started introducing the cast and when a specific name was called Mckenna couldn't help but let out a quiet gasp that only she herself heard. 

The room around Mckenna suddenly felt a lot smaller to her, she reaches out to the necklace around her neck as she stares at the woman on the stage who left the piece of jewelry with her when she had dropped her off at the shelter when she was baby. The brunette's eyes never left the woman on stage for the entirety of the conference not giving a care about what's happening around her or what was being talked about, unless the woman herself talked. 

Crew workers started ushering fans who had a pass for the poster signing to line up by the stage so the two teenagers shows their passes. 

Mckenna quickly took her necklace off keeping it in the palm of her hands. Alexa went first and Mckenna follows along after her. After the first four actors who signed Mckenna's poster, which she frankly did not care for, she finally was face to face with the woman she came here for. 

Scarlett Johansson. 

"Hi sweetie, what's your name?" the woman asked softly which only pissed off the teenager more. 

Scarlett frowns slightly seeing the cold expression on the teenager's face, "Is everything alright honey?"

"I only came here to give this back to you," the teenager informs her before throwing her necklace on the table, the piece of jewelry landing right in front of Scarlett. 

"Stop calling every Friday for updates and stop sending me money like I'm some kind of charity case to you." 

It took a few seconds before Scarlett finally realize what the teenager had told her and another few seconds before it dawned on her who the teenager in front of her was. 

"Mckenna?" Scarlett whispers quietly but the teenager had heard her. 

 "Stop all your communications to my life. You lost that right the moment you decided to abandon me." Mckenna tells her through gritted teeth before storming off leaving her friend, Alexa, confused. 

Mckenna locked herself in a bathroom stall trying to force herself not to let the tears escape her eyes and swallowing the lump in her throat to prevent a sob from making its way out. The brunette felt as if someone had just ripped her heart from her insides and put it through the grinder. In the last two days, it never occurred to her how painful it would be to actually come face to face with the woman who birthed her. 

Back to the Avengers panel, the older blonde couldn't keep up with all the different emotions that bubbled inside of her. 

Scarlett couldn't believe she had just met her oldest daughter, she didn't have enough time to fully take in the teenager's appearance but she didn't have to because it's safe to say the younger one was a spitting image of herself. Mckenna even sounded just like her, low deep raspy voice. 

Truly, Scarlett regretted her choice to leave Mckenna behind the moment that she did but she couldn't do anything about it. She was a teenager herself when she had Mckenna, she didn't know how to raise a baby and she was convinced someone else would give Mckenna the life and unconditional love she deserved. Although Scarlett didn't have any clue just how wrong she was. 

Right then and there, Scarlett made a promise to herself that this time around, she will not let go of Mckenna again. 

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