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"If I find out you're lying to me I swear you'll regret it, do you understand me?"

"I under-" I start but a voice cuts me off.

"What's going on here?"

"Lizzie," Colin immediately lets go of my arm, "nothing's going on. McKenna and I were just talking." 

I'm sure even Rose won't believe him. What kind of cover-up is that? 

I cradle my arm close to my chest since I feel the spot he was grabbing still throbbing. 

"That didn't look like nothing Colin." Aunt Lizzie states crossing her arms over her chest staring Colin down. 

I swallow thickly from her tone. I know her stern accusing tone wasn't directed to me but shit is pretty scary and intimidating. 

Colin sighs, "I promise McKenna here I won't say anything but I was just sorta scolding her since she was being really disrespectful with me. But we're okay now." 

What the fuck? Are you fucking serious right now? 

I look over at him internally shaking my head. What a fucking dickhead. 

"It doesn't matter if McKenna was at a wrong, you don't fucking lay a hand on anybody, let alone a child Colin." 

"Yes, yes I know. My emotions just got the best of me when she cursed. I'm sorry McKenna, it won't happen again." He looks over at me and almost threatens me with his eyes. I just nod at him to show that I agree along with him. 


With that, he walks out of the kitchen leaving Lizzie and me. 

I turn around to fill up my glass with water once again and avoid Aunt Lizzie's observant stare. "I call bullshit on his excuse. From what I heard, you're not someone to ever be rude at an adult let alone curses at them." She says quietly and softly once she was standing beside me. 

"Well believe it. I was at a wrong." I told her trying to get her off our case. 

"Kenz," she plays a hand on my shoulder and turns me around slightly to look at her, "if Colin is hurting you, you need to tell me, tell Scarlett." 

"Aunt Lizzie, he isn't hurting me. That was a one-time thing, I pushed him over the edge and he lost it," the lie easily comes out of my mouth and I'm sure it's believable. I had to make excuses like these all my life, I've been trained to make sure no one questions anything. 

"Fine. But I still have to tell Scarlett." I shake my head at that, "no please don't tell her." 

"Well if it meant nothing and if it was a one-time thing, then Scarlett knowing shouldn't be a big deal." Lizzie challenges. 

"I don't want her to worry about nothing. Plus I also don't want her and Colin to get into an argument about it. I promise if it happens again, I will personally tell mom." I bargain and she looks like she'll settle down for my bargain. 

"Fine. You better. Also, I love being your Aunt Lizzie," she smirks making me blush before a small smile forms on her face, "you know she's been dying to hear you call her 'mom'?" 

I sigh looking away, "it'll take time." Aunt Lizzie softly holds my chin and turns my face back to face her, "I know you're scared she'll leave you again and I know that's the reason why you haven't called her mom or let your walls down fully with her. But I promise you that she won't leave you, not again. Trust me on this." 

How the hell does she know that? What the heck? I search her eyes for any lies but I don't find any. I trust her and I really want to believe her but everyone in my life has left me and that past trauma is something I'm still working on. 

"I trust you. I'm working on believing it," I simply state and she nods before kissing my forehead softly. "That's all I need to hear." 

She takes my hand and leads me back to the living room where everyone was at. "Kenz, you ready to start school this coming week?" Scarlett questions with a soft smile. 

"Ugh please don't remind me of school. I still have a day and a half of freedom." I groan out making everyone laugh. 

"But school is fun!" Rose excitedly says. 

"That's because you don't have to do as much work as I have to bubba," I tell her making her pout slightly. "You don't play all day long?" the toddler asks. 

"No playing bubs, all the older students have to do a lot of work instead but sometimes we make it fun don't worry," I reassure her which she happily accepts. 

"Since tomorrow is Sunday, why don't we go back to school shopping?" Scarlett offers and I agree happily. 

For some reason, back-to-school shopping has always been my favorite. There's something about buying school supplies that makes me happy, I have no idea why. 

"You're a sophomore, right? Did you get your timetable yet?" Aunt Lizzie asks and I nod, "what courses do you have?" she asks and I pull out my phone. 

I go to my email and pull up the timetable that was sent to me, "I have 7 courses, AP Chem, AP English Lit, Dance, Spanish Honours, Algebra 2 Honours, Theatre, and Prep for PSAT." 

"Damn girl, why did you pick such hard courses?" Aunt Lizzie asks bewildered. 

"I gotta make sure I get accepted into universities," I chuckled. 

"Those are tough courses though, especially having to do them all together. I want to make sure you don't push yourself too hard. I know how physically and mentally exhausting it can get." Scarlett points out and my heart melts once again with her caring words. 

"I'll be okay, I kinda always knew this was how my high school life will look like. Plus, I don't fully hate school," I laugh making them shake their head. "I know I saw your grades from your previous school, pretty impressive," Scarlett boost making me slightly blush. 

"Oh speaking of the previous school, I used to play in the basketball team and I guess the coach from my new school saw the videos that I had sent over when we did my application. So he actually emailed me and offered me a position at the Girls Varsity Basketball team," I bite my lip restraining the huge smile that I have on my face. 

"That's amazing! Oh my gosh!" Aunt Lizzie says excitedly and pulls me into a side hug since she's beside me. 

"Varsity?! Damn baby girl! I'm so proud of you," Scarlett beams like a proud mother and pulls me into a tight hug. She sits backs down once she pulls away, "I saw that they have the girls team and then the varsity. You must be really good for them to offer you a place in the varsity team." 

"I know I was shocked when I got the email, but I'm so excited to play!" I exclaimed and then I hear Colin finally speak up, "Congrats McKenna, I gotta see you in court play, see what the hype is all about." 

I internally roll my eyes and I hear  Aunt Lizzie quietly scoff beside me, "thanks, Colin. I'd love for y'all to come to one of my games." I say politely. 

"Of course love, we'll try to make sure we'll be at all your games." 

"Are you joining any other extracurricular activities?" Lizzie asks and I feel her play the ends of my hair on my back. 

"Yeah, I was thinking of joining the dance team which I have to talk about with my dance teacher since she's also the coach of the dance team. I also emailed the other clubs that I found interest in but I haven't heard anything back from them." 

"Remember, don't overflow your plate. You need to make sure you relax sometimes," Scarlett reminds me. 

"I know mo-, Scar," I quickly correct myself hoping she doesn't pick up on the word that almost slipped out but from her slightly disappointed face I knew she clearly heard it. 


A/N: This was a little filler/slightly fluff chapter. Sorry if it was sorta boring but I needed to set up school first because it'll become a big part of McKenna's life! 

I've never done such deep character research as I have with McKenna and I'm excited about it. 

What do y'all think?

Stay safe y'all! 

- C

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