Chapter 18- Word Gets Out

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**TW // eating disorders

The latter half of this chapter alludes to Taylor's ED. It's pretty subtle, but I would still advise people suffering/recovering from EDs to skip that part. On that note, I think everyone deserves to read this quote I found: "Your greatest responsibility in life is to love yourself and know that you are enough."

Taylor sat at the Grand piano that stood in the corner of her living room. After Joe had left for the airport, she decided to return to her Tribeca apartment to check on the renovation process. At this point nearly everything was completed except for some minor changes to the kitchen floor plan.

She was currently fiddling around on the keys, trying to sort out the melody that had been floating in and out of her head the past couple of days. Though she would never admit it, Joe had become a wonderful muse. There was some inexplicable quality to him that made lyrics flood Taylor's brain.

Being back at the piano bench felt somewhat strange. For the past year or so, Taylor had mysteriously felt uninspired and unmotivated to write. After she had wrapped up the '1989 Tour', her creative edge had disappeared. Now, thanks to a certain opal-eyed Londoner, she was finding it again.

Taylor was just about finished with the bridge of what she was currently titling "Delicate" when the chime of a text message interrupted her. She quickly reached for her phone, hoping to see a text from Joe. He had promised to message her when his plane landed. Taylor was, however, disappointed to see a text from Tree instead. A message from Tree was never a good thing. She only reached out when shit hit the fan. And so, with bated breath, Taylor read the message.



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Fuck! I should've seen this coming. Tree even warned me. God, every single publication is going to eat this news up. I probably made Perez Hilton's fucking day. I can already see the headlines: "Pop-superstar Taylor Swift Ends Yet Another Summer Romance", "Tom Hiddleston Finally Free From The Trainwreck That Is Taylor Swift", "The Downfall of 'Hiddleswift' is The Tragedy We All Saw Coming."

I hate that I'm essentially allergic to men. I hate that everyone has a front-row seat to my failed love life. I hate that I can't control the narrative.

In dramatic fashion, Taylor banged her head against the piano keys. This, unfortunately, only resulted in a headache. It did, however, provide some momentary relief from her current frustration.

Taylor stayed in this peculiar position for another minute or so, thinking back to Tree's words. She needed to control the narrative. Spin the headlines. Show the world that she didn't give a shit.

And so, with that, Taylor hastily sent a message back to Tree.


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