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Taylor, winded from her rant, looked down at Joe expectantly, cursing herself for being so goddamn impulsive. Why did she have to go ahead and confess her feelings like ~that?

To her dismay Joe said nothing. He just stood there, grinning like a fucking devil. It was bewildering to see him so unfazed by her outburst. If anything, it had appeared that he was elated to see her in such disarray.

"Is that all you have to say for yourself?" Taylor hissed. "Or are you just going to continue grinning like a total freak?"

Still keeping his smile intact, Joe brought a hand to Taylor's cheek. His opal eyes were overflowing with happiness. "I love you too," he breathed.

Taylor felt her heart skip a beat and then leap out of her chest. "You? me?" she stammered, still convinced that she had misheard him.

"Yeah," Joe affirmed, his voice stronger, more certain this time. "I love you, Taylor."

"Oh my God," she croaked, her eyes now welling up with tears. "You love me!"

"I do," Joe beamed.

Taylor wasn't sure if she leaned in first or if that was Joe's doing, but the next thing she knew she and Joe were kissing more passionately than ever before. It was like they were seeing each other for the first time, sharing the same breath. Taylor could feel Joe's smile in his lips as he explored new creases and crevices.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, unclasping her bra. His words were loaded with such sincerity that in that moment, Taylor did feel beautiful. Like the most beautiful girl in the world.


"Woah," Joe panted, falling back onto the mound of sheets and blankets after their marathon of sex.

"I know," Taylor rejoiced, still out of breath, and still riding the highs of her last orgasm.

"We've always been amazing together," Joe exhaled, "but that was out of this world."

Taylor knew exactly what he was talking about. This time their bodies had moved to a new rhythm, connected by a new force Their last three rounds of intercourse could only be categorized as a religious experience. Joe kept worshipping the altar that was Taylor's hips, to the point that she found herself begging the Lord for mercy.

The pair continued to lay side by side in a comfortable silence as they caught their breaths. Every once in a while, one of them would let a giggle slip out, brimming with so much happiness that it simply couldn't be contained.

Smiling to himself, Joe flipped onto his side so that he could face Taylor. He pulled a loose strand of hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. He just couldn't resist. "I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," Taylor breathed back. Her words were softer this time, no longer threaded with anxiety.

"I've been wanting to say that for a long time," Joe confessed.

"Really? How long?" Taylor asked eagerly.

Joe licked his lips. "Probably the moment we first met."

"Are you kidding me?" Taylor squealed. "There's no way! I was such a fucking mess back then."

"You say that like you're not a fucking a mess right now," Joe retorted.

"Shut up! I can't believe I'm in love with such a dickhead," Taylor roared, playfully smacking him in the face.

"Well, before I was so rudely interrupted, I was going to say that my feelings for you were hard to shake off. I kept thinking about you the entire summer. I tried to get rid of my feelings while I was on a backpacking trip with my mates, but it was no use. My brain kept replaying the conversation we had in LA and every time you played me in scrabble I was reminded of how fucking funny and wicked smart you were. I sorta downplayed my feelings, but when I saw you in person again at "Lovers of Today" I knew for certain that I was in love with you. I couldn't deny it anymore."

The Cruelest SummerWhere stories live. Discover now