~chapter thirteen~

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My brain is still boggled. Truthfully, I had known that the woman I killed was Silvias mother, but I didn't care. She was an obstacle, if she found Silvia, she would take her away. So I simply got rid of her.

But I didn't think that would lead to this. Innocent little Silvia, turned into a murderer just like the rest of us. On one side, I felt kind of proud. I caused her to snap, to become just like us. Now there's nothing that can truly take her away from me. But on the other side, I feel a bit guilty. I took away that sweet innocent aspect of her that I admired so intensely.

Hell, she didn't even seem all that mad. This must've been a soothing thing for her, and who doesn't love a good coping mechanism. All I want to do is talk to her, and ask her how she felt. I don't feel sorry for killing her mother. I wonder why I feel so attached to her. I just want her all to myself.

And damn, she looked real pretty in red..


Stepping out of the shower, I cringed. I always hated the water, it always sticks to my fur and makes my body feel so heavy. I stared at myseld in the mirror, thinking. Looking through the drawers, I found a pair of scissors. Some change was in order, and I place the scissors to my hair. Just above the shoulder would be nice.

After cutting my hair and tossing the dead strands into the trash, I admired my new look. Less hair means less mess. Seemed good to me. With that, I wrapped myself up in a towel and left the bathroom.


It was a couple hours before Toby returned. He entered the room, looking tired. He removed his goggles and mask, allowing me to see his pale face. Meeting my eyes, he smiled widely and sat down beside me.

"Heya Silvy! You're up late, huh?" He chuckled, but stopped when I didn't react. My unblinking eyes stared into his, and he tilted his head. "What's the matter? Are you alright?" He asked slowly, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I responded in a monotone voice. It was so unlike me that I even freaked myself out. Tobys face became even more concerned than before, and he grabbed my hand.

"Silvia, if somethings wrong then I want to help," he said, pausing from a short twitch. "I don't want you to be upset." The concern in his eyes was real, and I caved. It would be mean of me to leave him in the dark.

"I killed someone." I sighed, and I felt him tense up. With my free hand I pointed to the axe, which was now slightly brown and crusty from drying blood. He glanced at it, then back to me. I couldn't quite read his expression, and he didn't speak for a few minutes.

"I see.." he said slowly, still not letting go of my hand. "It's tough the first time, huh?" I hesitated before replying, still not moving a muscle.

"No, no... not tough.." I said, shaking my head slightly. "Overwhelming.. that's the word." It became harder and harder to read his expression. He couldn't be mad at me, I mean how many people had he killed? Much more than me, that's for sure. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me.

"It.. hurts me that you've lost that innocence.." He spoke softly. "..But.. maybe that's a good thing? You'd lose your mind if you remained that way here.." His voice seemed to trail off as if he was deep in thought.

"Huh..?" I felt an array of emotions assault my mind as he said that. "Hurt you? Innocence? Do.. do you know me?" I could barely string together a sentence that would convey the confusion I was experiencing, and I watched as Toby regained attention, seeming to snap back to real life.

"Ah- I-I didn't mean it that way!" His voice was suddenly deeply apologetic, and he reached out to grab my hand, twitching nervously. "I just.. I thought it was cool you weren't.." The nervousness seemed to halter his ability to think out a full sentence, and he once more trailed off into silence, staring into my eyes pleadingly. I took a breath. I just killed a man, now is not the time to be offended by bad wording.

"It's fine.." I muttered, returning his gesture of holding hands. He appeared relieved, but through his goggles I could see that unnerved glint in his eyes. I had frightend him. "..I'm going to head downstairs. I'll see you later." I kept my voice steady as I stood, and he gave a small wave.

As I walked down the hall, my mind raced. Everything that had happened recently suddenly seemed to hit me out of nowhere. The deaths, the strange behaviour, this place.. I can't stay here anymore. What was I thinking? I'm not a killer, I'm just a girl. My legs seemed to react to my thoughts as my pace increased, rapidly approaching the door.

"Where do you think you're going?"

silver tail (creepypasta fanfiction) (being revised)Where stories live. Discover now