~chapter one~

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The sun poured into my small bedroom, and I awoke from my sleep. I sat up slowly, yawning and rubbing my eyes. They were still blurry with sleep as I looked around. After a moment I smiled gently, remembering it was the weekend. No plans, but maybe I should make some. Rising from bed, I dragged myself across the room and towards my desk.

I grabbed my phone and called my best friend, Aqua. She was a cat person just like me, and we've been the best of friends ever since we were young. There's no one else in the world I'd rather spend this day with.

"You're up early! What's up?" Her voice sounded sleepy, and it was clear she had also recently waken up. We always seemed to be in sync with one another, even when apart.

"We're going hiking today, 11:30." I responded, my energy finally starting to build. Hiking was my favorite activity, being outdoors in the freedom of nature. Not sure if it's just the cat in me, but the wilderness and it feels just as much like home as my house does. "Got it?"

"Got it." She agreed without question, as per usual. We hung up, and I turned around to face my closet. There wasn't a crazy selection, and even though we were going hiking I still wanted to dress well. The autmn weather would need something warm, so I grabbed my black turtleneck. Over top of that, I wore my light blue dress which came down just above my knee. It was cute, but still able to handle some physical activity.

I headed downstairs, turning on the TV and listening to the news while I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Another murder has occurred in the city of Quintin, a 23 year old woman on..." Another murder in the city next to mine? That's like the 3rd one in only a few months, surely they'll catch the guy soon. You can only commit so many crimes before you're found out.

Scarfing down my breakfast, soon it was time for us to meet up. I walked out the door, prepared for my adventure.


I took a deep breath of fresh forest air, the pine and maple scents making me all giddy. My excitement had only climbed the more I waited, but it was all worth it, nothing could be better than this. Aqua felt similarly as she bounded down the path alongside me, a smile on her face.

"Hey Silvia, I have an AMAZING idea!" Aqua said, pausing. I had heard that voice of hers before, the tone that told me that no, she did not have an amazing idea. However, I nodded encouragingly anyways, as getting into mischief was always fun too. "Let's go off the path! Maybe we can find something cool!"

I peered into the trees, noting how it seemed to get darker the further it went on. Before I could reply, Aqua began running into the woods, and I chased after her, laughing all the while. I'm her friend, I won't her get eaten by a bear on her own. We ventured deeper and deeper, light having a hard time penetrating the thick leaves and branches above us. Soon it was almost hard to believe it was still daylight.

"Uh.. Aqua, we might've gone too far." I murmured, and we finally stopped to really take in our surroundings. The darkness was almost suffocating, and the two of us clung close to one another, wondering if something would pop out of the shadows.

Suddenly, a shape came into view, far in the distance, I could barely see what it was, until it began to get close and I realized it was a person. Aqua didn't see it though, as she was focused on another area. I tried to speak but I couldn't get my voice to work. The figure began walking faster and faster, until it was running.

My feet were frozen to the ground, and the figure pulled out a knife. I need to run.. my feet feel like bricks. Why can't I move them? Our eyes locked with one another and I pushed Aqua out of the strangers way.

silver tail (creepypasta fanfiction) (being revised)Where stories live. Discover now