~chapter six~

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I paced back and forth, trying to calm down. How could I let Silvia see me like that? She looked so scared! Poor thing might've run away for all I know, and I've just been pacing here the whole time!-

knock knock

Slowly turning towards the door, I took a step towards it before carefully opening it. To my relief Silvia was there, along with Toby. Thank goodness she hadn't run away, then we wouldn't be able to play games together anymore!...And the whole mansion as we know it would probably be doomed. I got my priorities straight.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that!" Before I knew it I was blurting out a pathetic apology, but even still she looked at me with kind eyes. Surely she was also relieved to see that I was clean now.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I didn't knock." Silvia laughed softly, her face going red, and somehow it was a bit cute. She nodded to Toby, who waved goodbye and pranced off into the mansion. I'm so glad Silvia is making friends, I wouldn't want her getting lost or hurt.. only because Slenderman would be pressed. "Alright.. wanna play a game or something?" She asked, placing an unknown something into her backpack that I'd lent her.

"Sure. How's 'bout something less competitive so I don't have to kick your butt every. single. time." I dramatized, snickering as her face twisted into one of false offense, turning away from me with a gasp.

"Oh whatever, I bet it's fun for you." She remarked, crossing her arms and glaring but even with all her pretend anger, she still couldn't hold back a giggle. After laughing together, we turned to our selection and eventually picked out a platformer neither of us had ever heard of before, which was strange for me!

As we began to play, it was obvious she had played many platformers in the past. The way she effortlessly jumped from platform to platform despite the kind of sloppy controls was decently impressive, and I couldn't help but steal a glance at her focused face.

She hardly noticed my semi-staring as her determined yellow eyes were fixed to the screen, her mind entirely lost in the world of the game. It reminded me of when I was alive, I could always lose myself in whatever landscape they built for me. Now I am cursed to be bound to one game cartridge for alllll eternity, fun.

Quite soon Silvia began to grow sleepy, yawning and becoming a bit more messy as she played. After some convincing she agreed to save and go to bed for now, and she practically fell into the bed, snoring in mere seconds. It was impressive, but she hadn't even bothered to get under the blankets, and so to be nice I floated over and tucked her in. She seemed to smile slightly as I did so, and I smiled without thinking.

Of course, I was extremely happy to have Silvia as a friend, but a small part of me wished maybe we could have a little more than friendship. Now it would never work out exactly, I'm hundreds of thousands of years old and she's just.. some mortal. I really have no buisness dabbling in her life any more than I already have, what with having brought her here and making her stay with me and all that. Me and Silvia got along pretty well as friends, and if we can keep playing games together I'm perfectly fine with that, and I'll push my feelings down to keep her by my side.



I paced outside of Ben's room, impatiently tapping my knife against my leg. He had promised that we would hang out tonight, and I was holding him to it. Just because the prophecy is impending doesn't mean he has to spend all his time around her now. We're still friends, at least I hope.

Finally, unable to handle it anymore I opened the door and walked in. Before I could speak, I heard a swift 'Shh!' and saw Ben hovering just above Silvia, pointing at her sleeping figure. Confused I looked between the two of them.

"What are you doing??" I whispered, grabbing Ben by the neck and pulling him out into the hallway, where my voice got slightly louder. "Seriously, you don't need to watch her sleep Ben, that sounds more like a me thing anyways." I grumbled, and Ben closed the door.

"I wasn't! I was just making sure she was sleeping." He explained, though I wasn't all convinced. There was no need for him to fuss over her like she was a child, she's a grown adult.

"She doesn't need your help sleeping, now come on." I began walking down the hallway, and Ben begrudingly followed, groaning loudly. This was going to be a long night.



My morning was slow, Ben was nowhere to be seen but I didn't let that deter me from trying to find the kitchen. Luckily the smell of the mornings cooking was not hard to follow, and in no time I found myself in that small kitchen where Toby, Aqua, and Jane were already sitting. Uppn joining them, Toby was the first to greet me.

"Hey Silvia! After we eat do you want to go for a walk?" He looked as though he would explode from excitement, and the other two giggled, seeming to know something I did not. However, I nodded quickly, smiling at the oppurtunity to get back out in that amazing forest without the threat of nightfall.

"More than anything!!" I replied with matching excitement, Tobys contagious enthusiam hitting me like a train, and food was set down infront of us. Today there was eggs, hash browns, and toast. A fine meal, nothing burnt this time around. In fact it was all quite delicious, and I felt incredibly energized for my day out with Toby. He and I eagerly made our way to the door, and we exited alongside each other, the strange effect of the vanishing mansion occuring once more.

"Let's go!!" He grabbed my hand suddenly and began racing through the forest, I did my best to keep up though I almost tripped a few times. Finally we stopped at a thick thorn wall lined with blue and red roses that stretched for miles on either side. It was unlike anything I had ever seen.

"Toby, what is-" I went to speak but he shushed me and pointed to what seemed to be a.. crawl space? He didn't wait for me, diving down and going through. Not wanting to be left on my own on the opposite end, I followed after him. Some thorns pricked my tail, but I managed to get through unscathed. Dusting off my clothes, I looked up and gasped at the sight before me..

silver tail (creepypasta fanfiction) (being revised)Where stories live. Discover now