~chapter four~

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I awoke to the sound of rustling, and I opened my eyes slowly. Not registering a thing that had happened the previous day, I shot upwards when I didn't recognize the room, but I relaxed once more when I saw Ben folding some clothes. I could have sworn that I'd fallen asleep on the chair previously.. had Ben carried me into the bed? Where did he sleep last night??

"Mornin'." He drawled, still sounding as though he were trying to wake up. "Hope the bed wasn't too uncomfortable, but I couldn't just leave ya sittin' there. I haven't used that thing in a few.. hundred? Years.." Ben chuckled, and I shook my head, feeling warm at the thought that he had cared enough to tuck me into bed.

"It was perfect, thank you." I replied, rubbing my eyes and rising, fixing the now rustled blankets. ".. wait, if you don't use your bed, where do you sleep?"

Ben snickered once more, shaking his head. "I don't really need to sleep. Not anymore, anyways." Then he hovered over to the same gold cartridge from the night prior, and I watched as he gingerly picked it up as though it were made of glass. "Instead, I prefer to spend my nights in here. Really kept the room quiet so you could get some sleep. Now, are you hungry?"

"Yes!" My voice spoke faster than I could think and I bounced up, and I wanted to get dressed but realized that I had none of my clothes. If I ever got to go back outside, I made a mental note to go back home and grab some clothes. For now, I simply pulled my dress back over the turtleneck and shorts I still had on, and followed Ben down the stairs. The sheer amount still baffled me- I only had one measly flight of stairs, this one put it to shame.

In the kitchen, two men stood at the stove, looking incredibly focused. One wore a white mask, the other an orange hoodie. I sidestepped them, and I heard Ben whisper. "That's Masky and Hoodie. It's their day to make breakfast, do not say a word about the bacon." Giving one last weary look at the two stangers, we approached the table.

A person wearing orange goggles and a facemask was sitting on one side, and to the other was... Jeff. Uncomfortable, Ben sat between me and Jeff, while I sat beside this new stranger. I glanced in his direction, giving a small wave but he did not acknowledge me, although I was unsure if he could even see me and I decided to just keep to myself. It was pretty quiet, I was surprised to see how little were in the kitchen at all, and just how small this whole area was compared to that incredible ballroom. This felt much more.. homey, almost.

"Hey. Silvia, was it?" My ear twitched as the masked man spoke, and his voice was far from what I expected. He didn't sound much older than myself, though it had a bit of a robotic tone to it, as though he were speaking through a fan. "We did-didn't get to speak yesterday." His neck twitched slightly, I almost didn't notice the sudden movement.

"No, we haven't." I replied, trying to keep my voice steady infront of my new aquaintance. My guard was still incredibly high, even with Ben by my side I still worried one of these murderers might just up and murder me. Though I still kept my heart open, some of them weren't so bad, so  this couldn't hurt.

"My name is Toby. Where are you from?" His voice seemed to crack slightly, as though he were nervous, fingers tapping at a continuous rhythm on the wooden table. "Not- that I'm going to go there I'm just asking." He quickly added, waving his hands around wildly.

"Oh uhm,, y'know Duntin?" For some reason I had to think, with everything that's happening I nearly forgot my own hometown. Toby began to speak, but Jeff cut him off.

"I've been there plenty of times." He remarked, his smile seeming to widen ever so slightly. "Might've even passed by your house, it's quite a small town." His eyes burned my skin and I writhed internally, trying not to make any eye contact. There had been the occasional murder every other year or so, but Duntins security had gone up much since then. Who would have guessed that one day I'd be sitting infront of the culprits all this time later.

silver tail (creepypasta fanfiction) (being revised)Where stories live. Discover now