~chapter fourteen~

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My stomach dropped as static filled my mind and the looming figure of Slenderman towered over me. Despite having no face, I could tell he was suspicious of me as he.. stared? Down at me.

"You're trying to leave, aren't you?" His voice wasn't hostile, which was a relief to me. I glanced to the side, giving a small nod. Can't exactly lie to a creature that can read my thoughts. "You cannot."

"But.. why?" I replied, and I glanced around me only to notice that a crowd was forming in the room behind me. Great, now everyone will see me get berated. "I don't really get why I'm even here in the first place." I cringed as he leaned forward even more, getting closer to my face.

"You're a neccesary tool to our survival." He hissed, and I felt even more discomfort as a tendril wrapped around my arm. "I've been kind enough to allow you to live here freely. I will not hesitate to turn you into a prisoner."

"I'm practically already a prisoner." I suddenly began to feel that anger returning, that feeling I had felt when I killed that man. Though I wouldn't dare try to attack THE Slenderman, I curled my fists and continued. "I can't really leave." I heard murmurs from people behind me, and I fought the urge to turn and look.

"You are able to leave. You simply must return, which I could sense you were not intending to do. Am I correct?" His voice was starting to get to me. I didn't reply, only continued to grip at nothing, holding back my true feelings. Whatever would come out of my mouth wouldn't be nice. With a flick of my tail I turned around and shouldered past the others, ignoring the murmurs.

I returned back upstairs. I felt like I couldn't go anywhere, my rage was only growing. Then, I passed Bens old room. I hadn't returned since he.. died. My anger was dulled, slowly replaced by a numbing despair. After a few minutes of standing there, I opened the door. The room was mostly unchanged, but the lights were off and the bed was left unmade. Slowly I stepped in, quietly shutting the door behind me.

The stillness was eerie, it was strange to not see Ben sitting there. I only felt worse, as I looked around more. He was really never coming back, was he? I never got to tell him that I...

..Then, I saw it. A very familiar gold cartridge, smashed to pieces.

I stared, my sadness turning to horror. Had Ben been so upset by my reaction that he did that to himself? Surely he hadn't been that hurt by my rejection? Even as I tried to reason with myself, the proof was right infront of me. I fell to my knees, my legs so weak I could no longer hold myself up. It felt like I sat there for hours, blankly staring at the remains in disbelief.

I barely realized time had passed when I finally found the strength to pull my gaze from the terrible sight before me, lifting my trembling hands to cover my mouth. Slowly lifting myself off the ground, I leaned over and gently held the pieces in my hand. The least I could do was take them off the floor, he wouldn't want to be left there like that. Finally I turned and left this dreaded room, deciding to just bite the bullet and go back to Toby.


Me and Toby were now both staring at the shattered bits that sat atop his dresser. Neither of us knew what to do, but we both had the same horrid thought. Suddenly, Toby seemed to have a thought.

"You know, Sonic.exe might know how to fix this." He suggested, and I nodded slowly. "He's a gamer.. guy? Yea, that might help."

"Well, not like we have many other ideas." I sighed, scooping up the scraps and following after him as he led me downstairs. We went to a spot in the mansion I had yet to visit; the basement.

This area had a completely different vibe from the upper levels. It felt more like a catacomb, with stone brick walls and torches lining the walls. This was certainly more what I envisioned when I pictured a killers mansion. Finally we stopped infront of a metal door, an image of a ring on the front. Taking a breath, I trailed behind Toby as the door opened.

It felt as if we stepped right into a classic Sonic game, but everything was burning. I instinctivly clung to Toby, the smoke burning my nose. Holding my breath, I did my best to stay as close to him as possible as we traversed this strange room.

"Heyy! EXE, are you here?" Toby called, looking around. I wondered how he was able to act so calmly in a place like this. Though I suppose when you're a killer, nothing surprises you anymore. A deafening laughter pulled me from my thoughts, and I turned around, my tail lashing defensively.

"My my!" The figure of the blue hedgehog appeared before us, a mad grin on his bloodstained face. He looked between the two of us, expression unreadable. "Toby! I thought I told you I don't want to associate myself with her." His voice went from demonic to a full on growl as he ended his sentence, eyeing me with distain.

"I know- I know but this is serious. It's about Ben." Toby quickly interjected before I could, which was probably for the better, as the rodent seemed to relax, no longer looking as aggressive.

"Ben, huh?" Exe's voice was more distant now. Not to say it wasn't still unsettling, but I could tell that just from how he reacted to the mention of Bens name, the two must have been friends. "What about 'im?"

"Well, Silvia here found this in his room." Toby stepped aside, and I did my best to hold my hand out steady, revealing the cartridge. I barely had a second to react as Sonic snatched them out of my hands, his eyes going wide.

"WHO DID THIS TO HIM?" He suddenly roared, and I stepped back, startled. His spines seemed to grow sharper, and the area around him glitched madly. Then, he took a breath, and things returned to normal. Me and Toby exchanged glances as Sonic stared at the pieces. "..my apologies."

"Can... can you do anything?" I finally found my voice again, and I stepped forward once more. Sonic continued to stare for a moment more, but then seemed to understand something.

"I.. yea.. yea I think I can.." He turned away from us. "Come back later. I'll bring him back." With those words, the blue blur vanished, leaving me and Toby alone in the room.

silver tail (creepypasta fanfiction) (being revised)Where stories live. Discover now