Masrani Foundation Meeting

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As the next few months went by Winter slowly faded into Spring, that day it was just sprinkling outside, just enough to make the ground wet. (Y/N) loved Winter but she was ready to get back to a climate similar to what she had grown up in. She was sitting by the window watching the rain fall. Ever since the events of Jurassic World, she would randomly slip into these moods of deep thought, Owen never knew what she was thinking about and had found it best not to ask. 

Her birthday was later in Summer so he had decided to wait on having her start school for another year so that she wouldn't be the youngest and so that there was less of a chance of her getting held back later on. He had gotten an email earlier that day from the Masrani Foundation, they were having a get-together for all the workers and then the next day they were having a meeting with all their previous employees to discuss what was going to happen. But the get-together wasn't until tomorrow but it was Owen's turn to be in deeper thought. Before when he had to go work either Barry would stay with (Y/N) or she would come with him. But now he would have to find somewhere else for her to go when he got a job again, he had no idea what kind of job to go for, all his life he had known what he wanted to do or someone had come to him with an idea but now he wasn't sure about much of anything. He didn't really want to leave (Y/N) because she still got a little jumpy and shy around most people other than him. Even though he knew that she would have to work through that at some point he still didn't want to leave her. 

The get-together was at 6 pm the next day and everyone was there, mostly because they had to be there early the next morning anyway. Surprisingly (Y/N) was fairly comfortable around almost everyone, Owen supposed that was because she had grown up around most of these people and had been around them the day the Indominous broke out. The party ended around 10 and they all had to be back at the same place by 7 the next morning. Some of the people were pretty miserable from the previous night mostly due to how much they had drunk, and a few due to getting into a fight with each other over some stupid reason that Owen couldn't even remember even though he had been one of the people to have to break up the fight. (Y/N) had to stay in another room with one of the Masrani Foundation workers while they had their meeting. Owen zoned out through the lecture and recap of what happened at Jurassic World, eventually, he got tired of them going on and on about what had happened and brought something up to make them shut up.

"You ever figure out what happened to those 6 campers?" Owen asked, he knew about the campers from the night they got into the Raptor pen even though he wasn't there he had been informed of the incident. 

They quickly moved away from the Jurassic World recap, he did feel bad for those kids but had (Y/N) been a few years older she would have been with them. He finally zoned back in when they started talking about the contracts they had been forced to sign before beginning work.

"All contracts will be partially terminated, meaning that in the case that we get another dinosaur attraction your contract will still call you back as long as it hasn't expired. But that is an unlikely case due to all the lawsuits so you're all free to find your own jobs, some of you already have, and for those of you who haven't we took the liberty of making a list of jobs based on what you did at Jurassic World in your general area which you will receive on your way out. For those of you who had more extensive knowledge of the workings of the park, I will need you to stay after the rest leave to talk privately."

After that, they kept going on about the lawsuits even though they wouldn't affect any of the workers except potentially Claire and Dr. Wu. The whole meeting took them to noon, Owen got his list and then got the heck out of there, he was so ready to be done with all this crap. 

"Can we go home now?" (Y/N) asked as she joined him.

"Definitely," Owen replied.

By the time they got home it was dark and once (Y/N) was asleep Owen began to go through the list he had been given, most of the jobs were bullshit but there were a few that didn't seem too bad. But before he started looking into interviews he wanted to look into a solution for where (Y/N) was going to go. 

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