I Hate You! (M)

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There isn't full-on cheeky bum secs in this but they do get freaky so be cautious to anything that triggers you other than that enjoy loves 💜

P.s sorry if this sucks but I promise that part two will be better lol I had a hard time figuring out how to end this chapter

Top: Jungkook

Bottom: Taehyung

Words: 1749


"I HATE YOU!!" I yelled face flushed as I stared at that evil nitwit in anger he was the only person who could ever rile me up so much

I don't remember when this stupid feud happened between us or why we hate each other so much but there was no turning back from what I felt for him "good stay that way" jungkook said unfazed and it made my skin boil I wanted to slap the smirk forming clean off his face but what good would that do for me

Honestly this is what that childish brat wants, for me to step down so he could be large and in charge

Over my dead fucking body!!

"You guys gonna have passionate homoerotic anus sex or what? because the sexual tension between the two of you is driving me crazy" yoongi groaned as he sat up from laying onto namjoon's shoulder "if not can we please get back to the meeting without the daily taekook flirting"

"Nonsense never in a billion no fuck that!!!, trillion years would I ever let my heart stupidly fall for someone of the likes of that airhead" I said taking a seat not missing a glare that came from the raven-haired boy

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart not even if we were the last two people on this floating rock i'd rather beat my dick than lay a hand on your dry flaky ass skin i don't wanna damage my beautiful hands"

Jimin giggled holding the clipboard of duties we had to complete however as we checked them off my mind went elsewhere and not particularly a place I would like it for some odd reason I would always catch myself distracted with how whenever jungkook comes around his insensible yet soft facial features are not all bad to look at

Really what irked me the most was how even though you disliked the asshole you still had to give him his props on how perfect he was at everything

Jeon was something like a maze that had an infinity range of chambers to his locked up characteristics

It was all getting so dizzying to me

"Okay class prez cross-dressing café it is! I can't wait to see all of you boys dolled up" jin said excitedly pulling me out of my loud thoughts

Wait what did he mean by cross-dressing café?!!

"Really tae are you not listening again or were you daydreaming of jungkook" hoseok smiled patting my back making my face heat up

"No!! w-why would I when nothing about him is interesting to stare at" I growled at him when he sent a playful wink my way "but what was the café for again?"

They all groaned in unison as jimin explained once again where all of this was for the upcoming open house to lure more kids to this god awful school but hey I wouldn't mind laughing at how bad jungkook would look in a skirt since he's so beefed up

"The one with the most tips gets to boss around the loser for a week that sound fun boys?" we agreed yet I didn't think that things would end up with me being the least popular while that buff bastard brought in customers back to back with the tiny shorts he had on they could almost pass as panties

Maybe even thongs with how he kept bending over in them

"Welcome to the yum café give me a tip and I'll give you a little dance ladies" jungkook smirked leaving the girls surrounding him squealing like pigs 

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