Final Goodbye

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Hello my beautiful readers.. i have to say im sorry but im done writing for wattpad...

I dont want to but slowly one by one my works are being deleted they keep saying how they go against guidelines or whatever but its been years that my books have been up and there's never been a problem before

Im infuriated i think someone could be reporting my works which is bogus since i don't have any back ups and i can't see myself rewriting these stories over and over again so I'm done this is my final goodbye it really sucks that things had to end this way

I wish everyone the best and thank you so much for supporting me for all the years that we went through together... who knows you might see me again but i wont write about taekook anymore maybe real stories after i have my baby

I purple you guys💜

P.s i wont take anything down I'll leave it up for all of you to still read until wattpad takes it down itself

Taekook Oneshots Vol 4Where stories live. Discover now