Sex Drive (M)

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This is porn without a plot so there won't be a part two for this because I don't even think I could write up another part it just ends here (unless you guys ask for another part)

P.s i edited this so much that my eyes started to get all wonky lol so if there is any errors please let me know kindly so i can fix them

Top: Jungkook

Bottom: Taehyung



"Where you off to" the driver asked the drunk couple knowing exactly what would happen in his back seat taking a handful of cash the boy with raven hair gave to him saying "just drive" and he did no questions asked

Jungkook pulled down his face mask staring at taehyung's disheveled face adoring his pretty pink lips they met up at the bar talking with a little drinking yet one heated kiss had them both feigning for more

Leaning down the others mask their lips meet desperately as if they waited years for this nothing but their gasps for air and them shuffling around back there could be heard throughout the car

The driver had to turn up the radio a bit to drown them out

Softly moaning into tae's mouth when his naughty tongue darted out to lick jungkook's piercings slowly but surely the youngers hands made way down his body teasingly as the boy on the bottom bites his lip at that urging jungkook to do more

Kissing on his now bare chest jungkook slots himself in between taehyung's open legs the air between them becomes intense as the both of them suck in rugged eager breaths thirsting for what more they could possibly get from one another

Forgetting about his surroundings kookie's wandering lips go on a mission as they gently touch taehyung's trembling abdomen leaving soft kisses before he stops at his pants buckle not once tearing away from the brunette's fervid gaze starting a staring contest neither boy wanted to lose however we all know who the world champion was and always will be

Taehyung's eyes fluttered shut when jungkook kissed the tip of his weeping length loving every sound that would break free from the frustrated boy's mouth, obsessed with his astounding beauty and how he was on the brink of losing himself as the pleasure taehyung was feeling electrified throughout his whole body

Keeping quiet at a time like this seemed like the impossible especially when jungkook's skillful tongue made him feel things, real things no other man could amount to "i-i want you" tae whispered watching as kook comes back up to his level not thinking nor caring that he was in the backseat of some random guys taxi what mattered to him the most was scratching the itch deep within which tae couldn't reach all by himself

He was empty and ready to be filled with jungkook until he couldn't as he drove into him at full speed breaking the limit

Taehyung needed him and if he couldn't get what he needed at some point he was willing to take it (i didn't mean for that to sound rapey guys i just wanted to describe how desperate he was lol)

To take what all the younger boy had to throw his way

Jungkook smirked at his hopelessness "you want me huh?" he purred back stroking his dick painfully slow "right here, right now? in this very backseat" kook chuckled into the poor boy's ear before he violated it with his teeth tugging at his ear lobe " i didn't know my sweet little boy could be so bad maybe i should punish you"

"Yes please!" taehyung begged, lusting, no yearning, anticipating even for him to hurry up getting impatient

By now his undergarments were lost somewhere back there however what took him out of the daze he was in was how jungkook switched their position pulling taehyung into his lap as they sat in the middle exposed to where the driver could see everything loud and clear

Taehyung's eyes widened mainly because he and the driver made eye contact along with the fact that his hard dick was on full display "let's give him a show since it seems that he just can't keep his eyes off what's mine"

He was going to protest yet the wet fingers that invaded his tight hole had tae thanking every decision he's made until now because all he could focus on was how good they felt sliding in and out of him, shaping him to fit what was coming next

By now the brunette was a drooling mess, moans increasing with each thrust there was no holding back anymore "mmm your heat feels so good as it surrounds my fingers eating them up greedily" jungkook breathed getting a bit impatient himself "can i replace them with something bigger now hyung?"

"Please i need you to fill the void inside of me" taehyung cried out when jungkook's fingers ghosted his prostate "shove it in me now!!" that was enough said for kook to hold him up sliding into his entrance clenching his teeth at how tightly taehyung's hole was clinging onto him

Repeatedly he slams tae down watching the faces he would make in the rearview mirror smiling at the flustered driver who didn't fix his mouth so say a thing "kookie!' taehyung gasped feeling the tightness in his stomach getting ready to unravel

"I-i know me too baby" jungkook grunted as he held tae's face for the driver to see "look at him and show him that i'm the only one who can make you break like this" his hips pounded into him at an ungodly speed all tae could do was what jungkook instructed moaning out sentences that didn't connect "i want the image of that pretty face of yours covered in snot with tears streaming down your cheeks as you come undone imprinted his brain"

Taehyung nodded throwing out profanities but what pushed him over the edge was how the youngers hand wrapped around his throat as he aggressively spoke for just his ears to hear "show him exactly what he can never have because your fucking mine!"

Damn him having a possessive side made tae want him even more than he already did

"YES!!" taehyung screamed as he came all over himself and his pants losing his balance falling forward but to no avail jungkook catches him shortly following painting his walls with his hot liquid holding the exhausted boy securely "make a left up here please i'd like to go to the love hotel on the corner" jungkook smiled dressing up taehyung as he did himself quietly cleaning up the small mess they made

The ride was silent other than the light snores that came from tae who was out like a light "what's your name mister?" Jungkook asked the driver with a bright grin on his face not showing an inch of shame or remorse for what he did

"K-kim seokjin" the driver stuttered unsure as to why it mattered what his name is or who he was

Once they pulled up the raven-haired boy picked up the other getting ready to walk off but before he does jungkook slips jin his number with a tip "text me when you want to have fun again mr. kim" was the last thing said as they disappeared through the hotel doors and well jin had the opportunity to throw the number out he could've ripped the little piece of paper up

But for some odd reason he didn't

Taekook Oneshots Vol 4Where stories live. Discover now