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I'm sitting by the stream. I haven't come here as much anymore,  it seems lonelier here now than when it did before I met him, but that was months ago, what odds it's it anymore. Im having a smoke now, and it's raining a bit but I'm under a tree so Im dry enough.
"You'll catch your death out here, love." Someone says behind me, and then they sit down.
"Here, take this." He says and I look over. John.
"I'm fine, why are you here?" I ask him, as he hands me his spare jacket he brought for some reason.
"Well, I saw you leave and I knew it was going to rain so I put on a jacket, grabbed a spare one and came down here. I don't want you to get sick. And I need to talk to you." He says, putting the jacket around my shoulders.
"John, what ever it is, I don't want to hear it. You're here to tell me you can't talk to me because you think I'm some sort of freak, like my step father and mother, and I've bee told that enough times to know it's true so you have a solid five minutes to explain yourself." I say, and put on the jacket, it's cold and I don't want to get sick.
"Right so, the day I didn't come here, my mum told me that I couldn't talk to you or she'd kick me out, and I knew you needed help, and I was, am still, willing to do anything to get you out of there. My mum, well she's not the same person anymore, my dad died, and I stopped trying to tell you why I wasn't going to stop talking to you when my sister stopped talking to me. I know I've been horrible to you but I can't bare to think of what they do to you, and I've been trying to think of what I can do but nothing would of worked, either it was downright unrealistic or money would of been an issue but last night after a smoke I had an idea." He says and I start to feel a bubble of hope simmer in me, a feeling I've not felt since that day at school.
"Keep talking." I say and move over to lean against him.
"Well, its going to take a lot of work, and about a year, but it's our best bet. So we get part time jobs, so you'll be out of the house and make money and we both save, don't spend a single cent, and after a year we leave, together. I have a car we can drive up to my granny's old house, she left it to me, and we stay there." He says, nervously I can tell. I can't believe he would do that for me and I feel myself start to cry.
"It's uh, alright if you don't to, we don't have to." He says and I hug him. He hugs be back.
"It's perfect, I'm so sorry John. I feel so bad I shouldn't of been such a bitch when you were trying to help me."
"It's OK, love. It's in the past." He says smiling a bit."I'm just glad you'll get out of there."
"Talking about there, I don't want to go home just yet, can we stay here a while?"
"Yeah, of course." He says and I lay my head on his lap, enjoying the peace. It was raining a bit heavier now and normally I would be mad, but I Don't mind it now for some reason.

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