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I never realy think on how lucky I am, how lucky I am to have John, Roger Brian and freddie in my life. I never thought I'd get out of there, but now that I am, I don't think I deserve it, all of them just understanding that I've had a rough time and that I don't like to talk about it to anyone but John, because he is the reason I got out of there.

"Freddie and Brian are staying over tonight, alright?" Roger asks me sitting beside me at the bedside.
"Of course, I'm just worried, you know."
"About what love?"
"It was his birthday yesterday, he said he'd be back when he's 17."
"He'll be here soon, we both know he would never break a promise to you." He says hugging me.
"I know, it's just odd, you know, I have boxes of my relationships, friends and boyfriends and whatever."
"And he floats in the middle?"
"Exactly, it's messy now, we've never done anything relationshipy you know, but I want all that stuff with him, but he has a girlfriend and he's my bestfriend, I don't want to mess that up. I think I should just get over it at this point, I've spent a year not knowing what I felt about him, then I sorta knew, and now I know and hes not here for me to do anything about it."
"I can't say I know how you feel, but I wouldn't get over it just yet, you two have something I haven't seen before, now i need to go to zoe's for a few hours, I haven't seen her in a while."
"Rog, its been a day."
"It's a long time for me." He says walking out, leaving me alone, something that never happens, Brian or freddie are over here alot and they don't like leaving me alone much.

I decide to do the one thing I planned to do a few months ago and that is decorate a little bit. I bought a few things, candles and a few plants, small things to just make the room look nicer. I decide to make a little photo wall on my side of the room and I pin up all the photos I own, including one of me and my mum when times were good. When im done i go to the kitchen and make myself some tea, until Brian and Freddie burst threw the door, carrying bags of sweets and a take away.
"Where Roger?" Brian shouts from the living room.
"Zoe's place. The man can't stay away from her."
"Rabbits the two of them are." Freddie says as I hand him a cup of tea.
"Cmon to the living room, Brian will have all the food gone on us." I say laughing.

The rest of the night goes well, Roger comes back happier then ever around 10 and we watch a movie. I go to bed around 12, asleep as soon as I hit the pillow, exhausted after a lazy enough day, not knowing what was about to happen.

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