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"Wake up, we're going out today." Roger says, jumping on top of me and John."I thought you had a girlfriend, mister." He says punching John's arm playfully.
"Not anymore, broke up last night."
"Is she still here?"
"Getting a bus home, I have to give her a lift in ten minutes."
"I'll do that, leave you two alone for a bit, but me and freddie are meeting Brian in town if you two wanna come."
"Yeah, it'll be fun." I say sitting up as Roger finally gets off of us.
"Alright, an hour were leaving In." He says walking out.
"I'm going for a shower ill be back in ten." I say, standing up and grabbing my stuff.
"Do you have to? I don't wanna get up yet."
"You don't need me to stay in bed love."
"But I prefer it when your with me." He says falling back on the pillows.
"I'll be ten minutes then you get one, ok?"
"Yeah, fine." He says, huffing as I walk out. I see Ciara and roger leaving and i give him a weak smile and head into the bathroom, locking the door. I turn on the shower and standing infront of the mirror, brush our my hair and put it in a bun above my head, placing a shower cap on as it's not my hair day yet, as the mirror steams up.

When I'm done, I gey dressed and go back to the bedroom. John's sitting on the bed looking at a photo. He looks a bit sad so I sit down beside him.
"Who's that?" I ask him in a soft voice, as I can tell he's upset.
"My dad and me when i was born, I lost it and i went to look in my bag and it was at the very bottom." He says, putting an arm around me.
"Do you miss him much?"
"Everyday, we were very close, you know."
"I know what it's like, looking someone you care about."
"Your mum?"
"No, well a little, my grandad. He was like a dad to me, and then they put him in a nursing home because he didn't let them hurt me, and a few years back he died, I don't know why either."
"I'm sorry to hear that, love." He says, kissing the top of my head which just makes me smile.
"Thats just a bad time to smile on my behalf." I say, giggling a bit.
"It's OK, i like it when you smile." He says getting up. "I'm going for a shower now." He adds walking out.

We get into the back seat of the car, freddies in the front as Roger picked him up after he left ciara off.
"We're getting Brian at his house now, change of plans, we're going to go shopping for food and then we're going for a little trip somewhere." Freddie says, happily.
"Sounds like a plan." John says, cracking the window and lighting a cigarette.
"Do you have to smoke John?" Freddie said, who didn't like smoking too much(he didn't smoke till the 80s I'm sure)
"It's my car, my rules." John laughs.

We lift Brian, who's long ass legs take up most of my leg room in the middle. The radios playing and the boys are talking about there band and how there still looking for a bassist, since the one they recruited a few weeks ago also didn't fit. John is looking out the window, almost awkwardly, and I take an opportunity for for something he might hate me or love me for.
"Boys, you know, our John here, well, he plays bass, he's very talented, great with his hands." I say, forgetting what Rogers like.
"Well, I bet he's good with his hands." Roger says, clearly insinuating something sexual.
"Not like that Roger."
"Well, John, play with us some time soon, will you, darling?" Freddie says, smiling a big toothy grin that I adore.
"Yeah, I will, if that's OK with you."
"Of course." Brian says, stretching his legs out further.
"Bri, I'm nearly on top of poor John, keep your spider legs to yourself." I say kicking him lightly.
"I'm sure he doesn't mind." Brian says.
"Not one bit." I hear John whisper under his breath.
"Well, your gonna have to be, Freddie, get in the back, zoes coming." Roger says, smiling like a fool and pulling into a stony driveway. Freddie gets in the back and I climb on to John's lap and he wraps an arm around my waist making sure I don't fall off him  so I wrap an arm around his neck so that if I fall he comes with me. We sit in mostly silence for a bit until the black front door opens and out steps a girl who's a few inches taller than me and a smile plastered over her face. She's even more pretty in real life than in photos, she seems like the type of person you don't don't have to know to know how kind they are.

"Hi, my love." Roger says to her and kisses her, smiling like two fools.
"Hi." She says shyly to Roger and turns back to look at the four of us in the back." Sorry if I'm any trouble, having you all squished back there." She says, smiling a bit.
"Y/n and John are always on top of eachother, I'm sure they don't mind one bit." Roger teases.
"They'd make a good couple." She says and turns back to Roger smiling. Everyone forms there own little bubble, Roger and zoe, Brian and Freddie, and me and John, just chatting each about different things, well me and John weren't chatting, for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off his and he just stares back at me, a faint blush creeping across his cheeks like it does on mine. This only lasts five minutes until Roger pulls into a shop.
"Who's coming in?" He asks as him and zoe get out of the car.
"Me and Brian will go." Freddie says dragging Brian out.
"I take it you two are staying here?" Freddie says, holding the door open. I say yes before John gets to answer. He closes the door and walks in to the shop saying they'll be half an hour at most, 20 at least.

"Why did you want to-" He starts saying but I cut him off, kissing him on impulse. I pull away the second I realise what I had done, not knowing why I did it.
"I don't know why I did that, I'm sorry." I say, flustered. I don't really have much time to think as he pulls me in and kisses me, this time neither of us pull away for a few minutes until I pull back for a moment.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for." He says, smiling.
"You took the words right out of my mouth." I say, kissing him again.

As I pull away, I look out the window and see Roger and zoe heading towards the car followed by Brian and freddie, each with a shopping bag in there hands.
"God, I wish we were home right now." I say to John, leaning back against the door.
"So do I, now stop moving so much, it's not helping the away from home thing." He says, half laughing. I burst out laughing as I look out the window and realise that Roger had fallen. John looks out and joins in. Roger looks mad as he gets up and opens the door behind me, causing me to half fall out of the car, barely caught my John and roger as he hits me across the head playfully.
"At least I had someone to catch me." I joke and burst out laughing again followed by the rest of them except for Roger,  who is throwing a stroppy in the middle of the car park.

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