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John's pov.

"Do you have to go?" I ask her as she grabs her bag and coat off the bed beside me were I am pulling on a hoodie to leave her to work. I leave her and Roger off everymorning as they work in the same little coffee shop and I work in a shop down the road.
"Yes, I do and so do you." She says, ruffling her hand through my hair making it messy.
"Alright, I'll make us a cuppa." I say heading off to the kitchen. After I make the tea, I hear her pull out a chair at the dining table. I hand her her cup of tea and sit down beside her. She smiles and says thanks. I smile back at her as she sips her tea, flicking through a magazine.
"We need to talk, tonight, after work." She says, looking at me with a serious expression written on her face.
"About what?" I ask her, concerned.
"It's nothing bad, don't worry." She says, standing up and washing her cup ad she finished her tea.

After I finish mine, I get the car keys and get Roger and y/n out to the car. Once we're all in I drive out, y/n is beside me, Roger in the back seat. I drive to the carpark of the cafe they work in  that's across the streetand we all get out, as the shop I work in is just down the road. She walks over to me and gives me a kiss, which we don't normally do when we're not alone because we decided to tell the boys we only did it once, which leaved me flustered.
"Have a good day, my love." She says, beaming up at me.
"You too." I say.
"Ahem." Roger fake coughs, making us laugh.
"You too rog, don't worry."  I say, turning around as they begin to walk into the building and I walk to work.

My shift is nearly over when I look at the small box tv in the corner.  The news is on as per usual but something caught my eye along the bottom, there was a notice saying "Burkes Cafe  set alight, unknown if any employees or customers are inside." My mind goes into over drive. Thats where Roger and y/n work. I ask my boss If I can get off work half an hour early as that's all I have left  but hr refuses so I sit the rest of my shift anxiously waiting for the clock To strike eight  but every time the hand moves, it seems to get farther away and my mind wanders further. What if they're hurt? She would have called here if she was safe, wouldn't she?

By the time its 8:01 I'm out the door, briskly walking towards the cafe, following to cloud of smoke. There's do not cross tape boarding off the cafe and the street connecting it so I walk to the car park where I parked my car across the street and sit on the hood of the car.
"Is there anyone in there?" I ask a woman who's sitting anxiously on the hood of her car.
"We don't know yet, but I'm sure there isn't." She says, pulling her coat around her.

A group of people have formed in the last hour, all looking on anxiously. Finally a police officer comes over, announcing that no one was inside, a wave of relief passes through me and i get in the car, driving home.

When I get home, I run up the stairs and enter the apartment, going to the living room. They're sitting there, and i immediately hug both of them.
"When did you to get home and how? I had the car." I ask them, sitting down beside her. I know I have to tell her how I feel now, tonight, I realised that sitting on the hood of my car.
"We were out five minutes before the fire started, we tried calling the shop but your boss told us to stop or you'll be fired." She says, resting her head on my shoulder, her eyes focused on the game show on telly.
"God, that was close. You could have come up to the shop I would of gave you two the keys."
"It was a nice day, I said we should walk." Roger says, stretching.
"Thats not very like you, I'm taking you to get your head checked." I say, giving him a hit across the back of his head and he fake crys, leaving us all in a fit of laughter.
"Where's freddie?" I ask, standing up.
"He went to bed early, he had a migraine." She says.
"Aw OK. I'm gonna turn in, get some sleep." I say, walking to the door.
"Yeah, I'll come with." She says, following me.
"Goodnight, lovebirds." Roger says jokingly and we both roll our eyes before laughing.
"You too, rog." She says and we both leave the sitting room. She goes to the bedroom to get changed while I hop in the shower to get a quick rinse, feeling like smoke from the fire is stuck on me. After I shower, I brush my teeth and put on a pair of joggers and go to the bedroom. I get in the bed as she brushes her teeth.

When she's back she sits on the bed, putting the blankets over her knees and sits facing me. I sit up to face her, confused.
"We need to talk, love, about us." She says, a weak smile on her face.
"We do." I say in agreement.
"Look, I dont know about you, but I don't want this to just be sex all the time and that be the extent of it, and if that's all it is, I think we should just go back to being friends, because it's going to end bad if that's all it is." She says, and i can tell she's getting a bit upset. I pull her into my lap so that her knees are by my hips and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me again.
"Let me talk now." I say, wiping a tear from her face as she was crying lightly.
"When I thought you and Roger were in that building, it was the scariest hour and a half of my life and it made me realise something I already knew, but it made me admit it to myself and I knew I had to tell you that I love you." I say, nervously.  Before I can say anything else, she has her lips on mine. This kiss is more passionate than any we've had before, more emotions are in it.
"I love you too." She says, pulling away smiling.

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