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Third person.

Rabbits. They were like rabbits these last few months. They were clearly in love with eachother, neither knew how to show it in any other way than sex, but they never made it seem like it was just a quick shag, they both made eachother know it was the complete opposite. feelings were always involved, they would rarely break eyecontact, he would Constantly whisper sweet things in her ear and afterwards, they'd lie in eachothers arms, high on eachother. Their roomatss were betting on when they would get together for months on end, it was driving them mad.

He had joined Rogers and Brian's band with freddie and were playing gigs in pubs and doing a few party's here and there if they needed the money. All of them now had jobs, whether it was in retail or in a cafe, they were all making there own money. Zoe and Roger are still together, he barely leaves her place, like the other two, there was clearly something there, but they acted on it, instead of just letting it go unsaid, simmering until there was no time left, or when he knew time had ran out and she was no longer there.

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