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I wake up to the sound of loud whispers coming from the living room, which is weird, Roger is usually loud in the morning. I pull on a hoodie and leggings  and head to the kitchen. There's a bag on the kitchen table which is odd. Roger never said he was staying at zoe's. I make myself a cup of tea and sit at the table. I turn on the radio, it's just people debating on something but it's a bit of filler noise, better than sitting in silence. The living room door opens and closes again and so does the bathroom door. I finish my tea and wash my  cup. I turn off the radio and tidy the table up a little bit. When I'm done I head to my bedroom and brush my hair, putting on a bit of mascara as Im in a good mood.

I decide to go into the living room after. When I turn the handle there's more hashing in the room and it goes silent. I open the door.
"Why's the door closed? We never close-" I begun to say, as I look around for Roger but my eyes land on a certain green- grey eyed brunnette. Words fail me so instead I just half run and jump into his lap and hug him. He buries his head in my neck and I I the same to him.
"You're back?"
"Yeah, I have to leave for a day to take ciara home but that's it." He says smiling a big toothy grin.
"The girlfriend i talked about, she wanted to come with me for some reason."
"Oh, where is she?"
"Shes in the bathroom, has been since you went to the kitchen." He says and I get off him and drag him to the bedroom and lock the the behind us.
"God, I've missed you." I say hugging him again.
"I've missed you too, too much."
"Any cigarettes on you?"(this is uncomfy for me I prefer saying fags but ik ppl are uncomfy with that- I'm bi btw just incase)
"No, you?"
"Yeah, bottom drawer there, you open the window, I'll get them." I tell him and he does, sitting on the sill where I keep blankets. I sit up beside him and light 2 handing him one. We used to do this when we either had to much to say or to little, or in this case for me, I didn't want to tell him that I'm in love with him when he has a girlfriend. I rest my head on his shoulder, neither of us talking, just enjoying being with eachother.

We're disrupted by a knock at the door and a girl calling for john. He sighs and gets up, helping me down as we put out the cigarettes(I srsly hate that word). We unlock the door to a girl that's slightly taller than me, a blonde with brown eyes. She gives me a bitchy look but looks at John like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. He smiles at her, but it's a different smile, like its forced.
"Oh hi, I'm y/n."
"Ciara." She says and walks into the living room dragging John with her. I only realised now but the other rooms free now and John probably wants his own room, so I'm not going to get nights like we used to anymore. I follow into the living room, making sure to keep my distance from ciara as she seems too protective for my liking, who's sitting on John's lap.
"Freddies coming over in a bit, he has some news aswell." Roger says, playing with something in his hand.
"What time is is? I never checked." I ask, sitting on the floor infront of the fire.
"1, you slept in and I didn't want them to wake you." John says.
"I wouldn't of minded you know." I say laughing a bit.

We sit around chatting a bit until freddie comes over. Him and John immediate hit it off, John's not shy around him for some reason, and it makes me happy, he had a hard time adjusting to moving in here with Roger and Tim, but he came out of himself a good bit.

"Roger said you have news for us." I say as he sits on the floor beside me.
"Ah, yes. Me and Roger were talking last night, and I went home to see what my parents would say and they agreed."
"Agreed on what?" I say.
"Me moving in here, since you have the spare room and it will take the ease of rent off you three."
"Three?" Ciara says, acting shocked.
"Yeah, me, John and Roger, the three of us who live here." I say to her.
"You want to live in this kip? We could easily get a nicer place together back home." Ciara says to John and he gives her a angry look.
"No, ciara, I lived here before I went back to my mums, this is my home as far as I'm  concerned." He says, getting mad, which I've never seen really, the odd time maybe.
"With that whore? She clearly just wants to shag, sure look at her, her roomates the same, they are probably going at it  like 2 bunnies." She says and I get fed up and walk out to the kitchen. Roger and freddie follow me, soon followed by John, who's apologising profusely.
"Give us a  minute, will you?" I say to the other two boys, as I pull myself to sit on one of the counters.
"Of course." Roger says walking out followed by freddie.

"I'm sorry, love, she's not normally like this."
"It's not your fault, I mean, it's a tricky situation."
"I'll deal with her later, just ignore her for now, for me, ok?"
" you know you can't pull the for me card, you could tell me to kill and say that and I'd do it." I say laughing.
"I like it when you laugh, makes me happy." He says smiling, pulling me off the counter.
"Come on, they'll think we are shagging or something along those lines, you know Roger."  I say pulling him back to the living room.

The rest of the day is filled with dirty looks across the room that I pay no attention to, movies, the leftover sweets from last night, cigarettes(burning hate for thus word rn) until we're all tired. Freddie goes home and Roger goes to bed, leaving the three of us. We sit watching the end of another movie before I head off to bed. This time, I don't sleep the second I hit the pillow, I toss and I turn to the noise of light fighting.  The last thing I hear is her saying "go fuck yourself" to John and the bedroom door to what was Tim's room opens and closes with a slam, before my rooms door is knocked on lightly. I get up to unlock it, force of habit I know, and let John in. He's already dressed for bed but he takes his shirt off and climbs in bed, opening his arms for me to lie on his chest, which I more than happily do.
"Tough night?"
"You could say that, love. We broke up there now, she wants to get the bus home tomorrow. Its for the better, I've wanted to for a while now, just didn't know how to say it."
"Aslong as you're happy I'm happy. Also, you are very warm."
"We can do something different if I'm too much of a hot water bottle."
"Nope, I like this, its comfortable." I say and yawn.
"Very, love."
"Alright, I'll let you sleep then."
"Okay, goodnight."
"Night." He says, playing with my hair a bit until I drift off to another peaceful night's sleep, but this time its different, he's here now.

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