chp 2. convincing is hard

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Silence spread across the house, just staring at eachother and blinking from time to time.
It felt so awkward, the only thing they could hear was the sound of the fridges low groans and the shower being used. Neither were expecting to see eachother, they expected the other to be asleep.
The clocks silent ticking suddenly became all he could hear, staring right at it as the seconds passed by. A hand suddenly waved in his face, "Dude, I'm trying to talk to you. We need to sort this whole thing out." Parker sighed, putting his hand back down.
Chester snapped back into reality, "yeah, r-right."

Here they were now, sat on the sofa and in silence. The camera was running yet neither were speaking yet.
Parker started them off, "What's your deal? Why don't you like Petunia so much?" He asked, looking at him.
Chester looked back at him, brow arched, "Dude, are you serious?? She clearly isn't human, she literally threw up bugs earlier!"
He sighed, "Look, dude. If you can't accept that she's my girlfriend, then you'll need to get out."
He froze slightly, "I- I can prove it to you! I can prove she's not human!"
"Prove it then, show me your evidence."
This is the part Chester wasn't prepared for, he only had video proof.
Which wasn't bad, but would Parker take it as good enough proof?
Knowing how brainwashed the other was, it was probably not enough to prove eveyrthing.


He had made Parker watch the footage he'd recently collected, the other just looked over at him with an arched brow.
"Dude, she could just be sick. You never know that." He sighed.
"She threw up bugs! That isn't normal, this girl isn't normal!" He was trying his best to convince him.
"Whatever." He stood up, "Look, you're just jealous that I got someone and you don't."
"Wh- Jealous because you've got that thing!?" He watched him walk off, sighing and running a hand through his hair.

He'd never admit it, but he felt jealous of Petunia more-so than Parker. He honestly didn't see what he did see in her, nothing about her was good- her perosnality, looks, likes, dislikes- nothing was good, unless that is Parker's standards - which would be worrying.

At this point, Chester might aswell be talking to the wall next to him with the responses he was getting. They were the same responses, almost as if the other was on repeat.

The night carried on the same as it already was, staring up at the ceiling and waiting for something happen. Anything. Anything he could use as proof to convince Parker, to get that girl to leave.
He wasn't jealous, just worried. This way he was feeling wasn't normal, it was weird.
He sat up, maybe going outside would clear his head. Standing up, he made sure that the camera was off. He put on his sunglasses and headed outside into the back garden, just sitting outside the door.


The nights cold air pratically bit at his skin, he was staring up at the sky.
From where he was sat, he could no longer hear anything going on inside. Someone could be getting hurt right now, and he wouldn't know.
Yet he didn't move at all, just stayed put. He was so tired and just wanted the lady gone already, yet he'd have to wait for Parker to actually listen to him.
He was stubborn at times, sometimes even too stubborn. He didn't know why the other would press so much about letting people stay and just putting up with everything thrown at them- it probably wasn't good for their health.

In fact, none of this was ever good for their health. Yet neither took this into consideration, they just done as asked - even if they were risking their lives.

Chester didn't mind, they were saving people at first.
But all good things have consequences, do they not? Sometimes they don't even save anyone, and the blood is on their hands.
Even when they aren't the direct cause. Blood would stain their clothes and hands mentally.
Now they just scrolled through the dark web and 'bought people', which felt so wrong but Chester played along. Only to stay with Parker, he hated how attached he was.

Every few days was another painful recording, the same routine- Start recording, 'buy' someone off of the dark web, record them/what happens, post it.
They acted like it was all fake, yet they knew these things were real...yet they still continued to deal with it all.
They didn't need to do this, they had enough money to last them a while.

A quiet ringing shot through his ears, aching his head as it broke the sudden silence. No, that wasn't what broke the silence.
There was a yell from inside, an almost cry for help- but more of a pained cry.

Chester got up, running inside in an instant. It was Parker, something had happened.
He didn't want the other to have gotten hurt, yet maybe...maybe this would prove that she really was a demonic creature. Something to be shut out and left alone. Abandoned.

Sorry this took so long, I finally got motivation ayyeee-
This doesn't stick with the actual video or anything, it's more of an au kinda thing-
Hope you're enjoying this so far-
I know this may not make much sense, but I am literally writing what comes to mind- so please stick with me-
- Simp.

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