Chapter One: Cross Country With a Bang

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"Sit up Bishop!" cries Antonio.

Rosie, the green mare Bishop has been bringing on,  has just let out another mighty buck. A mid-day cross country ride is really what will set Rosie off and test Bishop's riding. 

Bishop sits up in the saddle and leans back, so not to fall over Rosie's neck. He's been riding so well this whole course and with only one jump left, he can't stack it now. Rosie's end rejoins planet Earth with a loud stomp. I want to let my body relax but through the thick set of trees I see Rosie do another pig root.

Bishop's stirrup escapes his foot and because of the force, he is tossed to the side of the saddle.  

Damn it.

Rosie continues to canter up the hill with Bishop clinging to her side. One sudden jerk and he could be on the ground, eating dirt. 

"Grab her mane and pull yourself up!" Antonio shouts.

The possibility of Bishop fall, getting caught under Rosie's legs and being trampled runs through my mind again and again. 

My heart is suddenly in my throat. Damn it Bishop, pull up.

It is like he reads my mind.

In that same second, Bishop fixes a hand to Rosie's clipped mane and get's his right leg back over the saddle. With a loud enough grunt for us all to hear, Bishop pulls himself back straight onto the saddle, regaining his lost stirrup.

He adjusts his reins before squeezing on Rosie.

I-and everyone else for that matter-let out a long exhale. 

"What a save," I hear Antonio whisper.

The Febuary sun beats down on us during our final lesson for this week. My eyes are focussed on the forest where Bishop and Alex are riding-the end section of the course. Suddenly, like two chestnut rocket, Fletcher and Rosie burst out of the crowed pinetrees.

Alex on Fletcher does a double take to make sure his partner is still with him. Miraculously, Bishop is. Alex holds Fletcher back by sitting deep in his brown saddle, to allow Rosie and Bishop a chance to catch up.

At the right moment when both of their horses are a stride away from the final cross country fence-a medium sized house jump painted blue-they lift out of their saddles simulatenly, letting their hands run up the horses' necks. 

How large my smile is get's away from me when the two of them land together on the otherside.

"Exceptionally well done both of you," Antonio beams, his Italian accent ringing strong. "Good job staying on Bishop." 

"Thanks!" answers Bishop, flashing his braces which are a mix of purple and red this time, as he lets Rosie walk over to Sarah and I.

"Bravo!" I exclaim.

A very sweaty Rosie and a sleepy Virgo touch noses.

"Did it look as bad as it felt?" Bishop murmurs to just Sarah and I.

We exchange a look before breaking out into giggles.

"I mean..." I start.

"You looked cool," Sarah finishes, twisting the end of her dark brown ponytail. "How did it feel?"

"Honestly, I think I did shit myself," Bishop replies with a smile.

I cover my mouth with my hand so my laughter doesn't get to out of hand.  

From behind Bishop and Rosie, walks Fletcher who's light chestnut coat has a few darker patches. Alex's black hair has swooped over his ice blue eyes and his cheeks are flushed.

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