Chapter Sixteen: Deal's Off

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"Nice work everyone," Antonio smiles from the centre of the arena.

I smile and give Virgo a pat. We did a flatwork lesson today, just something easy before the show tomorrow. The arena felt empty today with just Bishop, Georgia, Sophie and I. With the absence of certain fighting friends, it feels lonely.

Georgia on the other hand couldn't be happier. With some of the people she likes least and the only riders better than her gone, she has had a giant smile on her face all lesson. Now if she could just get rid of Bishop and I, her dreams would come true.

I swing my leg over Virgo and dismount. Virgo stretches his head to the ground as I undo his girth. 

"God, I wish I could punch that smug smile off her face," Bishop scoffs in my ear. 

Georgia is smiling brighter with every minute that passes. It makes my eyes want to roll out of my head. I grab Virgo's reins and Bishop and I leave the outdoor arena, the horses swaying behind us. 

"I'm glad I don't have to see Elias beat the shit out of his horse anymore," I grunt.

Bishop grimaces. "I know. Is that how they all ride in Europe?"

"Oh, God no. He and his dad are just tyrants," I scoff.

Bishop scrunches his eyebrows together. "How do you know his father is a tyrant?"

"Oh, I-I don't know. I looked him up and saw him at the World Eventing Championships last year. A rough rider," I stammer, lying through my teeth.

We reach the yards and I breathe a sigh of relief that Bishop has moved on to talking about Kim and Kayne's divorce. Interesting topic but since I haven't watched every season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians like he has, I don't really care and zone out.

Though I do wish it was true that Kayne and Jeffree Star were having an affair.

As Bishop drones on I untack Virgo and give him a few carrots. He laps them, then lifts his top lip into the air and smiles. I start brushing Virgo's legs down.

"Oh, I am so grateful for today's lesson," Bishop groans.

Since the words Kim, beauty community and North aren't in the sentence, I focus in on what he is saying.

"Why's that?" I ask, running a brush through Virgo's mane.

"You have no idea what I am going through in my motel room. Elias and Alex in the same room, bad enough. Them cooped up together for hours without any breaks, is what you call a nightmare," Bishop replies.

"Oh, it can't be that bad," I laugh.

"Nup! Elias is nice and I like him. Alex is an arsehole," Bishop grunts. "But trust me, when mixed together, it is a constant catfight."

I roll my eyes. Then what Sophie told me to do yesterday at the aquarium pops into my mind.

"What if I took Alex away for a bit? I slowly ask.

Bishop stops hosing Rosie off and looks at me with his mouth hanging open. "Maddie, you naughty girl."

I scoff, continuing to brush Virgo's forelock; he is falling asleep in my hands.

"What! We will sneak out this afternoon then you and Elias can go and do whatever."

"You will get caught," Bishop replies in a sing-song voice," and when you do I'll laugh because Antonio will skin you alive."

"That won't happen. Please!" I plea.

Bishop looks me up and down then sighs. "Fine, I'll cover for you. Does Alex know yet?"

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