Chapter Nine: The First Ride

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"She said that?" Sarah yells.

"Yes!" I shout back into my phone.

People turn their heads to look at me with their eyebrows raised. My cheeks grow hot and I pull the hood of Alex's hoodie over my head. 

"I can't believe that, bitch!" Sarah grunts.

I keep my head down as I wander through the paddocks to try and find Virgo. I can just imagine Sarah's angry face back in her dad's Brisbane house as I tell her about how Sienna talked to me this morning.

"Me neither. She was so nice to me before."

"If I was there right now, she would be six feet under," says Sarah.

Her words make me giggle. Oh, how I wish she was with me on this trip. I wouldn't feel so alone.

"Please, I would pay to watch tiny you with a moon boot on and your arm in a cast try and fight Sienna," I laugh.

"The cast is very hard so wouldn't be too hard." I can hear the sound of Sarah knocking on her cast through the phone.

We continue to discuss the new exchange students as I continue my hunt for Virgo. I don't mention to Sarah that Elias and Alex have issues and that Elias is being rather weird around me. Eventually, I see my chocolate head in a paddock shared with Aviation.

Our horses are staying at this nice agistment center Antonio found about five minutes outside Port Macquarie. He also rented out the arena for us to use all day. Right now the Senior team is riding.

"Look Sarah I gotta go and ride," I say.

I hear Sarah sadly sigh. "Yeah, okay. Don't have too much fun without me."

"I'll try," I sing. 

Deep down though I'm not happy. Sarah isn't here with me and is missing out on so much.

I hang up and push my phone down into my chap.

"Okay, you have finally stopped chit-chatting with your little friend."

Georgia's annoying voice comes from behind me. I roll my eyes. Hopefully, Aviation and Virgo aren't in the same paddock at the next place.

Georgia and Sophie breeze past me joined at the hip. 

"Chop chop now Maddie!" the black-haired highness calls over her shoulder.

I suppress my growl and enter the paddock with the devilish duo. As I approach Virgo his ears flick towards me and his nose vibrates as he nickers. I throw my arms around his neck and breathe in his scent. 

"How was your first-night chill dude?"

He lips at my pockets for carrots and as I laugh I give him a small piece of one. I secure his halter to his face and boop his white snip. When I look to see how the others are doing I see Sophie is the one leading Aviation out of the paddock while Georgia is on her phone.

I look at Virgo and he lets out a snort. Neither of us is surprised.

Virgo follows me as I lead him out of the paddock gate which Sophie is holding for us. I give her a thank you smile. 

"Was wondering if I was going to run into you guys."

Georgia, Sophie, and I all turn around. Like the ghost he is, Elias walks towards us dressed in smart riding clothes with a beautiful liver chestnut horse walking behind him.

"Got to be kidding me," Georgia mumbles.

I can tell Elias hears her comment by the smile that plays on his face. 

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