Chapter Thirty-Six: We Are Terrible Spies

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Don't you ever wish you could watch the Earth spin? I do. Sometimes just how colossal it is, freaks me out. The fact there is nearly eight billion people all living on this planet and how big the oceans are, is just impossible to comprehend. Or maybe it is just because it puts into perspective how small I am.

I feel small now.

I'm walking down the gravel path that leads from the stables to the outdoor arena. The six o'clock sun beams down on me as it sinks behind the shallow Darwin hills. It isn't even slightly cold but I cover my hands with the sleeves of Alex's green sweatshirt.

Even though we are done, it brings me comfort still wearing his clothes. I miss him.

The arena steadily approaches. The far side is lined with young pine trees, slightly tinged yellow from the lack of water. Jump wings and poles are piled in the corner so the rider and horse in the centre get to have as much room as possible.

At this centre, there is only one outdoor arena. The stables are small and slightly run down and I've also noticed that there is also a missing roof panel in the covered indoor arena. Though not the extravagant facility I'm used to at SEC, it does remind me of my home stable at Cooma.

The rider guides the grey mare around her inside leg on the fifteen-meter circle. Her shiny white coat gleams in the sunlight, displaying the hard work that has been put into keeping her clean.

I rest my arms on the arena gate, leaning forward to watch. The grey is taken off the circle, stays in a pretty round frame, and travels down the long side. The rider and horse pass me without a worry.

Silently I watch the horse pick up canter and travel smoothly around the arena towards E. The horse turns with precision and when it canters to X the rider flexes the horse right and asks for the lead change.

Liberty obeys.

After a few more transitions, Sophie brings Liberty back to a trot then to a walk. She then dismounts, rolls up her stirrup irons and removes her helmet.

When Sophie looks my way, I put my hand in the air to wave. Not surprisingly, she ignores me. I don't move away from the gate.

Sophie leads a sweaty Liberty my way. Her face is pulled into a scowl and she doesn't look like she wants a conversation with me. When she reaches the gate I stand up straighter, not wanting to seem intimidated by her.

But believe me, I am.

"Why are you here?" Sophie asks, obviously not impressed by my presence.

I lift my chin. "I have to tell you something."

Sophie shakes her head and reaches out to open the gate. I stop her. She glares.

"What could you possibly need to tell me?" Sophie bites.

Liberty softly snorts, pressing her snout into my hand. She still remembers that I would always give her treats when she and Virgo used to share the same paddock.

I stroke her slender head.

"That I'm sorry," I murmur.

I came with the intention to inform Sophie of our plan, but there is something more important that she needs to hear.

"For trying to kiss the boy I like?" Sophie replies.

I lower my head in shame.

"You knew how much I liked him, Maddie," Sophie cries. "I told you about it, looked to you for advice. Now you go and do this, all while having a boyfriend!"

"It isn't true, Sophie!" I bark, my fists balling.  "Elias lied."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he is a snake. He tried to kiss me."

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