Author's Notes

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Wow... the book is finally finished. 

(You don't have to read all of this btw. Just what you want but please fill out the questions below!)

Message to the readers

To everyone that has read this book and the first book, thank you! I really hoped you enjoyed this book and this series as I don't write them for me, I write them for you. Every single reader (whether they are reading this the day it was published or in five years) means so much to me.

You are way more than my readers, you are honestly my friends and if you have commented on either of my books, just know that those comments have kept me going. So I hope you truly enjoyed reading this book (My favourite parts of the week are when I publish and get to read everyone's thoughts and feelings.)

I love you all and can not ever thank you enough.

My thoughts on the book

This book has been an emotional roller coaster for me and had really taught me stuff about myself and about writing in general. 

This book series started out with me reading Canterwood four years ago and thinking "Wow I could do that." Turns out... it's a lot harder than that. 

I knew I wanted to do a sequel to the first book as soon as I finished it. I just couldn't let these characters go and I knew they could still be explored more. But at the same time, I do feel like I sort of let everyone down with this book, I definitely don't feel like it's as strong or as horsey as the first book.

For a while there I thought I was just going to DNF writing this book and forget Wattpad altogether. But luckily I felt inspired again and started writing. Thank God because it's really been a joy to write again and write for an audience.

Do I regret writing a second book? Yes. Do I also love how unique and different this story came out and that I'm glad I gritted my teeth and did it anyway? Yes.

Because all you can do is try and I'm so glad I did. Thank you all for encouraging me and making me confident that I didn't put absolute garbage on the internet.

Questions for the readers

I didn't get a chance to do this with my last book so I'm doing it here. Just leave a comment with your answer to each bold question.

What can I do to improve as an author and also improve my writing?

What did I do well as an author/writer that I can carry on doing in future books?

Favourite character?

My Answer: Though I love all my characters, my favourite characters to write in the first book were probably Lily, Will, Alex and Georgia. In this book probably my favourite characters to write were Elias, Georgia, Sarah, Bishop and Maddie.

Least favourite character?

My Answer: Sienna. I hated writing her. 

Favourite chapter/moment

My Answer: Honestly the most stand out chapter in my mind was chapter fifteen where they went to the aquarium. I don't know why but I love that chapter. Also probably the very first chapter and also chapter 6 when Elias first arrives....

Third Person or First Person books?

My Answer: I haven't seen any third person Wattpad horse books yet so I somewhat want to try. I don't really mind what I read generally either. I'm asking because of my next book.... more on that down below.

Mean girls or no mean girls?

My Answer: I love a good mean girl moment don't get me wrong but sometimes I just think they are too over used or just a recycled Heather Fox and the Trio.


I don't actually know if anyone has any questions about the books, about me/how I write or if you want like writing tips (bc I'm totally qualified for that) Or if you have any questions about LEGIT ANYTHING comment on this.

(Totally fine if you don't)

What's next?

So, two books have been written; what's next?

I did go into this series thinking it would be a trilogy but now I don't think so. SHOCKING I KNOW! I did want it to be and I do have an idea for the third book but my heart really isn't in it though. My confidence was so low writing this book that I don't want to ruin it anymore by writing a third.

Other reasons a third book wouldn't work is because it would be set one year in the future so that would mean all the SEC Senior team members (Will, Lily, Jack etc.) Would have gotten to old to be on the team so they would hardly be in book if not at all.

And I love all my characters and don't want that at all!

That doesn't mean I won't write a book with these characters in the future it's just if I do it, it won't be apart of this series or be set at SEC. It would also be from Alex's POV.

So what are you going to write?

Well, I've had two ideas bouncing around in my mind for a while and so I've finally said f**k it, I'm going to do it. So I've mashed them both together.

Basically it will be set at an academy (I know it's a trope but I'm going to have a bit of a spin on it like I like to try and have with all my books.) It will be from duel POV one female, one male. It is more academic rivals to lovers (well, horse rivals.) It's going to be horsey, a bit gay, and hopefully funny and fun. I've written the blurb and I'm super happy with it. (I may have also done a fifteen page planning document, a map and many pinterest moodboards but anyway.)

I do think it's going to be interesting working out not only having duel POVs but also having a male POV and main character as I haven't seen many of them in horse books and I don't know how people will like it.

I don't know how much people want to know about the book so you can ask anymore questions you have about it here!

I'm not pressuring anyone at all who liked the Maddie books to read it I'm just letting everyone know what's next. If you start to read it and find it's not your cup of tea that's perfectly okay!

Anyway this was my big, long way of saying thank you for reading and I love you all!

See you at Elkwood Academy...

Madison v.s The Travelling Exchange StudentsWhere stories live. Discover now