It's a Loud House of Magic/Parent's Riches

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Loud House: Labyrinth of Magic Ch. 4 (It's a Loud House of Magic/Parent's Riches)

Alt. Opening

Rushing through the crowded halls, (Show's Lincoln rushing through the crowded hallway)

Dodging girls like fireballs, (The place changes as Lincoln rush and dodges through his first dungeon: Amon)

Just to reach the bathroom on time (Reverts back to his house)

(Hey! Hey! Hey!)

Skipping over laundry piles, (The scene is in half-half mirroring as Lincoln leaps from the laundry pile same as skipping from a trap manhole)

Diapers you can burn for miles, (Lincoln sees Lily walking with her full diaper)

King's gotta do what he can to survive! (In his house, he avoids Luan's prank. On the mirroring, he is avoiding the guillotine trap)

In the ! In the Loud House! (He enters the bathroom where Lana causes a wave of water while mirroring on how Lincoln survived his slide fall from the dungeon.)

Dance, dodge, push and shove, (Lincoln overtakes his sisters to the remote. Mirroring how he overtakes the pillar of flames.)

It's how we show our love! (Lincoln got the remote. Shifts again that Lincoln got the dagger. The shifts again where all sisters are staring at him.)

In the Loud House! In the Loud House! (The girls chase him. Scene shift, fire ants are chasing him.)

One King, ten girls (shows Lincoln holding the dagger with his hands as black as char.)

(Wouldn't trade it for the world!)

Loud! House! Loud! Loud House! (Lincoln and the sisters gather to the sofa with Yunan at the back. Lincoln press a button as Yunan watches as well.)

Lily: (spoken) Poo-poo! (Title screen an Lily is chasing a white butterfly-Rukh)

Lincoln is looking around and sneaking about in the living room and leaps onto the sofa. Yunan on the other hand hid the bag of riches including himself with invisibility magic (Water and Light).

Yunan: What are you doing Lincoln?

Lincoln: Money searching. In the Loud House, there just isn't a lot of it to go around. [searches between the cushions and gets wads of chewed gum on his fingers.] Ew! [shakes it off and pulls out a pair of dirty underwear and tosses it.] Grody! Which is why, if you happen to find some, even the smallest amount... you gotta keep it to yourself. [finds a quarter] Jackpot! [kisses it]

Yunan(whispers): But we had plenty.

Lincoln: I know but, it's our secret. So that no one will find it suspicious.

[Just then, his sisters happen to come across him and his coin.]

Lucy: Brother, who are you talking to? Also we...

Lola: We heard money! A dime! No, a quarter!

Lincoln: What? That's impossible. Money doesn't make a sound, right?

Luan: Haven't you ever heard the expression "Money talks" [laughs at rimshot]

Luna: And that quarter is saying, "Hand me over, bro!"

Lana: It's mine!

Leni: Guys, let's just split it 40/40!

Lincoln: Well, if you are that desperate. [shows the quarter] Here take it. [leaves the sofa]

Lynn: Wait a second! If there was one quarter down there, then maybe there's more!
[The girls all then pounce on the couch and fight over the quarter and the possibility of more under the sofa while Cliff runs off from the fight. Enter their parents.]

Rita: What are they fighting over this time? A nickel under the ottoman?

Lynn Sr.: Nope. A quarter down the sofa.

Rita: We better stop them before they start biting.

[Lana bites Lola]

Lola: Ow! Lana!

Lynn Sr.: Too late. [whistles and gets them to stop] ALL RIGHT, EVERYBODY EXCEPT LINCOLN GET UPSTAIRS AND CLEAN THE ATTIC! That's punishment for fighting over money!

The girls all groan and acquiesce. Lincoln (and Yunan) could only observe the circumstance.

Luan: That punishment makes no cents. [laughs to rimshot]

Lynn Sr.: Upstairs! [to Rita] But that was a good one.

Rita: W-wait, is Yunan up?

Yunan: [uncloaks] I'm here ma'am.

Lynn Sr.: [bewildered] How did you...?

Lincoln: It's just one of his quirks. He is pretty talented on parlor tricks.

Lynn Sr.: Better get to the girls!

The attic


The kids look on to see the horror that is the back corner.

Lucy: But the back corner was my secret dark place.

Lola: It's Lincoln's fault we're up here, so he can do it!

Lori: Not another word, Lola! Since you started this, you do it!


Lola: What loose floorboard? [steps on it and gets hit in the face by it.] Stupid loose floorboard...[puts it back and notices an envelope.] Hey, what's this? [opens it up and finds a letter.]

"Dear Future Residents of 1216 Franklin Avenue, my family always fought over money, so I decided to leave my fortune for you in the hope that you will share it. For a clue on where the money is hidden, reflect upon what I said here. Signed, Mrs. Sharon DeMonet, the original owner.

Lola: [gasps] Hey, guys! Check it out! I found this letter from the original owner! She says she's hidden money in the house!

Lori: [disbelieving] Yeah, right, Lola. Quit stalling. You're not getting out of cleaning the attic.

Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, and Lisa: YEAH!!!

Lola: Fine! I'll just do it by myself, and when I do, it'll be all mine. [steps on and gets hit by the loose floorboard again.]

Lincoln(whispers): Is there really such thing?

Lynn Sr.(whispers): It's a secret, son. Don't ruin it for us.

Yunan(whispers/cloaked): Lincoln, I don't feel any Rukh reaction from this "Sharon DeMonet". So yes, let's keep it secret for now.

When Lola comes to, she sees that her sisters are gone.

Lola: Where'd everybody go?

Lincoln: They're downstairs. (whispers to Yunan: Get the bag out of here)

She went to the second floor hall while Yunan hid the treasures with magic. Lisa is using a metal detector in the hall. She seemed to be searching for something.

Lola: "Lisa? What are you doing?"

Lisa: Uh...just calibrating my dumb human detector. [uses it on Lola] Calibrated. [awkwardly leaves]

Lola then proceeds on approaching Lynn.

Lynn: [holding Lucy inside the laundry chute.] Lucy...see anything?

Lola: Lynn! What are you doing?

Lola's question causes Lynn to drop Lucy down the chute and scream and land with a thud.

Lynn: [nervously] Who? Me? No no. Just putting laundry down the chute.

Lola: [suspicious] Laundry doesn't scream and go thud.

Lynn: [threateningly] No, but nosy sisters do.

Lola: [backing away in fury and sarcasm] Fine, fine! Be that way. [leaves]

Lynn: [opens the chute] SORRY, LUCE!

Lucy: That's okay! I found a new secret dark place!

Lola goes downstairs heard something in the chimney

Lola: Lana? What are you doing?

Lana: Nothing. Just cleaning (or enjoying) in this chimney. It's quite filthy

Lola then proceeds into the basement. It was dark and a perfect place for Yunan if he was there.

Luan: [down in the basement] Hand me the flashlight.

Lola overhears it. Luna and Luan are down in the basement checking the furnace and Lola comes down to check on this.

Luna: Quick! Hide! [shoves Luan in the furnace.]

Luan: [inside] Okay. [Luna stands by whistling as Lola approaches.]

Lola: What are you up to?

Luna: [busts out some repair tools] ...practicing my drums? [bangs on the furnace]

The noise was too much that Lola had to leave.

Luan: [dazed from Luna's racket] Can someone answer the ringing in my head? [groans and faints]

Meanwhile, in the crawlspace

Lori: Gross! What is this?

Leni: Get off my pumps!

Lori: I'm gonna pump your face if you don't move faster!

Leni: Let's just get this over with.

Lori: Ugh! Why didn't Mrs. DeMonet just tell us where the money is?

Leni: I don't know. Let's ask her. [shines the flashlight on a skeleton.]

They scream in horror.

Lori: [calmly] Wait. That's just a leftover Halloween decoration.

Enter Lola

Lola: Hey! What are you two doing?

Lori: Uh...we're just dusting! [dusts with Leni's arm]

Leni: Wait. I thought we were looking for the money.


Everyone except Lincoln has grouped together in the living room.

Lola: Okay, admit it, you're all looking for the money, aren't you?

Leni: Obviously!

Lynn: Uh, duh!

Luna: Heck, yes, we are!

Luan: Where'd you find your first clue, Sherlock?

Lola: You guys didn't even believe the money existed! I'm the one who should get it!

Lori: Forget that! I'm finding it for myself!

Leni: Not if I find it first!

Luna: Yeah, dream on!

Lana: It's mine!

They all start fighting again and pull each other into the fray. Enter Lynn Sr. who whistles to get them to stop once more.

Lynn Sr.: Obviously, you girls haven't learned your lesson. Back to the attic!

The girls resume cleaning the attic and Lincoln secretly takes another look at the letter.

Lola: The answer must be in here somewhere. I know it. "Reflect upon what I said here." What could that mean? [looks in the mirror to find another piece of paper in the rafter and face-palms for not realizing sooner.] Reflect! Duh! [casually walks over] I'm just gonna be over the, uh...the dirty thing... [gets on a stack of boxes and grabs the paper.]

Lucy: [Lucy appears to Lola] What's that?!

Lola: [startled] Ah! Nothing!

Lynn: [finds out] Lola found another letter!

Lola takes to the rafters and her sisters are ready to clobber her if she doesn't read it.

Sisters: READ IT!

Lola: "Okay, okay! Calm down!" [opens it and reads]

"Well done. You've found the next clue. But beware. If you fight like my family did, you'll never get to the bottom of the matter.

Lola: You guys, maybe we should listen to her and stop fighting.

Lori: [suspiciously backing away] Yeah...Lola's soon as we're done cleaning here, we should totally work together to find the money. [leaves]

They were dumbfounded until Lola realized it.

Lola: Hey! Lori's going after the money!

The girls all follow suit.

Lola: Wait! [goes after them but steps on and gets whack by the loose floorboard yet again.]

Meanwhile, hiding in the attic with invisibility.

Lincoln: [cloaked] They never learn.

Yunan: [cloaked] Yes, but determination is key. Besides, they feel like a worthy candidate. All that is needed is a good push to the right course.

When Lola comes to, he sees the mayhem that his sisters are causing to one another in search of the fortune.Lincoln uncloaked and went down

Lincoln: Guys, stop fighting over this and work it out alright!

Lola: Forget that Lincoln! It's every man for himself!

Lincoln tried to convince the others to stop their shenanigans but it was to no avail.

Lana: Smell the money, boy! [Charles sniffs it] Now go find more! [Charles eats her dollar.] Hey! Spit it out, Charles! So help me, I will get that dollar back even if I have to wait for it to come out the other end! [chases after the dog]

Lucy: [performing a seance] I summon you from the great beyond...Mrs. Sharon DeMonet! Tell me where your fortune is. Speak to me, oh, spirit. [losing patience] Come on, lady! Just tell me where the dough is!

Lincoln: Since when can you talk to spirit or Rukh?

Lynn: [with a Tennis ball dispenser] "SINCE YOU GET OUT OF OUR ROOM!!!" [fires Tennis balls at Lincoln.]

Lincoln ducks and makes Lucy take the blow and escapes. Luna and Luan are checking every square inch of their room.

Luan: Hey, look! [pulls out a half-eaten sandwich from her wastebasket.] I found the bread! [laughs] And the cheddar, and the lettuce, and the clams. Ew! No wonder someone threw this out.

Lincoln: Hey, what-

Luna busts out one of her amps.

Luna: STAY OUT! THIS IS OUR TURF! [blasts Lincoln with a killer wail.]

Lana: [still chasing Charles into her room.] HEY! GET BACK HERE! THAT'S MY DOLLAR!

Lincoln: Guys, please. That's enough.

Lola comes in in her princess car and rams Lincoln to the side and blocks the door.


Lincoln: [Went out to hide into his room] Yunan! Barricade the door.

Yunan casts a hardening spell based on Power magic to harden the door. The sisters then knocked so hard to the door that it made so much sound.


Leni: [shouts] I FOUND IT!


Leni: No! My missing floral pump!

Sisters: Aww!

Lola: The money's not up here! Maybe it's downstairs!

They all rush downstairs and search the kitchen with no luck. While Lincoln is stuck in his room reading a note. From Yunan: I forgot to mention to you that there are 8 types of magic based on the octagram or 8-pointed star of Solomon. Until this chaos is calmed, I must hide. Meanwhile...

Lola: The dining room!

They search there and still can't find it.

Luna: The living room!

Once again, no sign of the money.

Luan: Lily's room!

Upon arriving there, they notice Lily is taking her nap. To avoid waking her up, they mute out the ruckus caused by their search.

Lori: We've literally searched the whole house, and nothing!

Leni: Hello! My floral pump is not nothing.

Luna: Maybe we missed something in the letter!

The girls all glare at Lola who knows where this is going. They all start fighting over the letter and tear it apart.

Lola: Look what you did!

Lana: "You're the one who ripped it!"

Luna: Dude, how are we gonna find the money now?

Lincoln finally stepped out of his room. He took a deep inhale and gathered as much magoi he needed to deliver a magoi message. With great force he shouted.

Lincoln: THAT'S ENOOOUUUUUGH!!!! [The magoi voice strike all 9 sisters and it rang into their ears until they all calmed.] Nobody is getting any money, not even one bill!

Lana: Why?

Luan: What are you talking about?

Lincoln: 'Cause all you did was fight over it. And this is exactly what Sharon DeMonet warned you about. Yet nobody listened. [his sisters start to feel regretful for what they did, as they look at the pieces of the now destroyed clue.] How about this? From now on, whenever we find money, whether it's a hidden fortune or even this quarter... [takes out the quarter]"...we all share it equally.

All the sisters agreed to what Lincoln had suggested. Yunan, heard it all inside Lincoln's room. He grinned seeing as he finally took the first step of being a King's Candidate.

Lana: I'll even share the dollar I got back from Charles. [shows them the dollar now covered in Charles' feces.]

Lincoln: [thoroughly disgusted] Let's not...

The others agree and Lily comes crawling out from her nap.

Lori: [picks Lily up] Aw...we're sorry, Lily. Did your noisy sisters and brother wake you? [makes cute faces to Lily.]

Something is attached to Lily's diaper.

Lynn: Hey. What's that stuck on Lily's bottom?

Lincoln takes it and unfolds it.

Lincoln: It's...a map!

"If you're reading this, it means you came together and got to the "bottom" of the matter! Congratulations! You're almost there!"

The kids cheer over this discovery.

Lincoln: [faking suspicion] But wait. How could she have known the map would be on Lily's bottom? [In his thoughts: Dad could have made a less suspicious alibi, but this is just jesting something]

The others think about that for a brief moment.

Lola: [breaking the silence] Who cares?! Let's find the money!

They all head out on the search. The backyard. The kids come across a big X.

Lincoln: Well, X marks the spot.

Lisa: [excited] Ooh! I love solving for X!

Lincoln grabs a sandbox shovel and starts digging.

Sisters: [chanting] DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG!

Lucy: I've got some experience digging holes. [joins Lincoln in digging]

Sisters: DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG!

Luan: Digging is fun for the hole family! [laughs] Get it?

Sisters: DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG!

Lana: Okay, everyone. Stand back. Luna? A little digging music?

Luna: You got it, sis! [starts strumming her acoustic guitar.]

Lana digs like Charles and finds the briefcase, much to her sisters' amazement.

Lincoln: [takes it but notices...] It's locked!

Leni: I got this. [takes the briefcase, pulls out her barrette, and picks the lock open with it, stunning her sisters.] What? There's more to my head than just air, you know.

Lincoln opens the briefcase and everyone gasps to discover that the money is real!

Lola: [checks the total] Five...hundred...DOLLARS!!!

The kids gasp again

Lincoln: So, if we share it equally, that means we each get, uh...

Lisa: $45.4545455 each.

The kids all cheer over their achievement. Luna cheers and Lucy is throwing confetti around like a flower girl at a wedding.


Lucy: Yay. Yay. Yay.

Lola: [spreading some of the money out.] ONE! TWO! THREE!

Lincoln plays the bongos on his cheeks. Lori and Leni jump for joy and start doing the tango together. Lana is twirling a lasso, Luan is hugging a tree, and Luna is literally tumbling around. All the while, their parents watch on at their children's happiness.

Rita: It was really nice of you to give up your work bonus. Are you ever gonna tell them that you're Sharon DeMonet?

Lynn Sr.: Nah. Lincoln already knew. And so is Yunan.

Rita: I have to admit, it's nice to see them sharing money and not fighting over it.

Lynn Sr.: Yep. All part of Sharon's plan.

Rita: Was destroying the house part of Sharon's plan?

Overview of the destruction from the kids' previous free-for-all.

Lynn Sr.: No. No it was not.

Rita: Well, now she can...Sharon DeCleanUp! [hands him a broom]

Lynn Sr. is now cleaning up the attic.

Lynn Sr.: [to the viewers] Money. There just isn't a lot of it in the Loud House. But when there is, it's good to know that from now on, the kids will share it. [spots a dime] Ooh! A dime! [picks it up] I'll just, uh...keep this one to myself. [puts it in his pocket and steps right onto and gets smacked by the loose floorboard he warned Lincoln about. When he comes to, he accidentally touched a soft sac that deactivates the magic on the bag of treasures that Yunan hid. He then opened the bag and was shocked at the revelation]

Meanwhile, Lincoln got his share. And he got called by Yunan into Lincoln's room.

Yunan: I'm glad that all is well.

Lincoln: Yeah, and I got a share. Btw, You told me that there are 8 types of magic. Then you are gonna teach me about it.

Yunan: Oh, that. Here you go. [hands over a paper] I have every detail on those types. If you are gonna ask, Magis and Saints can control all types, while Low Priests can only do Light and Life magic to heal and exorcise.

Lincoln proceeds on reading the paper which contained color-coding indicator and sorted by number to each types of magic/magicians:
1st type Red-Heat, 2nd type Blue-Water, 3rd type Orange-Light, 4th type Yellow-Thunder, 5th type White-Wind, 6th type Green-Sound, 7th type Black-Power, 8th type Violet-Life.

Yunan: Normal humans can not do anything to manipulate their magoi unless they've entered a priesthood or magecrafts. There is a species called the Fanalis that lived in what you call Africa, they possess low quantity of magoi so they could not do magic at all. But knowing them in my ancient times, their punch can kill elephants and kicks that have the same strength as lightning. You though... As King's candidate, can only use the affinity of your Djinn.

Lincoln: Basically, I'm a red Magician because I can control Heat Magic.

Yunan: Yes, unless you decide to capture a new Djinn. And, no you can't have them all. You are limited to at most 7. or in your case, 3 or 5. Sinbad have 7 before he ascended into the Heavens.

Lincoln: You mean the great Sinbad, from that tale: "The Adventures of Sinbad".

Yunan: Yes, him.

After that, they heard a call from the attic.

Lynn Sr.: Lincoln! Rita! Get in the attic right now.

They went into the attic, along with Yunan. Lincoln and Yunan probably knew what's going to happen

Rita: Honey, what is...? [sees the bag of treasures] Are those real?

Lincoln: Yes mom. [appears and closes the attic door] And I found it.

Lynn Sr.: But how? Did Yunan gave them to you? You have a lot to explain.

Lincoln: [to the readers/viewers and his parents] Well, guys I have a lot of explaining to do. [to the viewers] But I will explain it to them off this chapter. Wish me luck, and you too Yunan. I don't want the author to deprive him of sleep after a bickering headache.


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