Rampage of the Flame Minister/Tragedy of the Sword Sage pt. 2

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Loud House: Labyrinth of Magic Ch. 10 (Rampage of the Flame Minister/Tragedy of the Sword Sage pt. 2)

Lincoln[and Amon's voice]: Kill... you... [points his dagger forward] You'll DIE!

Goon Leader: Don't just stand there, idiots! Fire!

The goons fired with all their shells until they ran out of bullets. All bullets melted upon nearing Lincoln as if he is flaming as hot as the sun. Yunan, somewhere still camouflaged, felt Lincoln magoi ever-shifting. Yunan grew worried and wanted to see if Lincoln would end up falling into depravity. Meanwhile the goons' emotions are shifted from bravado into cowardice as they grew afraid of Lincoln's rage. The goons outside secured the buses, ignoring the gunfire as if their leader is merely firing for entertainment. Lincoln took one step forward while the goons took a step back. Rukh surround Lincoln but somewhat the whitish glows is slowly tainted in black. Amon recognize this and inside Lincoln's mind is a boy in a rampage.

Lincoln[still in Amon's voice]: Evil-doers, thou shalt face my wrath!! [The Sword of Austerity morphed from dagger to longsword] AMOL SAIQA!!

Lincoln took a battle stance of royal fencing swordplay. He then charged to one of the goons and stabbed him into the center. He removed the sword, spin gracefully and cut-off his hands before falling. Lincoln, still stained by the blood of the criminal, stood as if a hunter waiting to his prey. The goon leader then took a switchblade and threatened Lincoln. The switchblade reaching to Ronnie Anne's neck, Lincoln halted from his tracks before it could cut through her skin.

Lincoln's mind

Lincoln: I have to do something before it kills her!!

Amon: Calm yourself my young king. Do you not see that your recklessness might do more harm?

Lincoln: But Ronnie Anne is in danger! Everyone is in grave danger!

Amon: Do you not remember why you were chosen? You are exactly who you are, protective and loving. You let go of your attachments to materialism to gain power. You forgotten why you desired power?

Lincoln then remembered why he took his magoi training, it was to protect his loved ones.

Amon: Do you not see that your emotions are getting the best of you? Have you lost faith? If not, then trust that people you hold dear will be alive after this crisis.

Vocalor: That's right, knave. You, your darling sisters, and gal pals will be a-ok.

Valefore: It's time to settle down boy. Experience tranquility, for these evil-doers will not last long.

Lincoln: I... am... sorry.

Vocalor: Look at your Rukh boy, Stained by an emotional muck yet it doesn't fully corrupted you. You are indeed a singularity.

Valefore: Yunan read the Rukh of those vile men. Their Rukh are stained in black. They've fallen into depravity for they've committed so much sins. Their wickedness will finally see poetic justice!

Amon: Young king, if you still need my assistance, I will be your vanguard.

Lincoln: Promise me one thing... When this is all over... we will seek out the darkness that upsets the balance of this world. We will go into an adventure, fight villainy and save more people.

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