Calm After a Firestorm/Tragedy of the Sword Sage Finale

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Loud House: Labyrinth of Magic Ch. 11 (Calm After a Firestorm/Tragedy of the Sword Sage Finale)

The trip got suspended until further notice. Pending time is next week as the buses are returned to the stations when the students are returned home. As Yunan is carrying Lincoln out of exhaustion, the younger sisters followed and surrounds him out of concern to their sole male sibling. The news hit wonders to many. Some of the fanatics called the incident as a sign of the Coming. Reverend Abraham, at his home chapel, knew exactly what transpired while the three Prophets are on their way to gather after setting the dungeons in random parts of the world. Scientists couldn't imagine and discern the event that transpired as Lisa was caught by surprise.

The group reached home as some of his friends and their families follows. One of them is the McBride clan, as the son and the two fathers entered the Loud residence with the desires to ease their minds from bewilderment. The others are the Changs, Santiago-Casagrande, McCann, Gurdle, Spokes, etc.

Lynn Sr.: I know you have your concerns but I can assure you people that everything is going to be alright.

Harold: What's gonna happen next, Mr. Loud? Are still safe?

Mrs. McCann: How do we know that your son will not be a threat to our safety? We saw and heard what happened! Your son is... some sort of...

Rita: Monster? Well that's just too wrong! My son is not a monster! He just wanted to protect his friends, your children. Our children too.

Howard: Rita, calm down. I'm sure everything is going to be okay.

Gossip Neighbor: Are you sure about that? One thing we can't be sure of, your so called son is possessed by a demon! I mean, look at one of their children, dark and always gloomy. For all we know she could have conjured evil like a witch.

Gunfire is heard as silence then rang from the mouths of the uncertain neighbors. They made space as authorities approaches along some school staff and the former marine navy Pop-pop aka. Albert.

Pop-pop: Rita?

Rita: Yes, dad?

Pop-pop: How long have you been not telling me?

Lynn Sr.: Uhmmm.. A few months or so. From the day, Lincoln ran away because of our fight protocol.

Pop-pop: I see. Will let me see my grandchildren? (thoughts: I hope to see that youthful smile from you again, Yahochanan)

As Albert entered the Loud dwelling, the parents are bombarded with questions only to be assisted by the school staff, Santiago-Casagrande, McBrides, and Changs. Mr. McCann however tries to thwart his wife from causing more confusion as their son is still inside the house.

Living room

Albert entered as he sees Lincoln still tired of the event. Resting and recovering from the crisis, he is tended by his friends and Yunan.

Albert: I see that you are still youthful as ever Jonathan. Immortality becomes you.

Yunan: Albert, it is good to see you well. Aged a lot since our last departure but your Rukh is as spirited as ever.

Lincoln: Pop-pop? You know Yunan?

Albert: Long story short, I met him in the brig once. I thought he was an enemy but rather he warned me of the enemy ambush. We barely made it if it wasn't for him saving me. Harriet once discovered a book of Ancient Magics and she trusted him to hide it from the world. I guess that due to his immortality, he made a lot of friends and waved so many goodbyes.

Lincoln: I see. But what are you doing here, Pop-pop?

Albert: Can't I visit my grandson and granddaughters to at least comfort them from the trauma? [looks at Clyde] Why don't call your friend's sisters down here for a while.

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