Spirit of Falsehood and Prestige/Summer Cold

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Loud House: Labyrinth of Magic Ch. 5 (Spirit of Falsehood and Prestige/Summer Cold)

It was a hot summer day. The Loud siblings are banned from any pool they found in Royal Woods, Michigan.

Linocln: Mr. Pirohiko sir, please let me. [looks at the readers] *ehem* So yeah I did explained to my parents my situation. They decided that it is best that they kept the treasure at their room until we figured out what to do with it. Clyde also kept the other bag and haven't decided to convert it to dollars so it's safe just in case we needed it.

Thank you, Lincoln. Now Yunan is comfortable from the summer heat (Just Magic!) In the attic. Lincoln ask if there is anything he can help him with to stop this intense heat from frying them.

Yunan: Why ask me? I mean I can always put up some Water/Ice magic to cool the entire house but that would be suspicious. Especially with your so called "Air-con" malfunctioning.

Lincoln: You have a point but a pool could be out of the question since they'll just... do what they do. It's exactly why we got banned.


Lifeguard 1: Fecal incidents! Not fun!

Lifeguard 2: Do you have to put vegetables to the pool?!

Lifeguard 3: No roughhousing! Especially during senior swim!

Lifeguard 4: Loud family! OUT!

Flashback ends

Yunan: That is too bad. But as King's Candidate what are you going to do?

Lincoln: Even if I buy a new one, I'm afraid they'll just occupy it for their own so I won't be able to enjoy.

Yunan: Ah, but a king must make sacrifices for the benefit of his subjects. You need to think selflessly.

Lincoln: You are right. But pool is still out of the question, they'll just wreck the pool and ended up back to square 1. Hmm...[thinking] Hey Yunan, is there a Djinn that controls water or ice?

Yunan: I'm glad you ask, but are you sure about your choice? You want a new Djinn for yourself?

Lincoln: It's the least I could do to beat the heat. [ring phone] Hello, who is it?

Clyde(phone): Hey buddy, how are you holding up?

Lincoln: Oh you know, heated. [Amon: That pun was uncalled for.] So Clyde, got anything.

Clyde(phone): Oh in the house. It's refreshing here since the Air-con is working but it might not last from this heat. So my dads have to prepare for that scenario and immediately booked a mechanic.

Lincoln: Oh this brings me an idea. Wanna me to come over? Invite some of our friends too. I'll let them meet Yunan and ready for this crazy idea.

Clyde(phone): Well I'm intrigued. I'll call them right away. Meet me this afternoon here at my house. Clyde out [hangs phone]

A few hours later and the intense heat is still at the air. Lincoln made it to Clyde's house without exhaustion (thanks to Yunan's water/ice magic). He rang the doorbell and was greeted by Clyde's dads: Howard and Harold McBride.

Harold: Welcome Lincoln, I heard from Clyde that he will have friend overs so I prepared some snacks.

Howard: And you must be Yunan, Clyde told me about you. Well come in.

Yunan and Lincoln went in and have some snacks while the other friends presented themselves. Once complete, Lincoln told them that Yunan is a Sorcerer, or more precisely: a Magi, a prophet of God. Much to their disbelief, Yunan proven it by casting a teleportation magic (a sub-type of Light) to an empty, isolated part of the outskirts of Royal Woods. Their surprised faces (esp. Clyde) made Lincoln chuckle a little.

Clyde: [shocked] So you really are telling the truth of the whole magic and Genie thing? Then the treasures are part of your wish?

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