Chapter 21

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**hey guys! Just something to note, I've changed the title from My Ex's Best Friend to The Hunter Chronicles. Still the same book, don't worry:) enjoy!

I look out the window and toward the crowded streets of Germany. I have been here for nearly a month now. Stuck here in this prison. My throat burns painfully, I can't remember the last time I fed. Maximilian hasn't let me out of his sight since the first time he let me go hunting with Sebastian. Not that I really blame him, I was very close to actually getting away. Too bad Sebastian is the best Tracker I have ever met in my entire life. The bars in my window reflect the feelings in my heart. I have no way of knowing where Darius is, or if he is even alive. All I know is that Maximilian sent him a letter telling him that I was as good as dead, and he would never find me, so don't bother looking.

I missed his beautiful charcoal gray eyes, even if I didn't find them hypnotizing before, they were still the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I sigh and lean my head against the glass. There is a knock on the door. I left my head wearily to look to see who is coming in. However it is no person I know. A young man, maybe in his late twenties gets pushed into my room. The door slams and deadbolts. I am confused for only a minute, then I realize. He is my meal. Now that I look at him I can see the telltale signs of vampirism that Maximilian has taught me to look for. His eyes are a swirling shade of blue. Vampires irises swirl so they can hypnotize their prey. His skin is perfect, not a blemish marks it, because vampires heal, so nothing can mar their appearance.

He looks back at the door and flings himself against it, counting on his superhuman strength to help him get out. Little does he know that these doors are Vampire proof. I start to slink towards him, my fangs drop and my vision sharpens. He turns to look at me and fear flashes across his eyes, an odd emotion for a vampire to display, however not uncommon when they look upon my kind. He starts to say something in German, probably something along the lines of, "Pease don't hurt me, I don't want to die." but before he can finish babbling I have my fangs sunk into his neck. He unique cocktail of living a dead blood fills me, bringing back the strength and energy that I had been lacking for the past few weeks now. I drain his body of ever last drop before pushing him to the ground. His skin is sunken, just like it would be if I would have staked him. The door opens again and Sebastian steps in, he looks from the dead vampire to me and smiles slightly, "Is that better?" he questions, referring to my thirst. Unwilling to speak, I slowly nod my head a regard him with cautious eyes.

"Ok you can stop looking at me like that." Sebastian growls, loosing his patience, "Like what?" I demand. He rolls his eyes, "I don't know, like I am a terrible person or something, you just look generally pissed off. Don't be mad at me! I'm not the one who tried to escape the last time we went hunting, and I am certainly not the one who locked you up in here for so long. you can blame Maximilian for that." I look away from him, "Sorry." I mutter. He waves me off like I am unimportant, typical Sebastian. Yells at me for something, then doesn't acknowledge me when I try to apologize, "Anyway, I'm here to see if you are ready to come out of confinement yet." he looks at me with probing eyes, I shift uncomfortably, "What?" I ask, feeling awkward under his gaze. When he doesn't say anything, I continue on, "Ok, ok. There is no way that I am going to attempt an escape now. I don't want to go three weeks without feeding again." I admit. I shiver just thinking about the terrible hunger pangs that have been plaguing me for the past week.

Sebastian leans up against the door frame and crosses his arms over his chest, regarding me with cool eyes, "You know, you at incredibly lucky that Maximilian has not found a convenient time to track down your little vampire friends and rip their hearts out." he shrugs, "Not that it matters to me, but if I were you I would take extra care to get on his good side again." he looks at me, his eyes cold, I wonder how long Sebastian has lived here, without any friends, just Maximilian. He looks over at the body, "grab that and follow me, Maximilian wants to talk to you." I raise my eyebrows, surprised that he is trusting me to leave my room. I thought that I would be trapped in here for years, not only a month. In the perspective of forever, one month is the blink of an eye.

I walk over to the body, all to aware of Sebastian's intense gaze, and lean down to grab its arms. Sebastian turns without a word and heads out of the room, I follow him, dragging the man behind me. He is surprisingly light without any blood. At first I think that Sebastian is leading me to Maximilian's library, but then we take a different turn and start to head down a flight of stairs. I've never been in this part of the building before. I cringe as the man's head hits each stair. I am afraid that it is going to break open and spill its messy contents all over me. However Sebastian doesn't seem to share my concern, he just keeps walking.

When we reach the bottom of the stairs we head down a narrow hall until Sebastian stops at a heavy metal door and pulls it open. Through the dim lighting I can see Maximilian outlined by the small glow of a fire. He beckons for us to come forward, "I trust that you enjoyed your meal." Maximilian says without even looking at me, "Yes I did sir, thank you." he slightly glances over his shoulder, "Did you bring the body?" Sebastian prods me in the side with his fingers, I step forward, dragging the man with me, "Yes sir." he finally turns to look at me, appraising me with cold eyes. I straighten my back and look right back at him. After a moment, he nods and motions towards the body, "Put that in the fire, and close the door." I look at him in confusion, he sighs and runs a hand over his face, "we can't just let bodies build up around here." he says in a weary voice, "we have to get rid of the evidence."

I nod carefully before taking the man and dragging him ahead of Maximilian towards the fire. It takes me a while to figure out how to get the body into the incinerator. When I finally have his head inside, I slam the door shut. Now the only light comes from a small window in the incinerator door. Suddenly something slams into me and pins me to the hot metal door, it's Maximilian, "If you so much as put one toe out of line I will put you in here, alive. Is that understood?" I nod, unable to say anything. The pressure on my back is gone. I stumble away from the incinerator door and turn around to face Maximilian. He is no longer there, neither is Sebastian. I am alone.

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