Chapter 3

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"Julie, we need to talk, I--" I cut him off.

"What is there to talk about? We're over. You said that yesterday." I tried to keep the heartbreak out of my voice.

"I know, I know." he sighed, "But, I miss talking to you. I forgot what life without you was like. Can't we still be friends?" if the circumstances were different I would have jumped out of my desk and hugged him. But I was trying to make this as hard for him as it was for me.

I straightened up and replied stiffly, "I can't do that now. I need time alone. And you need to respect that. It will take some getting used to, but you will find a way to handle it."

The shock on his face made me want to laugh. He had honestly thought that I would accept him as a friend the day after he ended our year long relationship.

His eyes flashed impatiently, "Come on! It's not like we were engaged or anything." his lack of understanding was what made me want to scream. "You don't get it do you? You never understood! No we weren't engaged, but do you think that one year was enough for me to fall in love with you?" my voice was deadly quiet.

He took a deep breath, "I understand! But you were one of my best friends! I need to talk to you! Don't make me lose you entirely over this just because I don't feel the same way that I used to about you."

His words were like a million daggers to the heart. But I didn't reply. After a few, horrendously quiet minutes, the door opened, and students began to fill the room. Of course all eyes were on James and I. He was leaning forward hands on the edge of my desk to get a better look at me, I was looking away. The news of our breakup was all over the school by now. No one said anything. Finally, some of the other football players whisked him to the other side of the room, I sighed with relief.

"Is it true?" someone whispered to me.

"Is what true?" I knew exactly what the person was talking about, but didn't want to admit it.

"You and James, your over?" I turned to look at the preppy blonde that was talking to me. She was trying way to hard to be popular, which was just annoying.

"Yeah, it's true. Why do you care?" my voice was hostile. She only shrugged and looked away. I smirked, good, she had every right to be afraid of me.

In all of my classes before lunch, I didn't pay attention to anything. I could feel James's eyes burning holes in my back every time we had a class together. Not paying attention was all I could do to keep myself from having an emotional breakdown. When the lunch bell finally did ring, I bolted from the classroom. I knew all my friends would be eating inside the cafeteria, so I went outside. I had no desire to be bothered by people who would all ask the same thing, 'is it true?'

I never noticed that Darius ate outside. I guess I had been too caught up with James to ever pay attention to anyone else. "maybe this is a good thing." my subconscious whispered to me. I shrugged away the thought uneasily. Darius looked up, "Are you stalking me now?" his eyes shown with amusement.

I laughed, "Oh yeah, you know me. Stalking you is my main hobby."

He smiled at me. Now that I got the chance to think about it. Darius was actually way more cute than James was. Probably because he didn't care for popularity, "Why are you really out here? All you friends are inside." his voice had switched from playful, to concern.

"You have no idea how many times I have been asked, 'is it true?' I just want to get way from it all." I sank down on the grass next to him.

"Hey, don't look so sad. I hate to see you like this." I looked into his pleading eyes.

Winning Darius's heart was going to be easier than I imagined, "I just want to forget it happened." I paused, "I'm never going to date anyone like James again."

He rose an eyebrow, "What do you mean by, 'anyone like James.'?"

I shrugged, "Anyone who is only concerned about popularity and their own well being."

He nodded sympathetically, but there was something in his eyes, something I did not like one bit, "I know you are frustrated, but I think you should at least still be friends with him. He misses you a lot already. He's even. Beginning to regret breaking up with you." I couldn't believe it. Darius was on James's side? I thought he would agree with me!

I stood up infuriated, "How can you say that! You know how much he hurt me! And now you expect me to just be friends with him!" I grabbed my lunch and stalked away. He jumped up and ran after me.

"Julie, this is hard for James too. You have no idea how sad he is." he sounded so calm. Why was he so calm?

"Well James, IS the one who did it! He has no right to be upset." I tried to walk away from Darius, but he grabbed my arm with an iron force, "I'm trying to help my friend. I can't stand seeing him so down in the dumps. Please don't be this selfish." I wheeled around, eyes blazing, "He broke up with me yesterday! I want some space! That is not being selfish! Who are you to be telling me what to do anyways!" I snapped.

Without listening to his reply, I dropped my lunch, and ran into the parking lot. I couldn't handle today anymore. I continued running until I came upon my favorite cafe. I knew I wasn't going back to school, so I walked in and sat down, "Bad day?" Tom the waiter asked me. I came here often, so he knew me well.

I nodded and put my head on the table. My plan was going to be much harder than I anticipated.

**thanks for reading! Comment, vote, fan!! I'll upload soon, :)

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