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I spend the next few months learning how to hunt from Maximilian. Gradually I build up his trust again. I am now allowed to go out hunting with Sebastian. It is part of life now, and the weird part is, I am starting to enjoy it. The thrill of the hunt is what I like best. Knowing that no matter how fast the Vampires run, I am faster. I don't think that they had ever felt fear in their undead lives until they had a run in with Sebastian or Me. I never see Maximilian hunt, although I know he does. Maybe he does it while Sebastian and I are out and just gets back before we do. I honestly could care less though.

That's another thing, I don't really care for anything or anyone anymore. Maximilian showed me how to turn off my emotions to better my hunting skills. Now I was a ruthless, cold hearted hunter. Rumors of us spread all throughout Europe, and the rest of the world heard them soon after. However that was all they were, rumors, because any Vampire who got close enough to one of us did not live to tell the tale.

"Julie." Maximilian calls. I am sitting on my bed reading old poetry. I set the book down, "Be right there." I yell back. I hop up off the bed and jog down to Maximilian's library. My feet don't make a sound as I glide down the hallway. I knock on the door, "it's open." he calls. I walk into the room. The late afternoon sunshine filters in through the window, casting golden rays upon all of the ancient books, this is my favorite time to be in this room. When all is still and I am alone, I can almost picture Darius in my mind. I remember that he was a vampire, and that I had feelings for him, but that was all. I couldn't remember his eyes, which made me sad, I seemed to think that his eyes were the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

"We need to talk Julie." Maximilian says, sounding concerned. He is standing by one of the big bay windows. all I can make out is he silhouette outlined in soft gold light. I squint and see his swimming golden eyes. They look deeply troubled, even a bit sad. I frown, Maximilian has not shown any emotion except anger since I arrived here five months ago, why would he be showing emotions now, "What is it?" I question. He motions for me to sit down. I sink in the soft leather of the armchair, keeping my eyes on Maximilian the whole time. He sighs and runs on of his hands through his sleek blonde hair, "It seems to me that I have lost track of time. We all have actually." he walks over to his desk and riffles through some papers, looking for something.

I frown and lean forward in my chair, "what are you talking about." he shakes his head and puts a hand up in order to quiet me. Then he pulls a piece of paper out of the pile and looks it over before handing it to me. I take it and glance down at it, it's nothing of note, just some random news article that he must have found today, "I don't understand." he sighs impatiently, "look at the date. Look at it." I study his face before dropping my eyes to the page, "What's so specially about July 10th?" I ask, looking back up at him. He shakes his head, "The YEAR Julie, read the year." I sigh and look back down at paper, "it says that today is July 10th 2020--" my voice stops, I don't even finish the twenty, "That's not possible, I've only been here for five months, this says that I have been here for 9 years. I don't think I would loose myself that much." he snatches the paper from my hands and smooths it out on the desk, "Julie." his voice is low, "I've let hundreds of years go by unchecked, nine years, that's nothing. In eternity that very well may feel like 5 months. Our internal clocks slow down while the world outside us speeds up.

I laugh and stand up abruptly, "You are trying to tell me that I've been here for nine years without even realizing it? That's impossible. I'm still attached to the mortal world out there, I haven't even Been a Hunter for that long. Maximilian shrugs, "I'm not sure how it happened to be honest. But I know one thing, I can't keep you here anymore." I look at him in confusion, "What do you mean?" he looks away from me, out the window, "we can't have three hunters living in the same city, or even the same country. We have to spread out some can keep the Vampire population down all over the world. It's a very delicate balance. The vampires keep the humans in check, and we keep them in check." I look up at him, "Are you making Sebastian leave too?" he nods and looks back at me, "I've so enjoyed your company for these past years, but it is time to move on now. There's hardly any Vampires left in this part of Germany, so even I will have to leave until they build up their population again."

Nine years, gone wasted here in Germany where the only company I have had is a jerky boy my age and a volatile man. Where will I go now? There is nothing left for me in my old home, I am sure that everyone I knew is now dead or just plain gone, "But, where should I go?" I ask him, I can here the fear in my voice. It is an unknown emotion to me now, it tastes strange in my mouth, "Here, these will help you leave the country, these will get you wherever you need to go." he pauses and looks up at me, "Maybe you can go to America. Find that vampire boy you were so fond of." I look at the packet in my hands, "I can't. I don't remember." I whisper. Maximilian stands up from his desk and walks around it until he is directly in front of me, he presses a small picture into my hands, "I found this. Maybe it will help you." I look down at the picture. It is of a boy with shaggy black hair and charcoal gray eyes, " Thank you, goodbye Maximilian." I look up to see him one more time, but he is already gone. DARIUS. An internal voice whispers to me. I run back to my room and gather my stuff together, I will find Darius, even if it takes me all of eternity to do it.

****Wow! Can't believe that this book is finally finished. It feels like I have been working on it forever, which I probably have, haha. Right now I am tentatively saying that there WILL be a sequel, although I am going to take some time to gather my ideas for it. So keep an eye out for that! In the mean time feel free to read my other two stories, "I May Be Famous But They Don't Know That" and it's sequel, "The Truth is...". Thank you so much for reading this story, :)

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