Chapter 18

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“Germany?” I spit, “You expect me to go to fricken Germany to talk to some guy that may or may not want to kill me.” Ana rolls her eyes, “Well his name is German, what did you think that he lived in some dinky American town like this.” I make an annoyed face, “Well you have a Russian name and you live here. Cornelius has a British name and he lives here. And don’t even get me started on Mr. Latin over here.” Darius shoots me an angry look before Ana says, “Ok, bad point. But this guy is seriously high on the food chain for hunters, if you, a young hunter, have questions. He’s your best bet.” I nod and look at the ground, “But where am I going to get the money I need to fly all the way to Germany.”

Darius grins, “Now that is one thing I can help you with.”

“Ok, let’s go over this one more time.” Darius is standing in front of me at the entrance to the air port. I can smell vampire coming from inside and I only hope that whoever is the sourse of that smell is nowhere near me, “I land, I find Maximilian, and I learn everything I can about hunters, than I report back to you, whenever I can I guess.” Darius nods and steps back. Ana and Cornelius watch me and nod as if to say good luck.

   I sigh and turn away from them. For all my parents know, I’m going camping with Darius and some friends, and I don’t know when I will be getting back. I look up at the airport and enter through the sliding glass doors. When I look back to Darius for any sign of encouragement, I realize that they are already gone, I am completely and utterly alone.

The airport is probably one of the worst places for a fledgling vampire of any kind to be. There are so many different smells to take in, it is almost crippling. I am even astonished at the amount of vampires who are here. Many of them even give me an appraising look as if they plan to try and snack on me later. The irony of that situation kills me. Apparently these vampires either haven’t heard the news that there are people like me hunting people like them, or they just don’t care.

Going through security is much easier than I imagined. However one of the TSA agents was a vampire who happened to know what the swirly gold eyes meant. He tried to get me arrested, but his boss just sent him home because he was ‘too stressed out to be on the job’. I even got an apology from the head TSA agent because the vampire agent had called me a ‘bloodthirsty vampire murderer’, which was not normal behavior for a thirty year old man.

I sit down in the terminal and close my eyes for a moment to think. That’s when a very delicious smelling and clueless vampire boy sits down next to me, “You headed to Germany?” He asks. I can already tell that he thinks he is scoping out a snack for the ride and have to keep my mouth from watering at the thought of sinking my teeth into his pale neck. Instead I answer his question, “I suppose I am.” He smiles and holds out his hand, “Dylan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” I smile and bat my eyelashes at him as I take his hand, “The pleasure is all mine, oh and I’m Julie.”  

I hope that I don’t have to sit anywhere near Dylan on the flight, because I know that if I give in and sink my teeth into his neck before the plane lands, then I won’t get to find the answers that I need, “So what business is bringing you to Germany?” He questions. I smile and reply, “I have some very old family there. And I need, some advice on what I should do next.” He watches me with a wide smile, “How about you let me get you a drink before the ride.” Now I understand his game, and it’s a sloppy one at that.

He comes to the airport, acts like he is getting on a flight, but really he is just here to find the perfect snack, which he munches before the airplane takes off. Well today he is going to get a taste of his own medicine, “That sounds great. I’ve had a really rough week.” I murmur as I follow him. Instead of leading me to a bar, he takes me to an abandoned area of the airport, “Don’t worry, you have plenty of time. The really good bar is just this way.” He explains while I act like I am flustered.

Once we are far enough down the hallway so that no one will see us, he grabs me and presses me against the wall, “Sorry, change of plans sweetheart.” He is about to bite my neck when I  start laughing, “What are you laughing at?” I crane my neck to look at him, “Jokes on you pretty boy.” I break free of his grasp, spin around him and pin him to the wall all in a matter of seconds, “You really didn’t do your homework did you?”

He tries to get free of my grasp, “Hey I’m sorry! I didn’t know that you were one of us but that doesn’t give you the right to kill me. I mean we are all the same. We all have out game plans and you just happened to end up in mine.” I smile against his neck, allowing my fangs to graze the skin, “I don’t think you understand what I am, I’m not one of you. I’m a hunter, and you are my snack to tide me over until I get to Germany. Before he can utter another peep my fangs are buried in his neck and I am drinking as much as I need for the flight.

When I am done, I hide the body in the shadows of the hall and strut back to the terminal where they have just started boarding. I feel way better than I did when I first got here and the thought of going to Germany to track down one of the most important hunters doesn’t seem like that big of a task after all.

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