Chapter 20

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I look from him to Sebastian in confusion, “Wait, you’ve been expecting me? Then what was all that crap about you not taking me to Mr. Dresner unless I answered you questions.” Sebastian shrugs as he starts to leave the room, “I was curious, and you were desperate. It’s a lovely combination.” And with that Sebastian left Maximilian Dresner and I alone. I turned back to him as he looked at me approvingly, “You will do nicely as a hunter.” He comments as he slowly starts to circle me. I watch him warily, not trusting him already.

“How long have you known that I was coming?” He smiled, revealing his sharp teeth, “Since the day you were born.” I shudder, this definitely feels off to me, “Well then you must know why I am here.” I reply calmly. He turns away from me and walks over to his desk where he sits and beckons for me to join him, “I think I like you, Julie. Most people talk to me with a little more reverence, but not you. Maybe it’s because you are a independent, progressive American. Either way, it works for you. Others would not be so lucky.” I can hear the hidden message he is trying to convey, I had better watch myself unless I  want to end up on tonight’s menu.

I smile carefully, “Well I did have to travel a long way to find you. I thought it would be nearly impossible. I guess it’s a good thing that Sebastian accidentally found me.” Maximilian looks up at me from the paper he was reading, “Oh that was no accident. I sent him to pick you up. Otherwise you would have been lost for days.” He lowers his eyes again, scanning the paper. I am burning with curiosity to find out what exactly he is reading. I mean what kind of business could a Hunter be involved in.

After a few moments of silence, he smiles as if contented and sets it down before looking back at me, “So you wish to find a way out of being a hunter?” I nod slowly, “You could say that.” He narrows his eyes, “And why on earth should I tell you that. I’m a Hunter and I don’t necessarily like the fact that you aren’t enjoying it as much as others are.” I swallow, trying to bury the acrid taste of fear that is rising in my throat, “Wouldn’t you like to reserve the right of being a hunter for those who will enjoy it?” I ask with a quavering voice. He tips his head back and laughs. It’s a surprisingly warm laugh, it almost sounds normal enough to be human. But then again if I were a human, or even a vampire I would be completely hypnotized by his swirling gold eyes and musical laughter.

He looks back at me, amusement causing his eyes to sparkle, “No. You will learn to enjoy it, I promise. Take Sebastian for example, he loathed being a Hunter at first, and now look at him, he is one of the best Hunter’s I have ever had the pleasure to train.” I freeze, “Wait, you train Hunters?” He smiles widely, “I do, and that is why you are here.” I stand up and laugh nervously, “No I don’t need to be trained, I was actually just thinking that I should head out, I’ve got a plane to catch.” The amusment is gone from his eyes, replaced by a cold blooded fury. In fact his eyes are no longer gold, but a brilliant blood red, “Sit.” He growls. I flinch and slowly sink back into my chair.”

“That’s better.” He sighs and shuts his eyes for a moment, and when he opens them, they are gold again, “You misunderstand me Julie, “All I want is for the natural order to remain in contact, and if you don’t do your part it will be catastrophic.” I frown, “What do you mean.” Maximilian stares at me with the same levelheaded calmness that I have seen Darius mask his emotions with so many times before, “You are a Hunter, one of the few hunters who will ever amount to anything. And if you don’t step up to the plate and take responsibility for your part, then the vampires will start to overrun the human race.” He sighs and turns to look out the window, “Think of us like insects, you and I, we are the spiders. The vampires are all the other insects. If the spiders were gone, what would happen?” I look at the ground, “They would over populate the earth.” He nods, “Exactly, so we must keep the vampires under control it’s our job. No one ever said it would be easy, but it must be done.”

     “Besides, you won’t be able to do what it takes to turn into a vampire anyways.” I nod, “Ok, then tell me what it takes, if I won’t be able to do it then there isn’t any problem is there?” Instead of answering me, he picks up the paper on his desk again and hands it to me. I look at him in confusion, “Why are you giving this to me.” He smiles and nods to the paper, “That is the letter I will be sending to your vampire friends back in America.” He picks up another one, “And this is the one I will send to your family. It is better that they think you dead.” I stare at him in shock, “You can’t do that. You can’t keep me prisoner here.” I spit. He regards me with unamused eyes, “I can, and I will. And there is nothing you can do about it.”

     He snatches the letter from my hands before I have the chance to read it, then he says, “Sebastian will show you to your room. You can go.” I stand and pick up my bag.” When I turn around Sebastian is leaning against the door frame smirking slightly. Right now all I want to do is tear his throat out and leave this place. But when I reach him he takes me bag from me and gives me a sympathetic smile, “You get used to him.” He whispers as he leads me out of the room.

Right before I leave the library Maximilian calls out, “Oh and Julie, one more thing. Try to leave and your friends will die as you watch. Is that clear?” I nod then the door slams shut behind me.

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