Chapter 6

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     As I walked back to my house I tried to convince myself that Darius was not what I thought he was. But everywhere I looked I was reminded of the subject. The trees were changing colors for the winter and their leaves currently were blood red. The wind had picked up and brought pale wispy clouds across the sky that were eerily the same color as his skin. The asphalt was charcoal black, just like his eyes. I looked down at my leg and grimaced. It was a lot worse than I had originally thought, Scarlet blood stained my pale skin and had soaked through the edge of my capries. I shuddered, the sight of blood made me queezy normally, but now that I knew how it tempted Darius, I felt like I could pass out and not wake up for a long time.

     I reached my house and stumbled up the steps, my mom was sitting in the living room when I walked in. She was about to say something to me, then she saw my leg. She gasped and when white as a sheet, “Get it the car!” She screeched. I obeyed numbly. I didn’t care what happened to me right now. All I could think about was Darius. Where was he right now? Was he drinking someone else’s blood? A shudder passed through my body, my mom mistook it for going into shock and ushered me into the car. She sped the entire way to the hospital, and I stared out the window, watching the blur of trees pass by. Darius was out there somewhere trying to control himself.

     My heart ached strangely. I wanted to go find him. I needed to find him and tell him that I understood and that I was ok with what he was. But I knew that I needed to get my leg looked at first, because while he had held back in attacking me back on the trail, if he saw how much blood was on my leg, then he would lose control. I sighed, silently cursing the fact that I was an average human. There was no way he would be with me, he needed blood, not a relationship. I bitterly laughed, that had sounded like a cheesy movie quote to me. But it was true, he was probably just building up my trust so he could drink my blood later, that’s how his kind worked, wasn’t it?

     My mom pulled into the hospital lot, parked, and rushed around to my side of the car. She helped me out of the car and to the door of the hospital. As soon as we walked into the emergency room, doctors were swarming me. They pulled me away from my mom and put me on a stretcher. Someone stuck and IV in my arm while someone else started to clean my leg. There were a lot of passed words, and questions directed towards me, but I didn’t seem to hear them. I felt so lost and confused, everything had happened so fast and had left me alone and confused. I desperately needed answers, but the pesky doctors were pushing me back on the hospital bed, hooking me up to more machines. I sighed and looked at them, coming back to the present.

“She’s going into shock!” Someone cried. I shook my head, “No I’m not.” I protested, but they didn’t hear me. My voice was quiet in comparison to the cacophony of voices coming from different areas of the room. I keep repeating myself until my voice had risen to a shout, “I’m fine!” I screamed in an exasperated tone. Everyone stopped at looked at me, “Really, I’m not going into shock, I just don’t respond well when people are throwing questions at me left in right. But I swear, I’m fine.” That was a complete lie. I was probably the most concentrated person in this whole town. However they didn’t need to know that.

I glanced out the window to see a flash of dark hair and a black flowing coat. But the thing I noticed the most were those charcoal eyes that were so somber all the time, the very eyes that could see straight into my soul, “Darius.” I breathed. I pulled all the tubes away from my body and leapt out of the hospital bed before anyone could stop me,”Come back!” One of the doctors shouted after me. I ran, forgetting that I had just got stitches in my leg. Forgetting the searing pain that exploded from my leg as I ran. Forgetting that I was running straight towards a vampire. But he had come here to make sure I was ok, hadn’t he?

I burst through the automatic doors and onto the pavement. Darius was waiting a little ways off with a knowing expression, “I hoped you had seen me.” His voice sent chills down my spine, “Listen about what happened. I understand, it’s ok.” My words rushed out quickly and sloppily. He looked surprised, but a touch of a smile lit up his eyes, “Do you understand what happened?” He looked amused but his voice was serious, “Of course I do!” I exclaimed then I quieted my voice and continued on, “You, You’re a vampire.” He looked astonished, but his eyes shown with relief, “You pick up on things fast.”His voice was bitter, “Don’t worry Darius.” I insisted, “I understand. I won’t turn my back on you now.” He smiled bitterly, “You think you understand, but you never will be able too.” He paused and looked away, “Humans can never understand what it’s like. And if you were to ever see me hunt, then you would turn your back on me. Trust me.” He was glaring at me now, trying to scare me away. I could see a different motive in his ways though. He was afraid that he was going to hurt me, “Maybe I’m different. Maybe I do understand.” My voice was soft. He shook his head, but said with a softer smile, “You sure are persistent aren’t you. Well one thing is for sure, you are different from other humans. Every other one would have been half a mile from here by now after I gave you that look.” I shrugged, “It wasn’t that scary, and neither are you.” He shook his head slightly, but gently took my hand.

Now I knew that I hadn’t been day dreaming, and Darius really was a vampire, but for some reason, I found comfort in this. If he didn’t kill me, I knew he could protect me, and maybe he would always be there for me too. But I knew not to get my hopes up. If Darius was this fantastic vampire, why would he fall for a drab human like me?

** Hello my lovely readers, :) I have actually had this chapter done for a long time, just haven't gotten around to uploading it, so I am sorry for that. I would like to recommend a story to you all! It's called "Hello, My Name is... Beautiful" by State-of-the-ART. It’s an awesome story, so read it!! haha, well, thanks for reading my story and please keep reading, :) Comment?? Vote?? Fan??

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