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They were in flight, Ritik was so relieved that Shivanya was calm now. She felt asleep and rested on his shoulder. He was glancing at her lovingly. If they weren't at flight, he would have definitely kissed her as she really looked like a adorable child like you know when that child will wake up,he would do blunders and and will cause a lot of trouble for you but at the end of the day when he will be sleeping you would feel serenic to look him and your love will still be the same when he will wake up, that's the thing for Ritik this time. He adjusted her in a comfortable position and covered her with blanket. Suddenly a voice came " Thudddd"
He didn't cared about the voice, but he gently patted her so that doesn't woke up. He caressed her face and smiled.
He was lost in her completely as if he abandoned the whole world. Suddenly a " Shotttttt" sound was heard and everybody panicked. It was a aloof and distant sound which was coming from another side. Ritik slowly turned and saw some people running towards their compartment including some hostesses.
Ritik asked-" What is happening? "
One of the hostess were about to say something but they were driven out by some men with guns, it was surely a hijack.
Ritik was shocked to see this and he tried to wake her up.
Ritik-" Shivanya utho"
He gently patted on her cheeks to wake her up but she didn't.
Somehow the sound of chaos made her awake.
Shivanya asked -" Ritik kya ho rha h"
Ritik-" I think plane hijack hogya h"
Shivanya-" Whatttt"
She was so loud this time and can't believe him as he always teased her.
Shivanya-" Are you kidding me? "
Ritik-" Shivanya why would i be kidding at this time, kabhi toh seriously liya kro"
Shivanya-" Ritik matlab yeh kya"
Suddenly some man shouted" Shup up all of you"
Their stood a silence. Shivanya and Ritik saw each other silently.
The man shouted-"Now no-one will say anything until i say, we Iraqi just want justice my brother Eminem..who is in central jail of India right now. India and America are against us but we want him alive.. You will be kept hostages till they don't agree to our conditions"
Turning to his some man on the left side he said-"Waisuf try to contact them ...go"

( This is just a fictional plot, there's Nothing to do any country or anything)

The man was Ajimen, the leader of these hijackers and a dangerous person with no humanity and sense of life. He would die for his loved ones and country and would kill anyone for the same.
They captured all the hostesses and took phones of all the people so that they wouldn't do anything with it or record anything.
The other man came across them and ordered them to give their respective phones.
Ritik gave his right away and he turned to Shivanya. The man said-" Give me your damn phone lady "
Shivanya turned to Ritik-" No Ritik i wouldn't give my phone, tell him that i wouldn't do anything"
Ritik-" Arre Shivanya de do yaar, mil jayega baad mei.. Jaan se bda nahi hai phone.. Or chla bhi gya duusra dila dunga"
Shivanya-" No, it consists of important things.. Nahi dungi"
Ritik -" Arre jaan se kya important Shivanya "
Shivanya-" Nahi"
Ritik-" Aree hai kya uss phone mei bolo"

The man looked on them with a subtle and unbelievable gaze.
He tried to say in between -" You two"
Shivanya showed her hand essaying him to wait.
Shivanya-" You stay quite"
Turning to Ritik she said-" Yaar tumhari meri photos h.. Memories hai, documents hai.. Bhot kuch h"
Ritik-" Aree Shivanya drive naam ki cheez bhi hoti h na"
Shivanya-"ha but"
Ritik-" It's already uploaded there..you can find it anywhere"
Shivanya-"Gosh!! Ritik what if they lost my phone or i didn't get it back and i couldn't find it in drive then??
Ritik-" What nonsense you are taking.. Baby please understand "
Shivanya-" No, you understand"

Ajimen heard the sound of their argument and he stepped closer to his man saying-" What's going on, why there's so much noise".
Man-" Lead, i think they are arguing, they must be husband and wife. I asked her to give her phone and she started blabbering".
In background their argument was going on...
Ritik-"Shivanya baat samjho.. Terrorists hai yeh majak nahi hora"
Shivanya-" Majak toh inhone bna rkha h hamara"
Ajimen banged his head and yelled at them " You both shut the fuck up, Are you taking us as some fools?? And you girl... Take out your phone now, else we will forcefully take it"

He forwarded his hand but Ritik stood in between.
Ritik-" I am giving it"
He turned and gently consoling her he asked her for the phone.
Ritik-" Shivanya please"
Shivanya agreed and passed it to Ajimen.
Finally it was silence.
For sometime Ajimen glanced at Shivanya and Ritik both.

The pilot was made to follow their orders.. Both the country officials were contacted. Government of both America and India were in dilemma as they weren't sure if they release Eminem, would they really leave those passengers or demand for more. Eminem was really very dangerous for the countries and he was believed to be the mastermind of the whole terrorist attacks happened in 18 Countries and they got him at last with so much efforts and sacrifice. They didn't know how to deal with this as people's lives were at stake now. Surely if they leave him.. The future will be foreseen and disaster was stepping it's foot nevertheless everything was so complicated . The news channels flooded with this news making people go out of control.. The people revolted to the government for being this naive. Some cried and got out of control because their loved ones was in the plane.

The news finally got all ears in Raheja's house. Yamini cried her heart out taking names of Shivanya and Ritik while Ankush consoled her. Shalini was too restless and she also lost her control. Anil stood there to give her strength but he was also broken. Both the families were so tensed and they just prayed for Rivanya..not only Rivanya but for everyone to come out safe.

Where there was so tensed atmosphere going on, our Rivanya was stealing glances from each other.

That man rolled his eyes seeing them" Love surely make people insane".

Some people were just panicking out of nowhere. 6 hours continues fear rolled upon them. Some cried and passed out of from this. Surely till now they didn't hurted anyone but what if they does.
Ritik was calm by now as he wanted to give her strength. He turned to her as he thought she might be panicked or something but instead she was making weird and funny faces to a baby and giggling in herself. He was surprised to see this and thought how can she be this calm. On the other hand, Shivanya was scared but she didn't showed it. She was just trying to find out some plots to get out of this situation.


It was late at night and 12 hours passed like this. The plane landed on a deserted old airport in Jaisalmer India which was far from everyone's reach... The terrorists handled everything so that they can't be tracked.
By this time everyone was loosing hope.
A 15 year old boy excused himself to go to the washroom but unfortunately he slipped and a cell phone got tucked out of him. He was beaten to death by them but he was alive somehow. Ritik tried to meddle in this to save him but he got threatened by them at the gunpoint. Shivanya somehow made him to stay back but how long he can see this?

Ajimen-" If someone dares to go against us, i wouldn't waste any time and kill him. "

A old women panicked and she started loosing her breathe .. She seemed a asthma patient, Shivanya was close to her and She hurried to her.
Ajimen lashed out at her-" Hey what are you doing? "
Shivanya-"just helping her"
Ajimen-" Is she your mom.. Huh"
Shivanya-" She must be someone's na"
Saying this she glared at him with anger.
Ritik- " You stay here,let me help her"

Saying this Ritik helped that lady to find her inhaler pump.

Ajimen-" People nowadays can sacrifice someone for themselves but you people.. Haha.. "
Ritik-" It's humanity, you won't understand "
Ajimen-" Hah.. Fuck humanity.. Those humans killed my parents with cruelty and burned down our house. Drove us out of the region. Is this humanity? Young man you won't get anything serving humanity.. You will get pain nothing else."
Ritik- " There must be someone who will also help us like we do... And it doesn't mean if you suffered.. You will make everyone suffer. Life has it own ups and downs"
Shivanya looked at him in admiration.
Shivanya-" What you are doing is not less than that people did to your parents ".

Ajimen shouted" Ohh shut up both of you"

He pointed his gun on them.

Ajimen-" You both must be so nice but i am not, my only brother is going to die today, he was sentenced to death. If he dies today... Every single person have to travel that hell.. I would kill everyone.....


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