👼🏻 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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"she's so lucky!"

one of the nurses exclaimed.

"i know right!"

added another.

typical gossip about interacting with seoul's smartest doctor. you needed to arrive at room one hundred and one in less than five minutes. you really liked this room, and you may ask why. but was reason was standing right at the door, your dream knight, doctor jaebum was waiting in his shining armour.

"wow, i never invited a tomato."

he said, shining his killer smile.

wait he's not mad at me anymore? but i thought-

you shook your head and ignored your thoughts. he must have had a bad morning meeting or something.

"sorry doctor jaebum,"

you said covering your bright red cheeks.

after coming from your locker, you wore your uniform. entering back into room one hundred and one, there were three minutes to spare.

as you entered, you saw doctor jaebum on his laptop clicking his mouse. you kept checking your watch when the model asked,

"nurse (y/n), can you answer a question please?"

"of course, how can i help you?"

what is up with his questions? hasn't he heard of how curiosity killed the cat?

"what do you look for in a man, like a boyfriend?"

he asks slightly blushing and avoiding eye contact.

what kind of-

"his age?"

you replied slightly flustered.


he replies with a weird tone.

"the older a person is, it would be natural for them to have more responsibility,"

that was a decent response, good team (y/n)!

"anything else? perhaps something more specific?"

he asks as he quickly types on his macbook.

"well, if you want to get specific, i prefer someone without double eyelids and someone who can sing."

what other characteristics does this man want?

"i think this might sound weird but i want my future husband to sing for me before i sleep and-"

you were slowly realising that you have been talking for way too long.

"oh, thanks."

he said still typing.

"doctor jaebum, why did you- "

you were cut by a patient walking through the door. the patient seemed to be very moody with you. with a nervous voice and sweaty palms, you started to talk.

"what's your name?"

you ask holding your pen.


the patient rudely yelled.

"what's your name?"

you repeat, a bit louder.

"why are you yelling at me!"

the patient screamed so loudly, the whole hospital could have heard.

let's be patient (y/n), have some patience.

"what's your name?"

you say trying to be calm.

"stop yelling at me!"

this time, the patient shrieked. you were confident that the whole nation could hear his voice. in the middle of this chaos, doctor jaebum remained calm and interrupted your childcare centre.

"stay with me,"

doctor jaebum whispered as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. you awkwardly stood next to him, observing his every move.

"what's your name?"

he asked the patient.


he said, being his rude self.

"wow, that's an interesting name. i've never heard a name like that in my life."

he said clearly in a sarcastic tone.

"is a what your first name or last name?"

he asked acting seriously.

"excuse me?"

the patient asked as he took his airpod out and looked surprised.

"my name is yugeom, kim yugeom."

after yugeom was dismissed, doctor jaebum grabbed your arm.

"doctor jaebum?"

you ask quietly.


he replied, moving his fingers towards your hand, interlocking your fingers.

"about those questions before, why did you ask them?"

you say slightly nervous about his answer.

"i was bored."

he said as he let go of your hand, leaving the room immediately.

that's it? you were just bored?

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