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Jeongin stood there for a good amount of time, listening to the chaos going on. If he should be a 100% sure, it sounded like a cult offering a person to some satanic beast. But it nights aswell be some drunk dudes cheering on someone peeing in a bottle.

But what he knew for sure was that he didn't want to interfere nor go near them, but his phone wanted him to go that specific way and it started to really bother him.

His phone was already dying with only 6 percentage left, so the possibility of him making it home before his phone does is very slim. Maybe it would happen if he could simply teleport, but it was 2021, things doesn't work that way.

Though, he eventually got enough, and seeing how much his phone was practically dying, he just couldn't wait anymore. He started walking towards the chaos, not being a fan of how loud it got.

When he got somewhere near he could figure put that some had microphones, and they seemed to have a lot of phone with them. And once they came into view..well, let's just say he felt like jumping out from a building. He couldn't help but freeze by just seeing what was happening.

Some people was knocked completely out and was laying on the floor, they all had fucked up faces. From where he stood paralyzed, he could see an unconscious man whose teeth was knocked out. Another dude had a giant hole in his head, assuming he most likely I'd dead from brain damage.

The scene was crucial, and he didn't notice how long he held his breath until he let go of it. He felt like throwing up, and just by the sight he could tell that half of those people wasn't alive anymore.

And the people who caused this were just cheering, fighting or driving around on scooters..but worst of all,none other than the fucking Joker, who stood proudly as he watched the scene unfold, was laughing like a maniac.

This was not only crazy, but fucked up. He was practically paralyzed, a single movement could end his life right there.

He didn't even notice the tears the slowly fell from his eyes, as they rolled down his cheeks. Panic was running through his body and his breathing was picking up.

The adrenaline run like hell in his body as he shook from pure fear, nothing could describe how terrified he was. He never expected to run into that clown, but realizing where he was actually standing, he just felt his whole world come crashing down on him.

Out of everyone, he had to be the witness of this. And out of everything, he was the one unable to run for his life.

Tears continued to stream down his face as he held in his sobs and whimpers, his breathing was almost enough noise to get him caught and the panic attack didn't help.

He felt dizzy and wanted to throw up badly, his eyes was stuck open staring at everything going on. His body trembled from the lack of warmth and the pure panic in his body, he wanted to run directly at them all due to adrenaline, but good for him he was stuck in one place.

Or well not good..cause sooner or later he eventually was discovered by someone with a loud voice, he felt himself go numb, every part of his body went numb. His soul was practically being sucked out of his body, by being in the spotlight.

Before he knew it he was being pulled closer towards the intimidating man that everyone feared, looking up at him with pure fear before looking away again.

It got awfully quiet to the point where he preferred it noisy, the silence was clean torture as none other than the fucking Joker examined his face and body.

Dry tear stains was visible on his rosy cheeks, his eyes were red from crying and he was still shaking like crazy.

He felt vulnerable- no, endangered in front of the Joker, he looked extremely intimidating up close than just a basic cover of a news paper.

"Look who we got here.." he whispered with a smirk plastered on his face. Jeongin felt like the man could smell his fear, which was most likely true, but was really intimidating.

"A little cat..being swarmed by wolves".

He felt himself about to cry, but he held it back as he continued to look down.

"Look at me..little one" he chuckled out.

Jeongin didn't move, he just couldn't do so. He felt extremely small under the Joker's presence.

"I said look at me!" He raised his voice  making the smaller boy flinch.

He slowly lifted his head to make eye contact with the man, only to spot the multiple guns pointed in his direction. He glanced around, feeling even more fear built up on him.

"I said look at me didn't i?" He spoke quietly this time, making Jeongin turn his head towards him, still showing pure fear for him.

"Look how obedient someone can be under gunpoint" he laughed out, slowly bringing his hand to Jeongin's face, caressing his cheeks softly.

Usually this would have him melting in his spot, but right there and now, he just felt immensely uncomfortable. He shook more as he let the tears roll down his face.

His heart dropped to his stomach when the Joker pulled out his gun with a smirk, bringing it up the the smallers head.

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