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Smut: edging, overstimulation, orgasm denial and slight degradation at one part, but mainly praise.Foreplay.

The ride was quiet, awfully quiet. Jeongin wanted the taller to prove him that he wasn't going to leave him, but instead, the taller kept quiet, sorting out something on his laptop.

It confused the smaller, all he wanted was the taller to look at him, but he wouldn't spare a glance. He felt bad. He tried to think of ways to make the taller focus on him, and him only, but nothing seemed to come to his mind.

He had a bad feeling, not wanting to feel that way. He wanted to curl up against the taller, but he felt himself wanting to get away from him, not really having an idea why.

When they arrived and the car stopped, Hyunjin stepped out before him, making him kind of surprised. He always walked behind him, incase he wouldn't run away, but then yet again, the taller had cameras and men guarding his territories, including his home, and he knew that if he were to try, he would be in serious trouble.

So not having any choice he made his way to the door, stepping in as he made his way up the stairs. He didn't like the eerie feeling in his stomach anymore, he felt embarrassed to make him prove.

Once he reached the door he opened it, but yelped as a hand slammed it close. It cause him to back away, looking up, only seeing the taller stand above him with a smirk on his face.

"Thought I was done speaking with you?".

"S-sorry.." he spoke flinching as his hand caressed his cheek.

"Relax baby, I'm not going to hurt you alright? You told me to prove hm? Do you really want me too?" He asked making the younger confused.

Of course he wanted the taller to prove, he just didn't expect to be backed up against a wall, hand on his cheek and the other one on his waist.

"Please..prove me wrong".

It didn't take long before he felt a pair of lips on his neck, kissing and sucking on it. It made him tilt his head for the taller to have further access to it, it made him wonder how it would feel on his lips. The tension rose immediately and before he knew it, his was carried into the taller's room, before being placed on the bed.

"Your so bad for thinking I don't care enough for you..I think you need a little punishment~".

The way he sent that sender shivers down his spine. He had never been punished sexually before, but he hoped it wouldn't be bad, either way he had to accept it cause, one, he was horny, two, he wanted to be a good boy.

"Now, before I'll be back you better be naked on this bed, sit like the good bitch you are" he spoke patting his head before turning around to leave.

He had no idea why being called a bitch had such an affect on him, but he had to focus on his task, to be Hyunjin's good boy he had to obey. He slipped off all of his clothing, tossing them to the side as he waited patiently for him to come back.

Which didn't take long. He came back with a black box in his hands, Jeongin getting curious as to what was in it. Looking up with curious eyes, Jeongin went to speak.

"What's that?".

"Your punishment" he spoke, putting the box beside him, opening it up for him to see.

Jeongin looked at the items it contained, not knowing what any of the objects was used for, and how they could be a punishment. None of those seemed harmful, so why was he being punished with them?

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