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Jeongin looked out the window, watching people go on about their life, something that he couldn't. He often watched from the window or just the side in general. Even though Jeongin knew he was with Chan and Changbin to be kept safe, sometimes it just felt as if he was kept isolated. He didn't know why being alone was nice, but feeling alone wasn't. He did in fact try to face it all of with a smile, to act cute and goofy. But in reality he had so much building up inside off him, afraid to unleash it, too scared of the result. He loved isolating himself when things got genuinely bad, but being isolated was different. He knew Chan and Changbin wanted him out of the country, so they didn't have to keep him hidden. But feeling that someone may in fact care, often had him going.

He was in fact kidnapped, and he wondered if it ever had gotten out on the news, that he was missing. Sure he had friends, but he doubted any would care. The only one he could put his tongue on, was Felix. Felix saw what happened, he saw how he turned crazy, how he saw a person's life flash before his eyes, all because of him. He hated to put the blame on Hyunjin, despite all the decisions he was forced to take, had never had a good outcome anyways. Talking about Felix, he never got to see him again, he don't know where in the world that boy was...And he couldn't help but to be curious.

"Chan?" He called out, hoping that he'd know the answer to his question.


Jeongin sighed deeply, preparing himself for the deep talk. He hated that, he hated expressing his emotions. He felt so distant from reality, like his gon' mad. Not wanting anything but Hyunjin.

"Do you know someone named Felix?" Jeongin asked, waiting in silence as the taller seemed to think deeply before answering.

"Jeongin...I don't think it's appropriate to talk about-".

"Nothing is. Every time i speak about Hyunjin, or something related to him..I get told it's best if i don't. I know you want to distract me from him, but i can never be distracted by something nor someone who played a huge part in my life..So please tell me...Where is Felix?" Jeongin spoke, wanting to atleast get something out from the older.

Chan pursed his lips together, driving into an unfamiliar road, causing Jeongin to frown. He stopped the car by a small street, which had many cafe's and coffee shops lithering the street.

"Please, let's talk about something else-".

"No! I want to know, you keep changing subject whenever i talk about Hyunjin or something related to him! I still love Hyunjin! Okay? I Can't forget him so easily, despite him fucking everything up, i can't i just can't...So tell me, Where is Felix and where do i find him!"/

"Jeongin atleast calm down, i know it's hard and that it's building up inside of you. But it won't do. I know we're strict, but i promise the freedom would come to you, if you stay patient" Chan spoke trying to change the subject, but Jeongin held grudges.

"That's not what i asked! Where is Felix, and am i even missing?".

At this point Chan was a mess, he didn't know how to say it, it was all unbelievably fucked up.

"Yes...You've been missing, the Police investigated the area you lived in, they interviewed your neighbors, the cafe you visited that they, and even talked to Felix...At first they suspected Felix, so he was brought in to be monitored...But they couldn't find further evidence that it was him, who abducted you. No security cameras filmed inside the alley you've went into, but people have exclaimed hearing loud commotions going on in there, so they chose other ways..They didn't get much further, there was no evidence nor was there any suspects. Until Felix disappeared...The investigation opened again, making sure to investigate the inner city, where they a week later...Found Felix dead in a hotel room".



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