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Jeongin sighed as he sat on one of the seats in the plane, taking in his surroundings.

It was obvious that Chan and Changbin did in fact have a lot of money, they just didn't show it off as much as Hyunjin. They thrived in the more modern-simple lifestyle, while Hyunjin liked to be extra and at the extra cherry on top to everything. Whatever he got, he made sure to claim with passion..he just wished he was claimed with passion.

He was curious as to where they were going, he was told to wait until they got into the plane, incase he'd change opinions.

"Where are we going?" Jeongin asked, not expecting any way back.

"America" Changbin spoke as he came and sat beside him.

Jeongin widen his eyes in shock. He didn't expect to get this far away, and it honestly made him worried. They really are going all the way to America, just to avoid Hyunjin.

"We know it's difficult since it's really far away, but it's safer than Seoul at the moment" Chan spoke, coming in with some files in his hands, taking a seat in front of the two.

"What do you mean?".

Jeongin was genuinely curious. Why wasn't it safe for him to be in Seoul, he knew Hyunjin worked dirty, but he wouldn't hurt two of the people from his main team. It made him stressed. He had though that it might be one of the neighbor countries not the whole states.

"We tried to make you adapt as much as possible in for a short time period, we know what Hyunjin has been planning since we took you under our watch. He is up to no good at the moment and would probably tear the whole city if not country apart, so we got you out as fast as possible" Chan explained, not opening the files to look at a bunch of documents, spreading them on the table as he grabbed a bell pen.

"Just because of me?".

If it really was because of him, then he don't know what yo say nor feel. He didn't know if Hyunjin truly loved him or not, but he did in fact know that he had a facade, a persona so deep you can't see the outlines.

"Mhm..he won't stop until he gets what's his...and your not his" Chan spoke, looking up at him as he finished the sentence.

I am.

Jeongin wanted to tell Chan off, but he knew it was stupid. Chan had better arguments than him, and he also knew the older had a point. He knew he hinted at how Hyunjin made Jeongin feel like a used fool, but Jeongin genuinely missed that euphoric feeling.


"How long till I can see him?".

Short chapter, but worth it.

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