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After that day at the office, Jeongin had kept himself isolated inside of his room. He was confused and frustrated with everything, day by day he got skinnier from not eating, food was served but he never intended to eat it. His last conversation with the taller was at the office, a lot was shared that day. He knew that Hyunjin was just acting so sweet and nice, only to break him down. He found that so mean.

He felt miserable, the horrible pain in his head from the headaches, that he's been having. And the amount of sleepless nights spend on crying, it was all too much for him to handle.

There was so much he still wanted to experienced, but he knew deep down in his heart that he would never experience any of it. He knew his purpose and also expected half of it to be involved with the Joker.

It's been awhile since he last saw the latter, he did see him whenever he needed to give announcements about his schedule, but that was it, he wouldn't talk to him, and barely looked up at him. He just kept himself curled up on his bed, crying and thinking about life before all this mess.

Sure he wasn't exactly always happy, but he enjoyed his own alone time. Now it just feels like he needs someone to be by his side, he felt so sensitive and small, he wanted to be held or hugged, telling him he did a good job. And compared to before, he's now isolating himself, purely to avoid attaching himself to the other or jus to people in general.

And sure he wasn't the closest to Felix, but he still cared for the older a lot, even if it meant risking his life for him. Felix always had his back when he was upset, they just didn't talk for awhile.

He missed the old days, he wanted to go back and experience them.

Sometimes he just hoped that he was able to just close his eyes, and dream about his life, his apartment, his fluffy grey blanket that he had no idea he would miss that much, his books he read daily, his comfort sweater. He missed a lot of things.

the sound of the door opening was heard through the small room, causing the light from the hallway outside, to come in his room, lighting it up slightly.

He kept his head down, not wanting to talk to the latter, he had no reason to do so.

"You've been isolating yourself for almost a month now, and barely even ate, you're practically surviving on water. Get out of bed, we need to go somewhere" Hyunjin spoke, tucking in his arm, trying to get him to move.

But Jeongin stayed in place, he didn't want to tag along, he wanted to be in his room and cry.

"It isn't a choice, Jeongin get out of bed".


He could feel Hyunjin's patience running low and the tucking on his arm became a bit harsher minute by minute.

"Yang Jeongin..do you really want to be carried out of here?".

Jeongin shook his head, he just wanted to be alone, peacefully crying to himself. Was that to much to ask for?

He yelped when he felt the latter's arms underneath him, pulling him up in bridal style, as he was carried outside. He kept himself hidden, the light too sharp for his eyes.

After a good minute of being carried around, he was finally let down, his feet coming in contact with some cold tiles, the light even brighter, causing him the clench his eyes close.

"Take a shower".

"N-no, I don't want to go".

"As I said, it isn't a choice!" He spoke sternly making Jeongin flinch, backing away as he went to curl up in the corner.

"Can you atleast turn of the lights?".

He smiled a bit when the lights turned off, making it more tolerable to look. He could see the presence of the taller infront of the counters, he looked scary in the dark, but he chose to ignore it.

"Now take a shower before I'll pour a bucket of water over you".

Jeongin nodded, standing up on shaky legs as he went towards the taller, taking of his shirt before giving it to him.

"I'll bring new clothes for you to wear, if you're not in the shower before I'll come back, huge consequences awaits you" he warned before turning around, closing the door behind him.

Jeongin stripped off the last pieces of clothing he wore before turnin on the shower, stepping into the stall, flinching as the cold water made contact with his skin. It took some time before it turned warmer, but when it did, it was certainly nice.

He remembered taking shower like these when he was stressed or upset, to help calm he's running mind.

But of course, now was a different story.

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