✰. seventeen

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tw! s**ual a**ault


aejung didn't expect to get so heated, but within ten minutes of 'small talk' with her old crush, the blonde's blood was boiling.

he had somehow managed to say all the wrong things, which was very unlike the jeno she used to know. not only had he practically insulted her, but he managed to place the blame for their falling out on her shyness and their schedules.

"come on, aej." he said, reaching up to grab her wrist as the girl snatched it away. "i didn't mean it like that, you know me."

aejung turned to face him, narrowed eyes blazing. she felt like steam was erupting from her ears. "fuck off, lee jeno! don't act like you know me. we aren't friends."

"but we were. i do know you, jo aejung." a dangerous lust was radiating off of him, intoxicating the small girl trying to back away. he had her trapped against a wall, literally, and aejung felt the desire trying to break her down.

her heart was beating ecstatically, palms clammy as they feverously clenched and unclenched beside her thighs. "i don't like you anymore."

"anymore," he cooed in a provoking tone.

"i want to be with renjun."

"no you don't, aej. he's not your type, you told me yourself."

the said girl felt her pulse spike as rage-fueled her veins. "that's not... i never said anything about him to you and you know it!"

"if i did, would i have you here with me right now?"

her breath caught, unable to come up with any more words. aejung's eyes unwillingly flicked between jeno's smirking lips and his dark, hooded orbs, feeling her stomach flip. this wasn't going to end well either way.

"you're nothing but a dirty cheat." the girl spat, building up all the courage she had, "you're disgusting, and i hate you."

"if you hate me so much," he paused, lips curving cunningly as he motioned towards their closeness with his chin, "why does it feel like you're about to kiss me?" and aejung realized too late that he had been inching forward.

her eyes refused to leave those damned smirking lips, no matter how hard she tried. she was stuck. and she was intoxicated.

biting down hard on her tongue, the girl's annoyed irises rose to meet his. "fuck you, lee jeno."

their mouths crashed together, her hands flew up to the back of his head, fingers curling themselves in his ebony mullet as she pulled him down to comfortably match her height. jeno reacted instantly, pressing her against the wall as his fingers dug into her hips and dragged themselves beneath her shirt.

no way, the breathless girl thought as the boy deepened the kiss, earning a light, unwanted gasp from the blonde. no way am i about to lose my virginity to lee fucking jeno.

aejung hated every moment of the interaction the second it started, but she had no idea what was to come. the kisses started getting rougher, and soon, the blonde began to feel sick to her stomach.

okay, too fast.

panic rose to her throat as she pressed her hands flat against the boy's sturdy chest. his hand found its way up to her bra. too fast, too fast!

"no," aejung whispered, voice rising as her eyes snapped open. "no. i don't want you." though jeno heard her bitter tone, it was as if the words floated right through his ears.

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