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Gabby smiled as she was getting dressed for her date with Edward. Bella had left with one thing on her mind, finding out what the Cullens are. The youngest heard the sound of a horn causing her to walk to her window and see Edward. Gabby shook her head with a smiled and walked out of her room. "Daddy! I'm gone!"

"Have fun." Charlie said.

The one thing Gabby didn't tell him was that she was going on a date. Her mom knew, but not her dad. Edward saw Gabby and knew he had to tell her. "Hi." She said smiling.

"Hi." He said. "Let's go."

Gabby nodded, but noticed he was acting strangely. "Edward..."

"What I have to say might make you change your mind about me." He said as he started pulling out.

Gabby looked at him wondering what he meant by that.
Edward stopped at a lake that wasn't too far from the picnic he had planned. They got out and walked towards the water. "Edward, you're worrying me." She tells him. "What did you mean that I would change my mind about you?"

"Gabby, you have no idea how dangerous I am." Edward started out. "The reason why I've been around you is because you are actually important to me." Gabby watched as Edward walked closer to the water. "I'm a vampire, Gabby."

Gabby looked at him with a smile. "Is that what's supposed to change my mind?" She asked as he nodded. "I'm not scared."

"You should be." He said.

Gabby caught on to what he was saying. "Edward, just because you're a vampire doesn't make you any less of a human."

"From the moment we bumped into each other on your first day, I knew that I had to know you, not as a mate, but as someone that I want to love." Edward tells her making her smile.

"Mate?" Gabby asked causing him to laugh as he guided her to the area he had everything set out. Gabby gasped as she saw the picnic. "Oh, Edward." She looked at him. "You didn't have to do this."

"I wanted to make it romantic." He said. "I have so much to explain..."

"Edward, take your time." She tells him. "We have all the time in the world to talk about your life."

Edward smiled as he couldn't believe that Gabby wasn't that worried about his story. The sat on the blanket and Edward started talking some about his life. Gabby ate the strawberries till Edward grabbed a strawberry. "Open up." He said as she blushed. "Come on, Gabby."

Gabby did as he asked and let him feed the strawberry to her. They laughed together as they shared a look. "I have never had a boyfriend or knew what it's like to fall in love, but I think I know now."

"Let's wait before we say those words." He tells her. "I don't want you to feel rushed."

Gabby smiled as she laid down and looked at the sky. Edward laid beside her causing her to put her head on his chest as they looked at the sky. "What else is there about vampires?"

"We sparkle in the sun and we don't eat or sleep." He tells her.

"One more question." She said as she felt him nod. "What do you drink?"


"Not human?"

Edward shook his head making her smile as he didn't want to hurt humans. He suddenly raised them up causing her to look at him. "I want to try something." Gabby nodded wondering what he was wanting to do. She watched as Edward started to lean in causing her to blush as this will be her first kiss. "Stay very still." Gabby nodded as she felt his lips touch hers.

Gabby put her arms around Edward's neck as they continued to kiss. Edward pulled away as he was afraid of what was about to happen. "Edward?"

"I'm sorry." He said. "It's just that...I find it hard to control myself around you."

"Is it my blood?"

Edward chuckled. "No, Gabby. Your blood doesn't affect me." He looked at her. "Gabby, it's our mate bond, plus it's you too."

"What about me?"

"You don't see how beautiful, carefree, and shy you can be." He tells her. "I try to ignore the mate bond, but it's like your appearance makes it harder to ignore."

Gabby blushed as she looked down. Edward had her look at him before he kissed her again. Gabby smiled as she kissed him hoping this date would never end.
When Edward dropped Gabby off, he kissed her bye, but he wasn't expecting to see Charlie walking up to them and cleared his throat. "Hi, daddy." Gabby said.

"Who is this?"

"Daddy, this is Edward."

Edward heard a mind that was pissed off with what they just saw, but it wasn't Charlie. It was Bella. "Nice to meet you, chief."

"Treat her right."

"I will, sir." Edward said as he looked at Gabby. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Gabby nodded as she walked in just to see the look on Bella's face. "Grow up." Was all Gabby said.

Edward heard her and tried his best not to laugh as he drove off. His mind was on their date and what could have happened if he didn't stop. The movie was wonderful. Everything about Gabby made the day amazing.
"How was it?"

"It was wonderful." Edward replies to Esme's question.

"How did she take it?" Carlisle asked.

"She wasn't scared." He said as he sat down. "Gabby didn't even ask much questions. She respected our business. So I told her about my life and that was it."

"She shouldn't have known." Rosalie said. "Gabby should be human and live a normal human life without knowing what we are and you went against that one rule."

Edward was trying to stay calm, but that wasn't working. "I already spoke to Carlisle about this. Gabby Swan is my mate and I have no choice to turn her when the time comes. She's not like that bitch of a sister she has. Bella is close to finding out and she doesn't know that Gabby already knows the truth." He tells them. "I have to keep Gabby safe from Bella."

No one said a word as he went upstairs with Gabby on his mind. Carlisle looked at Rosalie and sighed. "I know the reason behind your disapproval, but he finally has someone. Gabby is really sweet and she knows that something is bothering you, but she won't ask you questions." He said. "We all have to work together to help Edward keep Gabby safe from her sister."

They nodded, minus Rosalie. She still thought that Gabby should be human. She knows that once Gabby learns they can't have children, she would be in the same position as Rosalie. That's the one thing she doesn't want Gabby Swan going through. Heartache.

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