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Bella was furious when she discovered that Edward was in Forks all these months. Gabby didn't say a word about it and he sure the hell didn't go to her. What pissed her off more, Edward left to visit the rest of the Cullens. "Time to put my plan into action." She mumbled as she went to Gabby's room. "Gabby?"


"I was wondering if we can fix things between us. I've been a horrible sister." Bella said as she tried her best not to throw up.

Gabby was a little unsure about this. She slowly nodded not liking the idea of this "sister bonding." Bella smiled as she walked out as Gabby followed her.
Edward arrived where he's family was staying just to hear a gasp. He read Alice's mind and was shocked. "No." He mumbled as he left. His Gabby can't be dead. She couldn't be gone.

"What is it?"

"Bella just killed Gabby. No one tells Edward about this till I see for myself." Alice tells them as they nodded. She went to leave, but stopped as she saw Edward going to the Volturi to die. "Oh no." She mumbled as she left to see if her vision was true.
"Why are we up here?"

"Edward should have been mine. Yet, you somehow get him. All this time he was with you when he should have been there with me instead of making me feel depressed."

"No, that's on you." She tells her. "You acted like that thinking people will feel sorry for you, but they didn't. Edward could care less about you." Gabby sighed. "Why can't you just let me be?"

"Because I will get what I want."

Gabby went to run, but Bella grabbed her. "Let me go!" She said.

A wolf watched Bella push Gabby Swan over the cliff making him go after Gabby. Bella laughed as she walked away. "He is finally mine."

Gabby tried to swim back up before she started to fade away. She looked beside her as she could have sworn she saw Edward. Her eyes closed as she was grabbed and pulled out of the water. Jacob looked at her and sighed. "Come on, Gabby." He said as he started CPR.
Bella heard the phone ringing and answered it. "Hello?" She said and smiled as she heard Edward, but frowned as he asked for Charlie. "He is planning for a funeral." Bella couldn't believe he hung up. "He'll come home to me now." She said as she hung the phone up and ran upstairs.

Jacob drove Gabby home. "Are you okay?"

"No." She said as she grabbed her chest. "Somethings wrong with Edward. I can feel it."

Jacob didn't say a word as Gabby got of the car. She saw Alice and ran to her in tears. "You're alive?"

"Where's Edward?"

"He believes your dead. He went to kill himself."

Gabby gasped as she grabbed her chest. Alice caught her as she fell to her knees crying. "Alice, you have to get me there. Please." She tells her crying. "I-I can't lose him."

"Come on." Alice said as they stood up. "What is that stench?"

"I wouldn't be talking." Jacob said. "You need to get her to Edward right now."

Alice nodded as she ran with Gabby to the car. Jacob looked at the house and knew he needed to talk to Charlie. For Gabby's safety.
Gabby sat in the car as they drove through Italy. She didn't pay much attention to Alice as she wanted to be with Edward. She just hopes they get to him in time. "Alice?"


"Please tell me he will be okay?"

Alice grabbed Gabby's hand as they came to a stop. She smiled as this was Gabby's journey now. Gabby looked at Alice as she gave her the instructions on how to get to Edward causing Gabby to hug her best friend and get out of the car. "Gabby." She stopped and looked at her. "Tell him what you are actually feeling."

"I will."
Jacob saw Charlie and walked up to him. "Charlie." He turned and smiled. "Bella just tried to kill Gabby."

Charlie looked at Jacob shocked. "Where's Gabby?"

"She went to the Cullens house to hide there. She's scared."

Charlie shook his head. "I'll deal with Bella. Thank you, Jacob."

Jacob nodded as he walked away.
Gabby saw Edward. "Edward!" She cried out as she jumped in the fountain and ran.

Edward felt a body collide with his causing him to smile. "Heaven."

"Edward, no." Gabby said as she placed both hands on his face. "Please, baby. Look at me."

Edward looked and there she was. He backed into the building with Gabby. Instead of saying anything, Edward kissed her. Gabby kissed back as tears fell. He pulled away and wiped her tears. "You're here."

"Always will be."

Edward held Gabby close as she saw people in robes. "Aro wants to see you."

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