Carmen Sandiego

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Carmen - Ruby Rose (But will still be called Carmen)

Player - Weiss Schnee

Zach - Yang

Ivy - Blake

Gray - Mercury

Tigress - Cinder

Shadowsan - Qrow

Julia - Winter

Chase - Clover

"Alright, next world tells the story of the worlds greatest thief" Says Rex

"Really, Who?" asks Emerald

"A thief, really?" asks Ironwood

"Just watch, there's more to this world than you might think" says Rex

The screen shows a train zooming through the country as Mercury is heard saying "How did you ever wind up in crime school" before Ruby and him are shown inside the train.

"Wait me, I'm a thief?" asks Ruby

"Not a thief, the thief." says Rex

"Why is Ruby a criminal" asks Weiss

"Not like she hasn't committed a few crimes" whisper Oscar under his breath as no one but Rex heard him and mentaly agreed.

"Let the trailer play out"

Ruby responds "You want the whole story"

The screen shows a massive compound as a helicopter fly's towards it.

A woman is heard saying "Welcome to Vile training academy for thieves" 

It shows Ruby walking through a door to a group of desks before showing the woman who was talking

Ruby is shown Practice fighting with Mercury then the two of them plus Cinder and two other guys repelling down a wall as Qrow is heard saying "If you chose a path, of a professional thief, there will be no turning back"

"I'm in this two?" asks Qrow

"One of the members of the schools faculty, but secretly is planning to take down the school from the inside." explains Rex

"So a double agent like I already am." says Qrow

Ruby is shown in a bed relaxing as her eyes open in sync with a flash of lightning.

Mercury is heard saying "Your the finest criminal in our class" as Ruby is shown sneaking through a building.

Ruby is head talking "I relised stealing isn't a game, it does harm people" she says as Mercury is shown throwing a man to the ground before activating a device

Ruby shouts no as she tackles Mercury preventing him from from killing the man

"Go Ruby" says Yang

It cuts back to Ruby and Mercury on the train as Ruby says "Especially when your willing to steal lives"

The screen shows a figure running across a rooftop while Mercury asks "Who are you, Really?"

The screen reveals the figure to be Ruby wearing a sleek red coat a fedora as she says "You can call me Carmen"

"Carmen?" asks Yang

"In this world she never knew her real name, so when she left VILE she took the name Carmen Sandiego, the legendary thief." 

Ruby is shown in a Forrest tipping her hat before showing a bunch of landmarks as Ruby says "VILE is stealing from all over the world" 

Ruby is shown activating a COMM link as Weiss is heard saying "Hola ,Red"

"Was that me?" asks Weiss

"Yup, in this world you go by the code name Player and are one of the greatest white hat hackers in history." says Rex

"A hacker" says Winter

"A white hat hacker, they find breaches in cyber security and inform companies on how to fix it. She's Ruby secret weapon against Vile" 

The screen shows Ruby in a boat as she asks Weiss "Where we at Player"

A digital globe shows a marker as Weiss answers "Sunny Ecuador"

Ruby is show standing up in front of a sunset before showing her breaking into a place as she says "With luck, I'll secure any valuable artifacts Vile might exploit."

"And how exactly is she going to do that" asks Jaune

The Ruby on screen answers him. "Be stealing them"

The Ruby on screen is shown running across roof tops be fore Winter is show saying "What if Carmen Sandiego were a thief, who only steals from other thieves." It shows Ruby breaking into a place and bagging something.

"Wait, so thats what she does, she only steals from vile" says Ozpin

"And give most of the profits to charity, only keeping enough to continue their work."

Weiss is shown infront of a computer with a smirk as she says "Let's get this party stated" 

The screen shows Ruby fighting Cinder who is in a tiger themed jumpsuit.

"What's with the catsuit" asks Cinder

"To match your codename, Tigress"

Ruby is shown backflipping out of a jeep and then shown running across a roof

Clover is shown shouting "I order you to stop."

"Like that's ever worked" said Roman

Ruby stops running

"Wait, that actually worked?" Asks a shocked Emerald

"Wait for it."

"You didn't say for how long" says Ruby before jumping away

"Oh I am using that" says Roman.

Ruby is shown activating a glider before she's shown opening a door with Yang and Blake beside her.

"Wait, we're here too" asks Blake

"Yup, your the gadget maker while Yang is the getaway driver" says Rex

"Cool!" shouts Yang

Ruby is shown kicking someone before she's shown on a rooftop as Clover asks "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego"

"The tagline" whispers Rex

Ruby is shown activating a hidden grappling hook and shooting into the sky as the title card appears.


A map with a flight plan is shown and ruby saying "We're off to Indonesia"

The crew is shown in the jungle as Yang asks "Your wearing a coat, in this heat?"

Ruby responds by opening her coat to reveal a ton of gadgets and saying "A lady needs her tools"

"So, what did you think" says Rex

"I thought that was pretty cool" says Ruby

"Yeah, we're like Robin Hood, except instead of stealing from the rich we steal from the bad guys" says Yang

"To quote someone from the next world 'Let's take a walk on the dark side'"

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