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Quantico, Virginia-

"If that's not a guilty man, I'm not sure what is," Special Agent Sean Agular said, one hand on his hip, the other rubbing aggressively on his 3 days past the shave chin. His icy blue eyes were focused through the glass of the interrogation room, observing the man who sat inside; Deren Giles. Daren was smiling crazily, tapping his foot to music only he could hear in his own thoughts. Wanted for the kidnapping and dismembering of 4 women. The unit had finally caught him, but despite the suspicion, it was all circumstantial evidence. They needed a confession. 

"Even if he says he is guilty, he will easily get a plea of insanity," Chief Rike sighed, leaning his hands on the table beside Agent Agular, shaking his head. "I mean, we don't have a murder weapon, a motive, nothing!" He exclaimed, his voice rising in decibel with each word that left his mouth. The men stood silently, watching the man in the room that was inevitably going to get away with mass murder. 

The door to the interrogation room suddenly burst open, causing the two men to snap their heads up and eyes in that direction. "Hiya, Gilly!" The dark-haired woman exclaimed happily, her arms flying above her head. "I thought we were told not to go in there yet!" Agular exclaimed, widely looking at the chief. "We were," Rike agreed, nodding his head, though he tightened his lips, eyes never leaving the girl that over dramatically sat on the edge of the desk with Daren Giles. "Well wh-" Agular was shut up with a slap to the head, Rike pointing into the room as if to tell him to pay attention. Agular huffed, rubbing his head as he begrudgingly watched the room.

Daren seemed to snap out of his daze, looking at the women sitting very close to him. He seemed shocked, very taken off guard. Though it faded quickly, the demeanor he had prior to coming back as he smiled a little too wide. "I'm not saying nothin'," He cackled, bouncing in his seat. The woman smiled back, eyebrows raising. "Oh, dear, I don't care!" She stated, leaning in closer. Daren's bouncing slowed, his fist beginning to tighten and clench, his smile slowly twitching down at the edges. "I'm Nyx", the woman greeted, though was given no response. She didn't expect one anyway. Her eyes watched his face closely, traveling around his shoulders and down his body, observing every tick and inch of skin. Daren shifted in his seat, it squeaking a bit as he sat up. 

'Making himself bigger' Nyx noted to herself.

"Why you looking at me like that?" Daren seethed, bucking his face toward Nyx, though she did not move away. She didn't even blink as her eyes met his again. A cunning smile fell upon Nyx's lips, her fingers tapping on the table before she stood and started walking around Daren. "You were abused as a child. Around the age of 10...11 perhaps." She said. It wasn't a question for the man in the room with her it was a statement. Daren could have broken his neck with how fast his head snapped in her direction, following her slow and methodical movement around the room. "What the hell are you talking about?!" He seethed.

'Crazed lunatic act? Gone'

"Oh, so I'm right? How bad did it hurt?'' Nyx asked, though there was no genuine concern, playing with the sleeve of her jacket as her eyes stayed locked on Daren. His mouth opened to speak, the vein beginning to protrude out of the side of his neck. Before he could speak, Nyx stepped forward, getting into his face, as close as you can to a human without physical contact. 

"Your mother abused you. Horribly. You have multiple scars on your face that though to most are faded too much to see, you and I see clear as day. You play the psycho act when really you resort to acting like a child. Your mother treated you like gold while you were a child. Once you were old enough to lift, she put you to work; punishing you when you didn't do it right. Nothing was ever right. You were never enough. You despised your mother, yet you were never able to do anything about it. So you kill women who have young sons. Sons that you think you are protecting." Nyx's voice was slow, menacing, calculated. There were no stutters. No slip-ups. "Your stomach churned, your posture reeked of compensation, and your dignity was burned when I walked into the room. How dare a woman to sit before you!" She yelled the last part, her voice laced with venom, a twinkle in her eyes. 

Daren's face had shifted through every single emotion during the time of Nyx speaking, finally lading on one. Hate. "Th-those women were going to ruin them boys!" He screamed back, tears beginning to fill his eyes, his confined hands banging on the metal table. "They had them in brain chains! They were never going to let them live the life they wanted! You all are the sa-ame!" His voice cracked, filled with emotion. Though, Nyx simply smiled. 

"I cut 'em up. Dumped them around the national park. Fed 'em to the animals. Saving those boys a life a torment." Daren's voice held so much anger, yet also pride. He was proud of what he had done. 

The room was silent when suddenly Nyx began to laugh. Daren's head shot up in shock, his mouth agape as he stared at the woman. "You laughing at me?" he whispered, beginning to shake his head. Nyx stood up, fixing her jacket as she nodded her head. "You, Daren Giles, will rot in hell." She stood with her back to the glass Agular and Rike were looking through.

Darren's face suddenly went blank, staring straight into Nyx's eyes. In a matter of seconds, he began to scream, flinging himself off the chair and hiding under the table, as far away from the woman in front of him. "What the-" Agular whispered, quickly bolting out of the small room and to the interrogation room door. But it flung open before he could put his hand on it, Nyx walking out with a smile. "He's all yours, Seany" She laughed, walking away as she pulled a piece of candy out of her pocket.

Sean looked into the interrogation room slowly, standing still as he stared at the man.


"Really? Daren Giles pisses his pants and I get fired?" Nyx groaned, her leg tossed over the side of the leather seat in Chief Rike's office, bitting into a Twizzler. Rike rolled his eyes, tossing a pen at her foot to have her get it down. She did, not before rolling her eyes. "You're being transferred, not fired." Chief Rike corrected, filling some paper into a binder, stamping, and signing. "Okay, so where am I getting fired to?" Nyx asked, standing up and walking over the Chief's bookshelf, scrunching her face as she looked at some of the books. Really? To Kill a Mockingbird?

Rike thought about correcting her again, but if he's learned anything within the 4 years of working with Nyx, it was pointless. "L.A.P.D" He answered simply, sitting the pen in his large hand aside. Nyx slowly spun on her boot heel, her eyes twinkling to match the smirk on her lips. Her mouth opened before getting cut off. "Yes, every time you mess up it will be reported to me" he answered, not even sparing the dark-haired girl a glance. Nyx pouted, going and sitting on the edge of Rike's desk. "Not what I was going to say! When do I ever fuc-'' The brown eyes that shot a warning glare her way made Nyx stop short, sending a sarcastic smile back. "When do I ever mess up?" She corrected, patting the man on the back. "Come on, C! I'm going to L.A! This is the best 'get the hell out of dodge' ever!" She laughed, tossing the rest of the Twizzler in her mouth before grabbing the binder out of Rike's hands. Rike rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips no matter how hard he tried to hide it. "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about!" He laughed, his tough F.B.I Cheif persona falling. "You leave tonight. We have an apartment set up and paid for you, as well as the address of new employment. If you need any help, you know the line to call." 

Nyx smiled, though it did hold some sad emotion behind it. She had loved working for the F.B.I, but she was never one to turn down a new adventure. She sat the binder down before pulling the large man up by his hand before crushing him in a hug. Her head rest mid-chest, it rumbling as Rike chuckled softly. "Gonna miss you, Big Guy" Nyx whispered, feeling the large arms around her tighten. "So will I, Munch. So will I"

------------------------------------------AUTHOR NOTE------------------------------------------------------

Uh...page 1! So just a quick back story for Nyx Hendrix before she's off to the our favs! This book will kinda follow the show, kinda not. Im just running with it lol

Let me know what you think!

Also, all characters from the show will look like themselves, and the idea I had for what Nyx looked like was young Megan Fox...hehe.

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