bias (requested)

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"Thank you all for helping me finish packing." You said to the girls as they busied themselves around your apartment, trying to pack up the rest of your things so you could finally move into the house you and Sana got together.

It's the first house you and Sana bought and it's so cute and so spacious that it might be the only one you buy.

Sana's already packed up a lot of her things and she's basically ready to move in. But you've been busy and haven't found the time to pack everything up.

You've got a lot of stuff and can't bear to part with a lot of it.

Because Sana is tired of waiting on you to be ready and the girls are tired of her constantly talking about just wanting to move in there with you, they came to help.

"No problem, y/n. We're happy to help." Dahyun smiled as she went through your desk and packed it all up for you.

Mina was in your closet, handing things to Nayeon who was neatly folding and packing all your boxes for you.

Sana was helping with whatever she could while the other girls were around your apartment, packing things in your kitchen and living room.

"Wait, there's a box in your closet, y/n. Do you want us to go through it? Or did you pack it just recently?" Mina asked.

Your eyes went wide and you suddenly dropped the books in your hand that you were taking off of your shelves, putting them into the box that Sana was holding for you.

"It's not taped up. Do you want us to go through it for you?"

Mina was about to pull the box out and hand it over to Nayeon so they could go through it for you. But you knew what was inside and you didn't want them to know about it.

"No! No, it's okay! Don't worry about it!"

The girls seemed to freeze over your almost frantic tone. They all gazed at each other and you in confusion.

"Babe? What's in the box?" Sana asked as she set the box of books onto the floor, her hands on her hips as she stared at you.

"Nothing. Just sentimental things. Momentos and important things from my family." You fibbed but thought you just might be able to get away with it.

"She's lying!" Nayeon said and you and Sana both looked over to where she was at.

She sat on the floor with Mina and Dahyun and the other girls, who heard everything, became curious, and came into your room.

"So what's in the box then?" Sana asked Nayeon.

You watched as the girls all shared looks of surprise with each other.

"What?" Sana asked, her voice a little louder and clearly full of frustration.

"Sana, you said y/n was a fan when you got together. Did you ever ask her who it was?" Jeongyeon asked as she smirked to herself.

"Yeah. She said it was me." Sana said as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"She lied."

"Guys," you whined.

"Well, then who was it?" Sana asked and watched as Jihyo raised her hand.


Sana gasped and stormed over to where the girls were gathered. She sat down and began to go through the box.

It was a big box full of Jihyo things, such as photocards, posters, notebooks, bracelets, hoodies, and even face masks with her initials and birthday.

"You lied," Sana said as she stared over at you, pouting to herself.

"I'm sorry."

She pouted and sulked all the way to your bed, where she sat down with her head hung.

"No, Sana, don't be sad!"

"But you lied to me." She mumbled in sadness.

"Because I didn't want to make you feel bad." You sighed as you sat down beside her.

"That night you took me on our third date at the beach. I could see the hopeful look in your eyes when you asked me who my bias was. I didn't have the heart to tell you that it wasn't you."

"I get that." She mumbled.

"If it makes you feel better, I swear I wasn't a solo fan or anything like that. I have a box full of merch of the group, like CDs and random photocards I got over the years, along with other merch, packed back in the closet. I've always known TWICE is nine members and it wouldn't be the same if even one member was gone. Besides, you always had a special spot in my heart." You smiled at Sana, whose eyes lit up as she listened.

"I'm happy to hear that." She said and the girls chimed in, agreeing with you that TWICE is nine and only nine.

"I'm sorry that I lied. I should've been honest. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"I understand. In fact, it's kinda sweet that you did that." She smiled as she held your hand.

"So you're not upset with me anymore?"

"No. I'm your bias now, right?" She grinned.

"Oh, uh... okay." You said and shrugged your shoulders and then watched her eyebrows furrow.

"I'm kidding!" You laughed. " Of course, you're my bias now, Sana. You have been for a while. I love you very much."

She rolled her eyes playfully before pulling you in for a hug, rubbing your back as she held you tight for a moment before letting you go so you could finish packing and move into your shared home in the morning.

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